Hi everyone, well this is my first attempt at starting a discussion so hope I’m doing this right... :D . A couple of weeks ago, I asked Gail when she thought would be a proper time to start thinking of what we fans want to do for our Michael’s 60th birthday. She said she was out of ideas, but suggested I’d start a thread asking fans for suggestions. I figure we have exactly 4 months, starting today,  to come up with something fun and get mobilised to achieve it. I’m no organizer, I just thought we could share ideas so let’s put our heads together and see what we can come up with! :D Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada J

*The 2 most popular suggestions so far are:


- individual donations to michaelboltoncharities.com, mentionning they are made in honor of Michael’s birthday, of any amount you feel comfortable with.

-a collective wall-hanging made from personalized fabric squares sent by fans that will be stitched together. The 4 inch/10 cm squares (with small blank margin) only need have your signature and location but can be crafty as you are able. For

more info, ask here, or PM either me, or Amie Angeli who will be doing the stitching and presenting the finished product to our Michael.


**Note: The final deadline for recieving fabric squares is February 15th, so you don't have much time left. :D

**It would also mean a lot to Michael if fans donate to the Red Cross for victims of hurricane Sandy at:


then E-mail Gail at boltoninfo@aol.com with your name and location, so she can add  them to the MBC donors list.

**If you feel strongly about sending Michael a card or personal gift, you may send it to:

Michael Bolton

c/o Michael Bolton Charities

P.O. Box 936

Branford, CT 06405


*Note that the deadline for recieving cards and presents is February 20th 2013, whether you send them to either Gail or Michael Bolton Charities.

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thank you GIRLS for everything, EVERYTHING, you're really the best!




Silvy xx

Can understand what you mean Sylvie about putting it on the blog but once is was on if others come in with comments then it slowly just disappears on the pages for it would really only work if it was put in the "description" apart from fact that once people have put in a comment not too sure how many bother to go in and read everyone elses after their's .....for I know some who don't !!   What I have done is put it out on FB in MBATW page and actually just coming back on here I have looked at it and I have two messages from people thanking me for the translations and I don't even know who they are !! LOL.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Sylvia ... I think translating spoken interviews is more cumbersome ... because they are very large ... this I dared to ask ... because I saw it was short and it was a special situation ... I wanted to know what felt at the time of the card and its appreciation in their own words! ... thanks again for being so kind ... goodnight hug. With affection, Mar

Sylvia...creo que traducir entrevistas habladas es más engorroso...porque son muy extensas...esto me atreví a pedirlo...porque ví que era corto y porque era una situación tan especial...que quería saber lo que sintió en ese momento de la tarjeta y su agradecimiento con sus propias palabras!!...nuevamente gracias por ser tan amable...buenas noches, un abrazo. Con afecto, Mar

Thank you Sylvia! Always so attentive! thank you millions! Because I did not know if he had received the collage of Michael News (where I sent my picture with the name) ... and took the salute as a greeting "symbolic" ... I send you a big hug, affection, Mar

Mil gracias Sylvia!! Siempre tan atenta!!! te agradezco millones!! Porque no sabía si le había llegado el collage de Michael News (donde mandé mi foto con el nombre)...y tomé ese saludo como un saludo "simbólico"...te mando un gran abrazo, con cariño, Mar 

Gracias Mar y no hay problema en hacerlo uno o cualquier otros en el futuro... no hay problema!Creo que Michael consiguió todos sus regalos y por eso hizo ese video. Usted debe verificar con Andrena que recibió el suyo. No hay problema en hacerlo y ella te dirá.

I have thanked Mar and reassured her I am pretty certain Michael's News collage arrived safely and ALL the gifts Michael received prompted him to make that video because he was genuinely pleased and overwhelmed at what everyone had done.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Thank you Sylvia! Yes, I imagine it must have been an emotional day full of surprises ... yes, I think you will ... I send you a hug, affection, from Argentina, Mar

Gracias Sylvia! Si, me imagino que habrá sido un día muy emotivo y lleno de sorpresas...si, creo que ya lo recibirá...te mando un abrazo, con cariño, desde Argentina, Mar

Gail I was wondering if I could ask on here if the final figure of donations made to MBC and the Red Cross, on behalf of Michael's birthday, is known yet, or if only a list of those who had donated was kept to be given to Michael ??


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Andrena knows the total and she gave the total to Michael with the list of names...just the total went to him.  I do not have that info..sorry!  Gail

Hi Gail,

Thanks for letting us know that Michael did get the total and list of names.

Take Care,


Hi All! 

The card which will be delivered to Michael's place with his wallhanging reads: "In sixty years, you can touch a lot of lives . . . you can share a lot of wisdom . . . and you can bring a lot of joy - if you're someone as special as you, that is.  Happy 60th Birthday"  And it's signed, " With love & gratitude for all you've given us through your music, From those whose lives you've touched - Your Fans!" 

Pretty yellow card with turquoise & orange mandalas, glitter and a big glittery "60" on the front!  Thought it spoke pretty much in line with things people here have expressed, so hope Our Main Man likes it.  Cheers, Amie

Hi Amie,

That sounds so pretty and I love what you've written inside it! Perfect!

Unless I've missed something here on the forum, is the quilt done yet?

And what are the plans for it being delivered?  Are you personally getting to give it to MB?

If so, lucky, lucky you! And you deserve to after all your hard work in making this from all of us!

Just wondering what exactly are the plans...........and are you going to be able to take photos at least of him opening up the box and seeing it?

We want to be able to share somehow!!!




Hi Joy!  Glad you like what I put in the card - tried to think of people's sentiments expressed here on his site & this thread.  Arranged through Gail who got in touch with his daughter (I assume Taryn?) & arranged delivery date-time to drop it off at his place.  Thanks to Gail for all her efforts!  Frankly, I don't know that MB will be home - just arranged a time to drop it off & Taryn is seeing to it.  No idea what Daughter might have communicated to Dad.  In addition to the wallhanging, I have a few "little-er" cards & gifts a couple of people sent with their squares to deliver with the wallhanging.  So I'm putting all the packages together in a big plastic storage bin to haul it over there - LOL!  Cheers, Amie


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