HELLO EVERYONE, Since the 2011 Tour Review Thread is not playing nice and throwing us all back to the beginning lately, Gail asked if I would go ahead and start the 2012 thread. So here it is.. We can all share our excitement for Michael's upcoming touring and events in 2012 and chat and have fun here till the shows start in 2012.

Everyone is welcome to post and share their stories and pictures, videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2012 starting so far with some shows the end of January.  There could be other events sooner too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert, feel free to share your experience here.  I hope to have a review after the Chester, PA show on January 28th along with some other fans that have gotten tickets for that show and  the Atlantic City, NJ show on January 27th as well!  After that there are shows in Australia so far listed for 2012.  Following those shows we have the Concert for MBC and Traveler's Golf Event in June, 2012 and later on the MBC Gala in Sept.. We already have some exciting events to look forward to next year and I know there will be much more to come.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum.. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as before.


Welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)


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The next stop on MB's tour in Australia is  at the Melbourne Regent Theatre in  Melbourne AUSTRALIA on April 27th.


As always anyone attending, feel free to share your fun times here aftwards!! Enjoy!!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

Below is a link to a review of the Adelaide Concert published in the entertainment section of Radio Cruise 1323 and it has been placed on FB and I thought I would bring over here for those not on FB to see - enjoy !! :)




Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, your link takes me into FB sweetie, I don't have access, sorry. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Sorry about that Sylvie.....what I will do is copy and paste it over to the "Tidbits from Australia" thread as it is too long to put on here but as that thread will be finishing soon it can go on there for anyone that has difficulty accessing...okay ???? :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Woops, just saw this Sylvia!  I already posted it here!! Hope that is OK even though it is  bit long.


At first I couldn't get over to your review link. It was a Facebook link. Then I figured it out. I decided to copy/paste the entire interview over so everyone could read it. Thanks for bringing it here. Now I must admit when I read the first paragraph I wasn't going to bother to read the rest, but what I like here is the fact that the writer really changed his mind about MB and tells you why. I am bothered by what he does say in the beginning about being pompous and not signing some fan's program. I have never heard or read anything like that about him from the old days or now.
I would love to see that Letterman episode! I searched and can't find it online anywhere. I did find another comment about it and the person said it brought David Letterman to tears!
The review of the Adelaide show is wonderful! And coming from someone who is not fan, went there expecting to not like the show makes it even better.

Friday, April 20, 2012 11:11 AM

In the spirit of full disclosure it must be said that Michael Bolton and I have had our issues in the past. When he was super popular in the 1980's and 90's he was the antithesis of anything I considered good in music. I found him to be pompous, overblown and over rated and could not for the life of me work out why he was more popular than The Smiths or Pulp. Then there was an incident I witnessed when he toured in the 90's and stayed at the same hotel as Depeche Mode involving Dave Gahan having an argument with Bolton and his minders because MB wouldn't sign a poor lady's programme. And then there was the hair.

However there have been four things happen since that have made e put a few ticks in the Yes Bolton column in my ledger of rock.

1) Some years back I was watching Letterman on TV and he introduced Luciano Pavarotti and Michael Bolton duetting on Pav's signature aria Nessun Dorma. This, I thought, should be hilarious. I mean he's Pavarotti, and Michael Bolton is well...Michael Bolton. Bolton DESTROYED Pavarotti, simply and un-arguably sang him under the table. His voice was astounding and the performance was spellbinding.

2) Last year he showed he had a great sense of humour by recording the hysterical Jack Sparrow with the Lonely Island comedy rock band. The video of which saw him kissing seagulls and being dressed as Johnny Depp, Forrest Gump, Scarface, and most disturbingly Erin Brockovich:

3) And lastly - he cut that hair!

The Festival Theatre is packed to the brim with Bolt-Heads (I swear this is what his fans are called) and the presence of the excellent Adelaide Symphony Orchestra mean we can expect a lush sound this evening. As the band and Orchestra vamps on Soul Provider, Bolton arrives on stage to a rapturous welcome. He is very charismatic and works the stage. In between songs he fields people yelling out well wishes like a stand up comedian. "We have people strategically placed around the auditorium to shout things during the show." he deadpans. His voice is absolute dynamite, strong and powerful and perfect for the sort of power ballads that made him the King of that oeuvre in the 80's. He does a great version of the Bee Gees To Love Somebody, before doing a stripped back rendition of his 1993 hit Said I Loved You...But I Lied. You Don't Know Me from the Vintage album has people behind me coo-ing and ahh-ing all the way through. He introduced one of his many special guests to the stage and it home grown rock guitar chick Orianthi. He namechecks her mum and her dad, her sister, in fact her whole family, which impresses everybody. They crank up the volume for a smouldering Sweet Home Chicago, with Michael and Orianthi trading blues licks at the front of the stage. They are powering along and Bolton's saxophone player and backing singer/clarinet/trumpet player are wailing away. However there is a full horn section sitting at the rear of the stage doing nothing and it could have been cranked up to a whole new level by utilizing them. It is often a problem when a 'rock' band does stuff with an orchestra, getting the balance right. You don't want to over use a symphony orchestra, but the opposite is also true.

