So many people have such awsume talents.

What gifts or talents do you have?

Share your gifts and talents with everyone, you would be supprised how many people would be interested.

I would be!

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Hi Janice, good idea for a thread! Now, let me be the first to post something, before other people talk about their talents and I lose my nerve... :D I’m

one of many crafty people on this site and even started a blog on my profile page to display my art work. I hope the link works, but if it doesn’t, let

me know and I’ll attempt to change my settings:

I make enclosed music boxes. I started this hobby about 6 years ago, after I broke one, but I kept the mechanism and let my imagination guide me. :D Now you’ll have to tell us about your own talents Janice, I understand you're an artist? I've checked your page out of curiosity but I'm sorry to say I can't

appreciate it because I'm blind, but I hope you can share your talents on this thread with other fans! :D Thanks for starting this thread: I’ll look forward

to hear from you and others, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Sylvie, I love musice boxs.  I will go to the link and take a look.

Yes I am an aritist by the gifts of God only.  I couldn't paint my way out of a room with out the Lord.  I am also a writer as I've said, the book to be released in Fed 2013 is called, Fruition of the Spirit-Beyond.  I also am a designed of little girls clothing from the age of 2 thru 8.  There is a protion of all proceeds that go to CAA-Child Abuse Awareness.

As for this new series of art, I truly wish it were possable for you to put your hands on the art.  Because the way the oil paintings is done you too would be able to see what it is in the paintings the Lord has to revile to just you.  Maybe some day you'll have this chance to do so.

God bless honey and thanks for being my friend, I am honored to call you my friend.Jan P

Hi again Janice, cool you like music boxes. I’m not sure if you were able to access my blog or just my page, but I added my last creation last night. I wish you all the best of success in all your endeavours, you’re a busy woman! May I ask what you paint? I have an artist friend who says she’s pretty good with landscapes but not so much at painting people. She does all kinds of crafts though. I hope more fans post their handywork here: I hear that Jennifer and Dianna are quite crafty. Well anyway, thanks for your response and kind words Janice, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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