I can't imagine any professional (so called judge) making such ugly remarks to a celebrity who was obviously out of his comfort zone but was willing to give it a try on DWTS.  Bruno owes not only Michael but the program an apology for his extremely poor judgement.  I hope he feels the repercussion from those remarks. Sure Michel didn't do very well but he gave it a try.  You have to give all of these contestants praise for even trying these difficult dances. Rudeness is completely out of order on a show like that and I would like to see Bruno replaced by someone you can understand.  Bob M.

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Hi Bob, 
Yes I think we all would like to see Bruno 
replaced and give MB a sincere apology 
Bruno was so crazy most of the time not rude
but I don't like him any more, and I thought
MB did a great job someone else besides MB
should've went home. 

Nichole :-)
You go girl!! Yes we need to for get about
Bruno and focus on our man Michael. Yes 
tea would have been and still is a good idea
here in America in the south we have elder
tea it is good for a lot of stuff and it taste sooo
good. Oh yes and going out to enjoy nature 
is very relaxing that's why we live in the 
country have a great day 

love Nichole ;-)
Oh what some beautiful pics thank you for 
posting!! ;-)

Nichole ;-)
Oh they are so beautiful thank you for posting
 more it is only 6:12 pm here sweet dreams
and good night to you too
Nichole ;-)
Thank you so much for the amazing pictures!!!

Love Eileenxoxo
Hi Fregate,
These photos are simply breathtaking, wow this Mariutius Island is a must see...
Thanks for sharing.

Wow, wish I was there!!! Beautiful place...
I completely agree with Fregate here and definately think its time to put this situation to rest now and just write it down to experience and move on.

Michael has to move on and leave this behind him and so must we. Even if the comments have hurt us all.

Bruno will always be protected by the program producers and die hard DWTS fans and as such it becomes a 'no win' situation. He is well known for his 'funny theatrical' remarks to the contestants and this will never change. So, even if we dont agree with them, we just have to learn to accept them.

We have loads of concerts to look forward to and I for one cant wait and am extrememly happy that Michael only has these to concentrate on from now on. Of course I'm sad that Michaels not in DWTS anymore, but that wont change, so I look forward to the RAH on the 23rd of November with a happy heart.

Michael said himself that he feels fitter now and more energetic and that he plans to keep his regime going, so we have some real fun to look forward to especially if he keeps his promise to introduce some dance steps into each concert!! Wey hey, I cant wait!!!

So, come on fans, lets leave this negativity behind us and move on. We are all so much stronger and better than this.

Love Jennifer XX

By the way Fregate, I think I'm going to book myself a holiday on your island but worry that I wont want to return back home afterwards!! Ha Ha!!
I have been thinking the same Jenn.It has been done now and cant be changed .As they say all publicity is good publicity and this will do Michael more good than harm as it has people talking about him now ,they will know hes on tour and maybe will go and end up loving him the way we do .Maybe Bruno ended up doing him a favour as if he had gone quietly who would have known ,this way he gets a lot of press and maybe some new fans . Michael has shown himself to be the better man and a total gent.xx
Hi, Fregate
Are really beautiful pics !!! Its good advice
to Michael's Christmas vacation.
Take care
Michael definitely deserves an apology. Bruno's comments just went too far.
I don't remember Bruno at any time give Michael any positive comments.



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