Special Event Celebrating Orrin Bolton's New Album!!!

You can help support Orrin, MIchael's brother, by attending this event which celebrates the release of his long-awaited CD "Liv'n Like A Man." Orrin and some very select musicians will perform songs from the new album. This will be his first performance in a long time...and, his only performance in the Northeast. The event will take place at Daniel Street Club on December 29th beginning at 7 p.m. It's an early evening show, so you can enjoy dinner (special ticket offer) across the street at Stonebridge before attending the show. For more info, click on the link below and scroll to the bottom of the page.







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cheers. I'll give all 3 ago it could be mobile site issue.

Another option is to manually copy & paste the link into your web browser.




Hope this works for you.

Last option might be this link...





I am really loving these videos from Orrin. He has such a distinctive voise, really creamy, smooth and tender.


Blimey, I think I'm in love!! *sigh*


Thanks for telling us about all of these wonderful videos Anna.


Love Jennifer XX

Hi Jennifer,


Where you been girl - I was putting out those videos about everyday on Facebook....I stopped with everyday and cut it down just a wee, wee bit because I didn't want to bore people....I'm stepping my campaign back up again if it is not reaching the multitude - SUPPORT ORRIN BOLTON ....!!  lol.   When I think about it did you not see my plug yesterday - I had both out simultaneously and, I can assure you that ain't an easy thing to achieve on Facebook, tried it before and it has never worked....big brother was doing a promotion for little brother's concert last night - och that was a pity you missed it !!!  :)


On Orrin's voice - yeh, go man go and I hope too, just like "little brother" that "big brother" is, maybe, working on a new album or, at least, in the process of thinking about ??? 


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend. 

Hi Sylvia, that’s really great that you’re campaigning for Orrin: I always love going on your profile page and hearing him. I’m sure your Facebook thing is great! As far as Orrin’s next album goes, well give him time to enjoy the fruit of the labor of this one girl! :D I just loved his TV appearance, he was just so cool… And Jen, I don’t know about creamy, but I love the richness of OB’s voice…  I do know he has “half baked songs” as he calls them, but they have been baking for a while. He’s  told me he’s had a successful trip to Nashville a few months back, but I haven’t heard anything about it since. I hope he did have help with his songs. I guess sometimes all you need is someone else’s perspective. I wish him well and I’m sure he’ll share about it all when he’s ready. Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvie,


I take your point - I should be nicer to Orrin - stop "nagging" him about a new album....was in his web site yesterday and told him I needed more videos so that I can show them on Facebook - that is what he needs to concentrate on  - !!!!  LOL.  But you know, Sylvie, I was just thinking, with Michael hopefully having a new album out this year and with him then maybe doing some promotional concerts wouldn't it be great if Orrin could join him in .....like a Michael and Kenny G but a Michael and Orrin concert - even a few of them - I think that would be great !!!!  :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Sylvia, sweetie, that is my dream girlfriend! I've heard the boys had performed together at "This close" for cancer events, but that's about it. Just thinking about it gets me teary-eyed... Maybe one day. Thanks for taking it easy on Orrin... :D Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Oh my....count me in ladies...maybe on Oprah?????? Oh Yeah!!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Sylvia,


Yep.... a lot of us are posting these videos, along with Michael's videos, on Facebook. It sure helps to get as much coverage as possible!


Anna :o)

Happy to do it, Jennifer. I'm getting the info out there as fast as I get it from Orrin. Right now, he's still going through lots of video footage, so I'm sure we'll have more soon.


Take care,

Anna :o)



Did you try typing Orrin Bolton into YouTube's search bar? Along with all the links I've posted, that should work as well.




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