From the desk of the quiet one.


Thought I would check in to see how everyone is doing?  I'm doing O.K.  I've been on a TV show kick of late, plus I've been watching DVD's of TV shows and just started my new story.  It's going to be one that I've always wanted to write but wasn't sure how to connect it.  It's going to be two stories linked together by a decision that has to be made.  It's a challenging story, but one I will enjoy writing.


Well, gotta run.  It's getting late and I've got part two of my story to start.


Till next time.



aka the quiet one.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Audrey, nice to hear from you! I didn't know you were an author, although I've read some of your very well written posts in the past. Did you know that there are at least 2 other authors (that I know of) on this site? One of them is my friend, but uses many nom de plumes. We have interesting conversations about the writing process and the life of an author. Well, I wish you lots of success with your  new endeavor sweetie, keep us posted. Take care quiet one. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hello Audrey,


I too am an author and have written my own book plus, many childrens stories and magazine stories and poems that I've had published.


I am in the process of obtaining a publisher for my autobiography called 'Diary of a hypochondriac & how to enjoy ill health' and the National News paper The Daily Mail has shown an interest in my story, so you never know do you?


I've also just finished another book of poetry (thats No 5) that is ready for publishing. I often sell my poems and can usually manage to write a ten verse poem in about an hour for people to give as gifts so I write them about their friends and family etc  when they give me details about them.


Good luck with you story. Have you had any published? Could we see some of your work? i'd love to see it.


Take care and come back soon. It's great to hear from you.


Love Jennifer XXX


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