Hello everyone:


The thing I was going to tell you about after my trip for MB concerts in Portugal is here. I asked him to autograph a photo to make a contest for all his fans here.


So here we go. You can win a photo signed by Michael. The photo is the one I attach here and he signed it with "Love, MB". Size, A4.


To enter this contest, you only have to reply to this thread with your name (if you think that there are more people with your same name, add a letter as surname or something similar). At the end, all the names will enter in a box and an innocent hand will pick one, that will be the winner.  


You have from now until April the 30th to reply. The winner will be announced on May the 1st.


For any question, send me a PM, use this thread only for the answers for the contest.Thanks everyone and Good Luck!!!!




PS: This is a contest only for members of this Forum, only the members that will answer this thread will enter the contest.


Views: 1141

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Holly. The contest ended April 30th&a lady named Margaret Hill won the autographed photo. Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Sorry Holly. Next time!!!!



Julie Lucas
Julie, thanks, but the contest is finished. Next time!!!

It was a hit Pilar!!!! I think you struck gold here...LOL Truly a great idea and hope you have time to do it again :) THANKS!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Linda Williamson

Linda, this was a contest in 2011. :o(


Anna (in MO)

Thanks Anna, I must try and log in more regularly!  Maybe I will be lucky next time.

Hope you can enjoy the rest of the forum! Lots of great fans and information here!


Anna (in MO)

Barbara Casena Thomas

 Thank you for keeping us up with as many activities as you do.. May You be Blessed


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