I have GREAT news and am so excited I just can't stand it any more, I have to tell my MB family..........

I am going to be an auntie again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! I am so excited!!!! I had to tell you I am so full of joy and excitment I was ready to burst!!

My sister is pregnant. She is due around December 26-28th. She is a high risk so please keep her as well as "lil peanut" (baby's official nickname) in your prayers. My sister had a son 3 years ago and sadley he did not make it. So we are praying this one does. We are all scared but so over joyed at the same time.


Love, Shannon xx

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Dear Shannon, I feel your excitement & Joy!  I want to give a you a little of advice though....I hope it helps, truly I do:)!

When you are worried about something this intense, and you think it;s too Big to handle, don't let it take away your Joy, put it in God's hands, tell him it is

too big for you to handle, and trust him, he will never let you down!  This Bundle of Joy will be fine, enjoy and keep a good eye on your sister! I love my nieces & nephews so very much...And of course there is nothing more precious than my own daughter (Meggy)!!! I will keep you All in my prayers!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Hi,  Shannon

I'm very glad for you and the whole family and my prayers

are for all of you, Keep the faith !!!!

Take care


Wonderful news Shannon and you know I will be thinking about you and your sister and all your family - hope all goes well !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


May the little one and Mom be safe

Sending prayers and hugs and lots of kisses

Love Dianna xxx


Yippeeee!! A baby peanut!!


All three of my lads were considered to be high risk because of the 5 babys we lost and because of our little boy who died.


I was really well cared for during my pregnancy and labour so tell your sister she wont be able to sneeze without them doing a scan!! Ha Ha!! It did get a lttle suffocating at times when the doctors would drag me in for tests if the baby hadnt moved for more than 3 hours, but I was really grateful that they did because I have the 3 most wonderful boys.


I know how excited you are and quite rightly so. Congratulations to all of your family. A christmas baby, how fantastic!!



Thank you! My sister seems to be doing really good. She is sick of the morning sickness, but the morning sickness is a good sign. So far everything is good! I'm still praying!!! Yes Jen a Christmas baby! My first nephew was a Easter baby!!! Thank you all for the prayers!! I'll keep you informed!


Shannon xx


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