A thread where all charitable events Michael is involved in 2016 can be reported.   They can range from MBC involvement to golf competitions to his other charitable work he will no doubt do throughout the year.  

Firstly to be reported is wonderful news concerning the Michael Bolton Charities and their new projects they have announced.  Here is link which gives insight to two Music Therapy programmes they are starting with one being at the Clifford Beers Clinic which is the charity dear to the heart of Michael's late beloved mother, Helen with other being at BH Care-Umbrella Centre for Domestic Violence with both being located in New Haven, CT.


They are also launching a programme to start a Family Justice Centre in New Haven.

Both projects are detailed in this poster issued by MBC.

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Pic of Michael, shared by Patrick English, grabbing a coffee (???) at today's Joe Torre annual Golf and Tennis Classic.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Another great pic of Michael at today's golf event and it comes courtesy of Mike Bennett, who Michael is pictured with and in tweet Mike Bennett has said to Michael to enjoy his book and he can't wait for release of MB's CD (neither can we !!!).  Michael is holding a copy of the book which is called "Don't Pay The Ransom, I've Escaped"  Maybe Michael could read that one on his flight to Sweden !!! LOL

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Believe this may be last pic of Michael at golf event as the cocktail hour is now underway.  This one comes courtesy of Frank Longobardi and it shows Michael with Frank (right of MB) and Chuck Ludmer (left of MB) and Michael has both thumbs raised. Sorry, but do not know who fourth gentlemen is.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Thanks for the great pics Sylvia !!!

Happy weekend - BG

Thanks for all pic descriptions Sylvia, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

As a follow on from the golf here is link into page Michael Bolton Charities has created giving greater details of the Intimate Evening Under The Stars with Michael Bolton which will be held in Bridgehampton, New York on 20th August and which shows that Joe and Ali Torre, Founders of the Joe Torre Safe At Home Foundation, are the recipients of the Michael Bolton Charities Lifetime Award  for 2016.  The event starts at 6.30 with private sponsor reception until 7.30 when dinner will be served and there then will be a silent and live auctions, dancing and Award Presentation and then at 9.00 Michael will take to the stage.


This is also the notification that the MBC has sent out to Members giving them opportunity to buy tickets.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Article on the upcoming Michael Bolton Charities fundraising event on 20th August at Bridgehampton, New York  published by Hamptons.com


Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Thanks for the article Sylvia, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

A few pics from last night's MBC event at Bridgehampton, NY and first pic shows Michael with Lawrence Scott from Lawrence Scott Events who were the organizers for the complete layout.  Second shows Lawrence with Joe Torre who, along with his wife Ali, received the Michael Bolton Charities Lifetime Achievement Award.  Third pic comes courtesy of Elizabeth Taylor and shows her and her husband with Michael and last montage comes courtesy of Mutt Media and shows Donna who owns Mutt Media with Michael as well as one of her with Joe Torre. 

Sylvia  Your wee Scottish friend


Further link into set of pics from the event from Getty Images


Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Super article on MBC's fundraising event at Bridgehampton, New York, on 20th August.  MBC shared this article on their FB page.


Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Thanks a lot for the article Sylvia, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D


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