The band and ASO do They Can't Take That Away From Me while Michael goes off for a change of clothing for the Swing section of the show. In 2006 he released the Bolton Swings Sinatra album and his voice really suits the style. Fly Me To The Moon is excellent, and he introduces guest vocalist Kelly Levesque to duet on the next few numbers. A great take of Over The Rainbow and his massive hit How Am I Supposed to Live Without You lead to the classic David Foster song The Prayer.

He tells a lovely story about working with Luciano Pavarotti and dedicates Nessun Dorma to "The Greatest Tenor the world has ever known". It is a show stopper. His delivery and the grandeur of the Orchestra is spine-tingling. Incredible. He has probably earned a little break so he excuses himself while the stunning Ms Levesque does a medley of songs Michael has hits with for other people. We're Not Making Love Anymore, I Found Someone and Forever where hits for Barbra Streisand, Cher and Kiss respectively. As a long time Kiss fan I would have preferred Bolton to sing Forever himself, but it was still pretty great. He returns to the stage to introduce his saxophone player Michael Lington to play his top ten jazz hit You and I. It's pretty good in a 1980's saxophone player way, and I did wonder if there is a dorm hose in LA somewhere full of tight shiny suit wearing sax men sitting around waiting for Bolton or Sade to announce a tour.

The band starts playing When A Man Loves a Woman and Bolton appears out in the crowd belting out the soul classic only centimetres from the fans, who are all desperately whipping out their camera phones to snap their hero. Back on stage and straight into How Can We Be Lovers. Even I have to grudgingly admit this is a pretty good song, although I'm sure there would be plenty of chaps willing to explain to Michael exactly how you can actually be lovers without being friends, but there is no time for that now. He finishes the set with two songs from 1991, Steel Bars and Time, Love & Tenderness.

There is little doubt he will return (bit obvious when the orchestra doesn't budge), and when he does it's to perform an impressive Go The Distance from Disney's animated Hercules movie. They finish with a powerful version of U2's anthem Pride (In The Name Love). Everybody is back on stage, Orianthi, Kelly and it's sounding great. There are however 60 members of the ASO sitting round doing nothing. While Bolton with his band do sound epic I was longing for the orchestra to kick in and make it the super epic it could have been. The slight under use of the ASO aside, Michael Bolton turned on a fantastically entertaining night and truly deserved the several standing ovations he received throughout the night.

So I think Mr Bolton and I are all cool now. Unless he regrows the mullet again, then we'll have to re-access.

(Review by Ian Bell)

Thanks for putting on here Joy and as you say you just spotted my post....can I ask if you got notification of it.....for over last little while I have been having a lot of trouble with notifications i.e. not getting notified and I know too that Sylvie never got notification of what I had put over in the "Tidbits from Australia" thread so, as far as I am concerned, great that you have brought over as maybe a lot of other people don't know what I have put in other thread because they are not getting notifications and not realizing ....I am getting some very late like yesterday I got whole load for Monday and today, Saturday, I am getting ones from Tuesday and Wednesday....as I have said I don't know if my e-mail system or website creating problem but as Sylvie has had a little bit too makes you wonder !!! :)   Anybody else having problems ???


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Syvia, I don't think it is your e-mail system, I have the same "problem". Yesterday posts from Monday and today posts from Tuesday and Wednesday ... very strange!

Have a great weekend.

Groetjes from a cold and rainy Holland :-(

Nicolette xx

Hi Nicolette, thanks for letting us know you're having the same problem. I've let Gail know and gave her proof so I'm sure she's on the ball and relaying the info to the web people. Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D

yeah...I'm at a loss.  I've written to the ning people to see if they know what's happening.  If they respond I'll definitely, let you know.

Thanks Gail, it's happening to me too, weird!!!!  Thanks again for checking it out.

All of the sudden the site went wacky or something with the old email alerts!!

Robin in MD :)

Hi ladies....I just returned from a mini vacation and I thought I was once again losing my mind when posts appeared again after I had just read them!!! Thought I had forgot to delete them!! But they are actually repeat posts. Thanks for mentioning ladies :) And thanks Gail for trying to resolve the issue!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob


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