To Gail or anyone that may know,


I've heard stories from many of you about Michael (speaking of years ago), appearing at places like Barnes and Nobles signing his record/CD when it was released.  Is that something that he still does or not so much anymore?  I know some of the Barnes and Nobles here in New York and the various records stores have closed down over the years.  The B & N near my office closed down some time ago that was very upsetting!!  J & R Music World is still open, not sure what selection they have of Michael's records/CD's, since I have never been there.  Would be a nice chance to meet Michael at a CD signing, since I'm missing the concert at the Beacon Theatre.  Just wondering.....




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He did one at the big Virgin Records store in 1995 for the Greatest Hits 1985-1995 release.  That was a blast and he did a book signing for Secrets of the Lost Kingdom at the big Barnes and Noble in Manhatten too when that book came out..Another round of record CD signings was in 2003 and he went to quite a few FYE record stores. I did 3 of them that year.. It would be fun if he would do some again this go round.  He did one in NYC I didn't get to and I forget which CD that was, shoot, it will come to me in time..It may have been around the time the Sinatra album came out, someone else may remember.:)


Robin in MD:)

Hi Helena and Robin, in 2003, September 2, "Vintage" came out sweetie. I remember because Robin R had gone to the Borders store in NY and Michael sang 2 songs from it and then did a CD signing. Then he did a big tour of the FYE stores that year. I think Robin had gone to DC and that's where she got me an autographed CD, isn't she something? :D You gotta love her! Oh I remember in '95, he did one heck of a promo tour and even came to Montreal but I was stuck at home with a newborn so I couldn't go. Hey Helena, maybe you could ask Michael for that on Facebook? :D Just a suggestion. Take care girls. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

That is a great idea Sylvie - you get in there Helena and put that in as a question and if you want to find the post again in the "jungle" scroll down on Michael's wall to 10th March - happy hunting !!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

I must have skipped the NYC one for Vintage that Robin R. went to,  I remember she went to that one and I didn't. I did 3 other locations instead that Nov. in 2003.  I have pics of him signing some old Vinyl I had too, saved it for years and those signings were perfect. MB enjoyed seeing all that old stuff and we had some pics taken too at the time him sitting and us leaning over the table and the stuff on the table.. I see what Gail says is true tho his schedule is crazy right now..Those were fun tho!

Robin in MD:)

If he does this it wouldn't be anytime soon.  If you check his schedule he will be having a concert in Hartford that exact day, playing golf the next and then heading overseas for a concert on the 24th and all types of other things lined up so I don't think it is something he has set as of yet.

Well thanks girls!!!  Ok, maybe later this week I'll go on Facebook and throw that out to him as a question....Why not?!?!?  I think there is still a Borders store at 34th Street, not sure though.  Since I started to buy CD's on the internet, I don't pay much attention to what stores are still open that sell CD's (except Best Buy since it's near my office and there is one in my neighborhood).  Anyway, I was remembering when I went to Sam Goody years ago to get Barry Manilow's autograph, so that made me wonder if any artist (especially Michael) still does this or not. 

I see your point Gail that Michael has a busy schedule ahead, but it won't hurt to ask him on Facebook anyway.  :)



Good idea Juliet!!!  I did go on Facebook last night and asked him anyway.....what the heck!!  :)



Good on you Helena. I hope he replies to you.


Funny Sylvie mentioning the signing of the book 'Lost Kingdom' I have three of those signed books.


I would love it if Michael did a signing, what a day trip that would be!!


Love Jennifer XX

I was glad to get to the Bookstore in NYC to get my copy of Secrets of the Lost Kingdom signed and I also was able to get the big store window poster. Still have it!!LOL Was hilarious walking down NYC streets aftwards many blocks to the parking garage with it. It took up a good bit of the trunk of my car!!!LOL My mom went with me and we had fun..MB was so sweet that day.. good memories..Maybe at some point he can do a CD signing or something...We can always hope..


Robin in MD :)

Well that is great Robin!!  If I can meet Michael at least once in my life and get an autograph, and maybe a picture with him too, that would be enough for me!!!  :)



Well latest CD signing news......Barry Manilow is having a CD signing on June 13 at Radio City Music Hall!!!  Here I've been wondering if Michael would do this, and Barry is doing it instead!!!!  Typical of Life....... Life is a box of Chocolates and you never know what you are going to get.....LOL!!!!  Well years ago, I stood in the poring rain for 3 hours to get Barry's autograph, so not sure yet if I will head to Radio City or not for this.  I will be on guard for the latest news and decide later on if I should go or not.  Either way, I'm glad Barry will be spending time here in New York, even if I don't see him.  Well....will see!!   :)



Oh go for it Helena - get and see Barry - go on give him a great big hug and a kiss, you know you want to and if it is raining just kid on you're in the shower !! lol.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend. 


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