As most of you know, Juliet and I are organising the fan reception for 2011 and are in the process of amongst other things, raising some money for the charities that this reception will be supporting.


 Gail has very kindly given me permission to sell a few items on here to start raising funds to donate as part of the first EVER UK fan reception.


In the USA the MBC (Michael Bolton Charities) benefits women and children at risk and in this light, Juliet and I have chosen two organisations of very similar interests to benefit from our function as well as MBC.  The chosen charities are:

Womens aid - and Clicsargent .  For more information on these organisations, please follow the links. 
These are the first items for sale -

As you all know, in the past, Michael has recorded some VHS videos that are sadly not available on DVD, so I have now managed to copy these videos to DVD and am offering copies of them for sale.

 If you would like a copy of all or any of these DVD's please contact me by private message and I will supply you a list and the information you will need to order them.
100% of the profit from these DVDs will be split between the three organisations above.
I will have more items for sale soon like -

Autographed copies of "The Lost Kingdom," "Blackjack" LPs, some hard to find CD singles, T-shirts, guitar picks plus many other watch this space!!! 

 Thank you for reading this. 
 L o v e   J e n n i f e r   X X

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Also - if any of you are on Face Book we have a charity thing going on - i am taking Bolton Bear on my races with me this year - the main one being the Grand Canyon in September and i will also take him to the Gala if i manage to go - he is one lucky bear!!

Juliet xx
Don't forget to bring the bear to see me!! lol

Love Eileen xoxo
Thank you Gail, for bringing this link over for us.

This is Michael Bolton
My Secret Passion
Soul Provider
Soul and Passion
Greatest Hit 1985-1995

The offer of the DVD's is still open for now so if you would like a copy of one of the above titles, please contact me.

DVD's are £7 each and are recorded on a UK machine. There I cannot guarantee that they will play on overeseas players.

Postage is on a sliding scale depending on how many dvd's you buy and where they are being posted to. (ie in the UK or overseas)
Please see the original post on the old forum in the 'Off Topic' thread until I can copy full postage details over here. Thank you.

Love Jennifer XX
Hello Di,

Thank you for your interest.

If you click on my name inside this post (where is says "reply by jennifer") it will take you to the posts that I've posted so far on here.

Just above this list of posts under the large letters where is says in bold text 'Jennifers discussions' you will see a link that says 'send message' click on that and you can send me a private message.

Delivery is on a sliding scale so-

UK- £1.50 for one dvd and then 50p extra for each extra dvd.

Overseas- £3 per dvd then £1 extra for every extra dvd. (£3 = $4.60 & £1 = $1.50 US Dollars)

Just tell me which dvd's you would like and send me your address of course and I'll send you mine for payment.

Payment would be easier via paypal (I will provide you with an email address for this)

I guarantee that you wil not be dissapointed in the 'My Secret Passion' dvd. It really is beautiful.

I look forward to hearing from you Di.

Love Jennifer XXXXX
Hya Di,
Of course this is fine with me.
I'll whizz off and read it now.

Love Jennifer XXXXX
Thank you so very much Caroline. This is indeed a very generous off from you and one that both Juliet and myself appreciate sincerely.

We will wait to hear from you when you have managed to sort out your items, but would like you to know that we really are extremely thankful for your very, VERY kind and generous offer to us for the charity.

Love Jennifer XX
Jenn ,i would really love to buy the book when its for sale.I will also take some dvds when i come over for the Rah show .Hope thats ok.xx
Ok darling, I've got a few of the VHS videos copied already. I'll list those tomorrow.

Love Jennifer XXXX
Thanks Jenn.xx

As you know, I have a full collection ranging from Music (1974 onwards), DVDs, VHS (incl. Promos), Tour Books, TShirts from 1991 onwards, Magazines from 1987 onwards etc that I would certainly want to go to the right place! We talked last year about this event.

Let me know if u want to take a look or put any of it up for auction / sale?

Oh James ,this is very generous of you., thank you so very very much.

Oh yes, tea, coffee and cake could possibly secure a visit from Juliet and me!! Ha Ha!!

Thank you again, this is very, very generous and very much appreciated.

Love Jennifer XX
I reckon we could just plug an ipod into speakers.

How about that? Pure heaven, Michael on the stereo all afternoon!!! Yeeeeehah to that!!

Love Jennifer XXX


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