Hey Gang,


I was wondering about a few things.....


Michael mentioned about his mom and daughters on DWTS that they live in Connecticut, was he born and raised there?  Does he also live there?  Does he have brothers and/or sisters?  Besides the Guitar, does he play any other instrument?






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Hi Helena,


Is that what you think it is - poking me till I'm bruised all over - that's FUN !!!!!!!!      I'm telling "mum" on you. !!!!!!!!    lol.


Know exactly what you mean about trying to listen to music and read - pretty difficult ..... did you enjoy the book because I haven't got and was considering buying so your thoughts on it would be much appreciated! 


I appreciate too, your last comment, HUH, have you told "mum" what you got up to yesterday on Facebook ....... no......thought not .......so she doesn't know that her and Orrin are meeting Michael and I for a round of golf..........wait till she finds out...........hehehehehehahahahaha !!!!


Sylvia.    Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi again Helena,


On something you asked a little while ago about Michael's daughters and if they were married and Sylvie said about Isa having got married....there is a picture in the gallery of Michael and Isa at her wedding - it is called "wedding 2" - although, sadly, marriage didn't last!


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish (still bruised) friend.

Hey girls, we'll have none of that poking any more: now shake hands! :D Oh Helena, I don't know how you can even attempt at listening to Michael and doing anything else that requires brain function... I've tried being on the computer and listening to him and it was as if he were right behind me, looking over my shoulder... Can't do it! Out of curiosity Helena, is that the Lee Randall book? That's another one on my reading pile  waiting for a volunteer. Sylvia, just let me know about where and when, I always wanted to play golf! Of course, I'll have to ask Michael for a couple of lessons though... :D Keep us posted on your opinions Helena, take care girls. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvie,


She poked me again this morning - so I poked her right back - hehehaha !!!  Sylvie, Helena is picking the golf course- she says there are two near her - one is near or on the beach - bet Michael would like that - and I am sure he will give you lessons - no problem!  Only thing is you don't want to use his balls because he got a present of golf balls - from someone - and on each ball is written "I've found one of Michael Bolton's balls".....so, needless to say, he keeps losing them....people find them....end up telling everyone... .they've found Michael Bolton's balls - he thinks it is just hysterical !!!!!!!!!    LOL.   Think Helena must still be either listening to her CD, reading her book or maybe she is still having her manicure done !!!   lol.


Completely and utterly nothing to do with anything here - one of my cats was at the vets today -  had to have an op,. on her teeth - anaesthetic still hasn't worn off - she has just fallen off a seat  and she is sitting on the floor totally bewildered as to what happened - she is staggering about - OMG she looks as though she has been at my ouzo .... need to go....need to go and cuddle her !


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi girls,


No... I'm right here!!  I decided to paint my own nails and go to the manicurist another day.  I painted them "Bolting Blue"....should be "Bolton Blue" instead....LOL!!!! 


It's true, there is a gold course near my house, and another one near the shopping mall that I go to.  The one near me has a beautiful view of the water and the Verazanno Bridge.  I would love to have one of those golf balls with Michael's name on it.....LOL!!!!  He should sell those at the concerts or on this web site someday, if they will ever sell Merchandise here....hint....hint!!!  


Yes, this book is by Lee Randall and it's a quick read!  Lots of nice pictures and general info on Michael's career.  It was good for me, since I did not really follow Michael over the years.  I'm glad that this book is in better condition than the other one I bought, with a few pages ready to fall out.  The other book was a used copy from the Library, but I don't mind having it like that.  This one is a new issue.  I didn't realize that Michael parent's divorce when he was 10 years old.  Maybe someone mentioned it, and I forgot....who knows.  Anyway, it's worth getting and I enjoyed reading it and the other book too!!


Sylvia, I'm sorry you cat is not well.  Give her a hug for me.....xxx....



