Detroit Documentary Film - (Gotta Keep Dreamin : Detroit's 21st Century Renaissance) - "American Dream : DETROIT"

Michael and Christina Kline, Michael's Manager, have been working together, over the last three years at least, in the making of a documentary film on the revival of the City of Detroit, Michigan, USA.  In this thread hope to share some of the steps along the way as well as details on the film's Premiere which will take place at the Fox Theatre, Detroit on 2nd October, 2015.    

Michael announced, a few days ago, that a new website has been set up to share information about the film and it can be found at   There has also been a FB page created and it can be found at  along with a Twitter account which is at @gkdreamin and also an Instagram account at gotta_keep_dreamin  Here is Michael's tweet where he made announcement:

excited to share our website for the documentary film about Detroit!! Follow !!

Here is the profile/avatar pic that is used on the FB page:

and the cover photo which is used on FB, Twitter and website

There is an album in the Gallery containing photos that have been posted to the FB and Twitter account and here is link to album  and it, of course, will be kept up-to-date as new photos are added to the various sites.

2018 up-date

"American Dream : DETROIT" to be screened in over 450 cinemas in USA on 15th May.

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Hi Sylvia, I guess the GKD team are trying to do the same thing you are sweetie: relaying pertinent info. As far as the premiere goes, if I remember correctly, one of the packages you can buy on Pledgemusic is a ticket to the documentary premiere that is stated to be on October 2. I had posted on the “Motor City” thread that I’d joined the mailing list and it makes sense to me that it’s the GKD mailing list, relating to events, since it’s on the “upcoming events” page. I’m thinking that if  the mailing list was for the Fox Theater, the link would have taken you to that site.    Thanks for keeping up the promotion Sylvia! :D Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Gotta Keep Dreamin has added a post plus a video of Michael in a coffee shop having a coffee.   Michael did post a photo to us, at the time, of the cup of coffee so rather nice to see the video and see him drinking it.   If you click on "MB's Great Lakes Coffee vanilla latte" it takes you straight to video and it should start to play automatically.  It shows Michael sitting in coffee shop and he picks up cup, speaks, takes a sip and then says "nice cup of coffee" and then video swings round and shows you a little of inside of Great Lakes Coffee Shop. 
MB's Great Lakes Coffee vanilla latte

Michael Bolton likes his lattes sweet!! Great Lakes Coffee Detroit

Posted by Gotta Keep Dreamin on Sunday, September 27, 2015

Pic was sent on 24 February this year.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Thanks for description Sylvia, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Article on Detroit Homecoming an event running from Tuesday to Friday where speeches will be made by various people in different venues over Detroit and Michael is one of the speakers and reference is made, when mentioning his name, about film he has made on the renaissance of Detroit

Sylvia    Your wee Scottish friend



Hi Sylvia, thanks for the article. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Photo which Gotta Keep Dreamin have tweeted of inside of Fox Theatre, Detroit and they say about getting excited for tomorrow night and the big event.  For Sylvie and Robin it shows a completely ornate ceiling with just gold everywhere and carvings galore and a circular blue centre with an ornate dropped ball hanging down and it has been taken from balcony level and looking down in floor and raised seating on other side and it just looks gorgeous....what an event it is going to be !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Thanks for pic description Sylvia, sounds great! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Set of pics of Michael at a press conference at the Westin Book Cadillac Hotel, Detroit where he has just finished a press conference and interviews given to CBS Radio and Local 4 News.  He also made announcement that General Motors has donated $100,000 to the Empowerment Plan in Detroit and has said that his hope for Gotta Keep Dreamin Twitter account will reach millions and keep going long into the future.  The event was organised by CKC Agency and they tweeted as press conference was taking place.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Some more pics from press conference setting yesterday and first comes from Stephen Clark and JoAnne Purtan from "The Now Detroit" on which Michael did a live interview from "across town":

This on comes courtesy of Kate and shows Michael at press conference:

Next one is of billboard Michael used at press conference:

and for Sylvie and Robin it shows there picture logo which is one of Detroit at twilight so buildings, bridge and boat on river are dark with the blue of the river and sky being the only illumination, if you like.  Above the picture is written, in an arch style, "From Executive Producer Michael Bolton" and then it shows the caption drawing of Detroit skyline with the words "Gotta Keep Dreamin" in the block with "Detroit's 21st Century Renaissance" written underneath.  Below that, just before pic logo, they have included the words: "Celebrating the history, heroes and Promise of an Iconic City Resurging".   Just to add that bottom section is totally covered by the pic logo they use and from the skyline you start to see the clouds become whiter and with the sun creating the soft sunset with the colour pink rising above and that colour covers the whole top section of the billboard, as it does, the actual pic they use on all their sites.  One other thing the lettering from "Gotta Keep Dreamin" is done with "Gotta" and "Dreamin" being in block capitals as though sign on a building with lights inside and the colour of the letters is turquoise (wonder who picked that ????) and the word "keep" is done in small joined handwriting in black.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Another photo from yesterday and this one is with Jenell Leonard, Commissioner of the Mich Film Office

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Here is an interview:

THANKS so very, very much for that Gail .... thank you !!! :)

Sylvia    Your wee Scottish friend



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