One of my favourite




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Love this

This is precious of them.

Thanks for posting it here.

Robin in MD:)

Hey Sylvia, I haven't seen this pic anywhere, but leave it to you to find the Best pics:))! Wonder what book he is reading to them? They are Adorable:)! Wait til he has that "Boy" I can't wait to see the expression on his face then:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

It is actually a picture put out in an article to do with Taryn's shop "Around the Rosy" and the whole thing, plus a video, which comes with article is on the Miscellany thread....somewhere ....LOL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Great pctures and posts!  Thank you ladies!!




have a nice day everyone !!
thought of sharing this one with you !

Oh that is a beautiful photo Marie and have never seen that one.....looks as though he was at something very official, like award ceremony or something but a great it !!! :)   Thanks too for giving my wee song another airing....thanks Marie !!!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


so wonderful video by Youuuuu Sylvia

Actually think this photo Michael has tweeted of himself today with George Stroumboulopoulos whom he did an interview with in Toronto on 13th September is a pretty great one and should be on here so here it is ...............................



Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


This is picture of Michael in studio with CJ Baran and Ryland Blackinton which was tweeted on 17th September, 2013 and I think a good picture of Michael and deserving of being on here.....hope you all agree !!!! :)

Sylvia    Your wee Scottish friend.


Always love MB in a white shirt Sylvia. Nice pic!!!

Robin in MD:)


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