With all the concerts coming up and the lovely, wonderful photographs that have been taken, I thought it might be pertinant to advise people on adding a copyright/ watermark to their images.


I know we all want to share the photographs that we have so lovingly taken of Michael and the band, but if somebody steals your photographs and claims them as their own, it is neither correct nor is it friendly.


Some of us have already experienced this happening to us and to be quite honest, it sucks!!



Here is a link showing how to add copyright text using Micrsoft paint.


Here is a link to show how to do it with Adobe photo shop elements.



And here is how to do it with Paint shop pro.



I hope these links help.

Love Jennifer XXX

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Thanks for this Jenn ,It is so sad to think that you cannot share without people taking them and calling them their own.xx
Juliet, sweetie, you are free to use my photos with my blessing babe, no worries.

Love jennifer XXX
Thank you Janniche for saying this, this was the whole reason why we shared the photographs so that fans who couldnt get to the concerts, could have great photographs to look at and use on their ipods and as wallpapers etc....

I really appreciate your comments and your honesty on something we have probably all done with images that we like.

Love Jennifer XXXX
I have no problem with a Bolton fan keeping a photo of mine but I do mind if they try to sell it or something with my photo and claim it's theirs, like I caught someone doing on Ebay a few years ago. I contacted the person and she pulled the item.. Then I have a problem!!!!!
Thanks Jen! I can't believe that people would do that! I never even heard of such a thing! Its really sad..


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