On Christmas Day, Sir Elton and his partner David became proud parents of a little boy named Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John.


I'm a little surprised that Elton and David waited this long to consider adopting a child, but I'm happy for them and know that little Zach will get lots of love from both of them!!  Congrats to the new Dad's!!






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Hi Helena, I know nothing and certainly not much about Elton, but I know he’s turning 64 in March and his partner is turning 49 in October so how did they manage to adopt a child? I was under the impression that the combined age of the parents was not supposed to exceed 100. Unless the laws are different in England… Well, in any case, good for them! Little Zach will certainly be provided for, for a very long time and will have the best of everything. Congratulations to the new family! Take care Helena. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

P.S.: Thank goodness for Wikipedia! :D

Hi Helena & Sylvie,


Juliet is right surrogate mother - comes from America - Zachary is Elton's son  - sperm donation - are they not telling you that in America - what are they keeping it a secret for - is that in case you are all shocked !!!!!   LOL LOL. 


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.   

Hey Sylvia, that was gonna be my next question for Helena, because the adoption part sounded strange to me. What do I know? Well, thanks for clearing that up girls, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hey girls,


Yes, they did mention it is thru a surrogate mother and will not say who she is (don't you blame them?).  I guess if it worked for Michael Jackson, it can work for them too!



Ha Ha Ha!!  :)



No Juliet, MJ's children are all from surrogate sperm donations. I can now confirm that I am MJ's childrens Mummy!!


Thats it!! Secrets out!! You wont tell anyone will you?


Seriously, good luck to Elton and David on becoming Daddy's. That child wont want for anything ever in his entire life. Lucky, lucky boy!

Nothing, but nothing is quite so beautiful as the miracle of life.


Love Jennifer XX



Yes how great that this sectret is out Jen lol lol....

No it is really nice that also Elton and David can be parents because I think that Elton is now in a moment off his live that he can be the daddy and love and enjoy the little one as much as he would do....And I know the little one is in good hands.

Let they be happy...


lots of love Jacqueline xxx

There are pictures and an interview with Elton and David in US Magazine, I got it yesterday!  You can see part of it on Elton's web site too.....




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