Special Event Celebrating Orrin Bolton's New Album!!!

You can help support Orrin, MIchael's brother, by attending this event which celebrates the release of his long-awaited CD "Liv'n Like A Man." Orrin and some very select musicians will perform songs from the new album. This will be his first performance in a long time...and, his only performance in the Northeast. The event will take place at Daniel Street Club on December 29th beginning at 7 p.m. It's an early evening show, so you can enjoy dinner (special ticket offer) across the street at Stonebridge before attending the show. For more info, click on the link below and scroll to the bottom of the page.







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Hi Anna,


Thanks Anna - that is another one I get out on Facebook !!!  lol.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Anna, thanks for posting this sweetie! I love that I was right thinking OB would put more videos up! Love the interview and love to hear him sing live, thanks again! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvie,


Here's the direct link to Orrin's Rocknhood Channel on YouTube. If you're registered on YouTube, you can "subscribe" to it and select the option to receive e-mail notifications when new videos are posted.


All the best,


Hi Anna, thank you very much for the attention sweetie. No I'm not registered on Youtube, although I visit it very often. I know how to find it sweetheart. Our wee friend keeps me posted on new videos, I'm guessing either she subscribes to his channel or gets those from good old Facebook. I posted the request to OB on his site, because I thought it would be a good idea, that's all. Just like MB has all his affiliated links on here. But I'm glad you put it here so anyone interested to check him out can do it directly! :DTake care and thanks again Anna. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

I've been posting them on Facebook. Your suggestion on Orrin's website was a good idea. So,  I also set up a new topic on Orrin's website with the Rocknhood Channel link.

Anna :o)

Hi Sylvie and Anna,


Who has just subscribed to the Rocknhood Channel on YouTube - the wee one !!!!


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend

Me too wee one!!!! 


I haven't been on YouTube for some time...but will go back more often now......my old friend Marilyn is back on it and looking forward to see how he is doing.  I read something disturbing on his channel.....hope he is ok. 



Hi Helena,

Can you please e-mail me what you read because I can't find anything on the Rocknhood Channel. Orrin is doing just fine.



I just read the comments on the videos and saw nothing! You can't just write saw something disturbing and leave it at that! THAT is disturbing given that his brother and others who know him read this page and might not have spoken to him today! Think before you type something so irresponsible next time!
Cat ,I cant find what you mean.Will you post the link .xx
Looking at the Rocknhood Channel site where Anna was sending all of us, I don't see anything upsetting...maybe we are not on the same wave length here.  I do think if any of you see anything posted on this forum or on Michael or Orrin's facebook pages maybe it would be best to send your concerns to Anna for Orrin and me for Michael rather than posting here first.  That way if it turns out to be nothing no one has gotten upset and if it is something we can take care of it with whomever needs to know.  Thanks, Gail

Thanks, Gail. I just checked the Rocknhood Channel and Orrin's website and didn't see anything upsetting either.


Anna :-)


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