Hello there.

Sometimes you have the need to say Thank you, or simply Hello.
So do i right now.

Mainly i listen to heavy metal. Thrash Metal, Death Metal and a lot of AOR or 80s Stuff. White Lion, Whitesnake, Europe, Slayer, Sodom, Marcie Free (formerly known as Mark Free. What a great singer. I really guess Mr. Bolton would like some of his records. I know Mr. Bolton won't...but he should try the "Long Way From Love" album.), Deicide etc.... So a little bit of everything.

And: I love Michael Boltons Music.
Especially his voice. For me his singing is almost perfect. I could listen to him for hours.

I know that he received enough credits within the last years.
But he's the only not "metalish" Musician that is allowed to hang on my wall ( in form of a Poster).

So: Thank you Michael Bolton for writing such wonderful music.
It helped me through some rough times and it is still prompting my fantasies/daydreams.
Well, surely i'm listening to this music when i'm in a good mude, too. ;)

To all the fans who don't own it yet:
Go an buy the Michael Bolton Live At The Royal Albert Hall Bluray (or DVD). It's worth the money.
The crowd took some time to get off the seats but Michael Bolton helped'em up. ^^
Great picture and audio quality. A lot of hits included and the background girls are hot.
All the other musicians did a great job, too.

Talking about hits:
Could an insider please tell me why Mr. Bolton is treating the song "Missing You Know" like an orphan, when he's on tour?
This song is awesome and should not be missing.

I'd really like to see Michael Bolton live here in Düsseldorf, Germany.
But the tickets are too expensive for me right now. Too bad.
Maybe next year.

I'm done.

I wish you all the best Mr. Bolton. Keep on rocking.



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Hi there Leif and welcome to the forum. Well, that’s an interesting range of musical taste you have there… I can’t say that I share your love of metal although I do enjoy classic rock, but I do agree about Michael’s voice! I’m impressed that you put up Michael on your walls, along with metal groups posters, good for you! I guess we all have different music we listen to, for various moods and I think Michael covers all that! Leif, I’ll tell ya, I don’t think there are many of us who don’t own the RAH DVD! Glad to hear you love it so much, nice commercial for it there! Lol Leif, would you mind if I asked your age? I don’t mean to pry, it’s none of my business… Michael’s musicians on the RAH DVD were mostly the same he’d had for many many years, but he has a new group of musicians now. Oh Leif, I’ll tell you, I’m with you about “Missing you now”, but Michael has to make a choice and sadly, he can’t play everyone’s favorite in the time restrictions he has. I’m sure every single fan has at least 5 to 10 “absolute favorites” they’d love for Michael to sing again, or just sing live because he hasn’t before. For example, “When I’m back on my feet again” is a song that helped a lot of people through very difficult times, but there are only so many songs he can fit in a concert. Good luck getting a concert you can afford close to home. Well thanks for sharing your views Leif, browse through the discussions and hope you like it here! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Guten Tag Leif und Wilkommen.

Just to let you know, I was in the front row at the recording of the RAH DVD and believe me when I say, and this is true of all of the Michael concerts that I've been to. We fans, stay seated during the first part of the concert out of respect for Michael and out of respect to the other fans who are behind us who wouldnt be able to see if we stood up, but as soon as he gives us the thumbs up, we are all out of our seats and dancing.

Its great to hear that you are a huge fan of Michael and hld him in high esteems with your heavy metal guys.

Aufweidersehen Leif.

Leibe Jennifer X
Hello Sylvie and hello Jennifer.

Thx for your answers.

To answer your question Sylvie: I'm 32 years old.
Sure, Michael Bolton has a lot of songs in his repertoir to choose from. But to be honest: he should kick some (or at least one) Vintage Songs out of his show and put Missing You right into the setlist where it belongs to.
On the other hand: It's his show and he has to decide. I can understand that it must be hard to sing the same songs every night for all this years.
Maybe he needs a little bit of variety in his show to comfort himself. That would be ok.
But still: Missing You is one of his greatest hits. So..... ^^

Well, Michael Bolton is visiting germany in december. I really would like to buy tickets. It's xmas-Time. Maybe i should afford it.
But i'm a little bit afraid that i have to sit on my cheecks for the whole time during the gig. That it's too starched.
For me it's relaxing to buy a beer whenever i want to while visiting a gig. I don't think it's disrespecting the artist. ;)
A concert is always a little party. But don't get me wrong. I don't have to bawl around and i won't. I'm a calm guy standing in the back listening to the music.
I'd love to have a standing just to move about freely without disturbing the audience.
Hm. Well...no. I don't think that i will visit the concert if there are only seating capacities.
That would be ok for Pavarotti-Fans. A night at the opera.

Damn. I wanna see him live. But not on such terms. ^^
Although i completely understand what you where saying Jennifer.

Have to consult my pillow.

Good night Ladies.
Oh believe me Lief, we really really do 'let our hair down' at Michaels concerts, but only during the second half of the concert when Michael says that it is ok to do so. We enjoy every single second of the concert 'party' atmosphere.

That doesnt mean that we dont enjoy the first half at all. On the contrary, we all sit in our seats appreciating the music and singing along, waving and clapping. This way, everyone who is behind us gets to see the stage too and not just the very fortunate ones who are at the front!

I believe that getting up and down to go to the bar is disrespectful to not only the star who is signing, but also to the people who site around you and behind you. They have paid mone yfor their tickets and to have you and probably others getting up and own to to go the bar for a beer would drive me mad and I'm afraid I would lose my temper with you and if I were siting next ot you and wouldnt let you out to get passed me.

Most of the venues in the UK dont have the facility to stand at the back enjoying a beer and thank goodness for this as some people would chat away amongst themselves during the concert and would spoil it for other people sitting close by.

My own personal oppinion is that If people cannot go without a drink for a couple of hours then this type of concert isnt for you. Either that take or you could take a soft drink like Cola or juice in with you and make it last throughout the concert.

I believe that this is how things hould be at every concert irrespective of whether it is rock, opera, band or choir etc out of respect to the musicians and for others around you who have paid good money like you and have the right to enjoy what they have paid for as much as you do. And lets face it, ticket prices can be quite expensive cant they?

These are just my oppinions and no malice or spite is meant by them. I just want everyone to enjoy the muscian they have paid to see and for the musician to know that his/her efforts are being appreciated and enjoyed by everyone there at risk risk of being spoilt by everyone there.

I hope you can afford to get to see Michael in Germany because I can guarantee that you wont want to get out of your seat and risk missing anything, not one single second of Michaels music.......I promise you.

Love Jennifer XX
Hi Leif, thanks for your response. About the choice of songs, again, there are other songs that were big hits that Michael doesn’t include in the show. For instance, “Love is a wonderful thing” is not in the show any more. Also, “That’s what love is all about” has been played a bit in the last few years but there was a long gap where it wasn’t. There have been some shows where he hasn’t performed “Steel bars” either. Also, I’m happy that we hear a clip of “Go the distance” in the beginning of his show but he scarcely sings it. Plus, Michael puts variety in his concerts to showcase his versatility also. And about the buying a drink thing, I guess it depends on the kind of venue you go to. Maybe at some point, you can catch Michael at an outside venue that might be more tolerant about moving about? Well good luck with that Leif and thanks for answering my question. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hello Leif, It's a pleasure having a male friend in this site !!! lol Michael is the best singer in my life and in lifes of the others in, i think lol.. Thank's for sharing your feeling about his music. I have no the right sentence in my mind to writt my feeling like you but i'm with you when you appreciate Michael !!!! Hugs Bye BD


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