Hi Helena,


Think bye the sounds of things I will maybe just get that book - I didn't know either that Michael's parents had divorced ...it's those adults Helena they are protecting us from the truth - in case it hurts too much!   lol.


Thanks Helena but little cat, Jill, is okay now - still falling about a little bit - it was gingivitis she had so had to get her teeth all cleaned and vet wasn't sure if some teeth might have had to come out...not this time...but couple to keep eye on...you could tell it was getting more and more painful for her so at least she will be free of that....I have just to get money to pay bloody vet bill now !!!!!!   lol.


Golf courses do sound good - yeh I wouldn't mind one of those balls either !!!!!  Wonder if he ever kept any ????


Speak to you soon.   Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

P.S.  Have you seen pictures over in Facebook from Key Largo that Michael sent in - main one of him with Amelia is in Home section here.


Hi Syliva,


Glad to hear Jill is better.  Oh yes, vet bills are not cheap!!  My mother's friend has 3 or 4 cats (can't remember), and she tells my mom even buying the food and litter is costly!!


Yes, I did see the facebook pictures yesterday....really nice!  Can't get facebook here at the office since they blocked it from us....so I go on it when I'm home.


You should get the book, it's really worth reading and having in your collection!!  :)


Speak to you later Alligator!



Oh, I was just looking at the tour dates and Michael is having a concert on my birthday....but' it's in British Columbia!!  How dare he not have the concert here in New York for my birthday!!  LOL!!!!  So, Sylvie....is BC anywhere near you?  Would be nice if you were going!!!!  Looks like for his birthday, he has nothing scheduled.. so he may do something nice with his family.  Maybe we should charter a bus and all head up to Connecticut for Michael's birthday.....who's with me?!?!?



Hi Helena,


I'm following you again - and I forgot to buy that pair of track shoes so that I could catch up........do you want to give Michael heart failure....you know, a shock like that, seeing all of us getting off of a bus would not be good for a man of his age but, I'll tell you what, it is a damn good idea - if we could be sure he would be at home....I'd be all for it.....but hey, I'll need to work out how long it would take me to swim across the pond and then you would need to give me directions for Brooklyn because I guess that is where we would be picking up the bus - right outside your door - no problem I'll be there as long as you could spare a towel for me to dry off !!!!!!!!!!!  lol.


Sylvia.    Your wee Scottish friend.

Thanks Juliet for answering Helena's question. Yeah, I'm in a subburb of Montreal. I was skimming over the dates that were posted on Ticketmaster earlier and the page said Michael had 3 dates outside the U.S., guess where? It's always BC or Ontario. Well, at least, for once, it's not Rama Ontario: it's about 2 hours closer so maybe there's still hope! As for the bus to CT Helena, I guess I'll need to dust off my snnowshoes to Brooklyn, just point me in the right direction! :D Take care sweetie and thanks again Juliet. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

P.S.: BC is about a 3 day bus ride from here, but 3 days straight. My sister has a friend in BC who visits once in a while, that's how I know.

Well, I thought you girls come the NYC for a vacation and then we hop on a bus to CT.  It was a nice idea, anyway....LOL!!!  Don't worry Sylvia, I have plenty of towels!!  And Sylive, hope Michael comes to your neck of the woods this year too.....looks like we both have to be patient!!




OK.....so I finally listened to the CD "The One Thing", only for the second time.....as I told Sylvie...be patient with me...LOL!!!


Anyway....I really liked the songs on this CD.  Said I Loved you.....I've heard before and it's on the Greatest Hits CD.  The songs that I liked the most is The One Thing, Completly, In the Arms of Love and Lean on Me.  When I get to the other CD, will let you all know....  I've been going back and fourth with different CD's and sometimes I don't listen to them, I may watch TV or be busy with something else.  Still have my mind on getting the second Timeless Classics...but will wait a bit till I enjoy what I have at home.  Few days ago I listened to One world One Love...and want to hear that again this week!! 

That's it for now.....




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