Hey, I was wondering what everyones first experience was of enjoying Michael's music? the first time you realised you were a fan?
I must admit, my first interaction was when I watched the movie Snow Dogs a couple of years ago and heard Time, Love and Tenderness at the end, I thought it was fantastic and my love has just grown from there!
Sorry if this has already been discussed before, but I'm interested to hear your stories!
Hi Sylvie,
What a sense of humour - keep it up girl!!!! :D. lol.
Sylvia. Wee Scottish friend.
Hi there,
for those who are interested in, I would like to share my story how I fell in love with the music of Michael Bolton. It is a little bit embarrassing for me to tell, because my story reveals what kind of prejudices I had! I hope you will forgive me (lol).
It was in 1992, 25th to 26th of February, Grammy’s night. The night Michael won his 2nd Grammy, certainly for “When a man loves a woman” . Back then I did not know anything about this man, his music – I did not even know his name. And I did not know about the trouble he had due to certain people – Press and others – who did not like him winning this Grammy for they did not like his looks and/or the way he was singing.
Although 19 years have passed since then, I remember clearly some details of what happened and how I felt. I was a student then and could afford watching TV all night and I sat rather sleepy on my couch. Then Whoopi Goldberg announced Michael and said something very nice about his voice and singing – the word “soul” electrified me so instantly I was completely awake.
But then a white man with long blond hair stepped on stage and I fell back to my sofa, because I was convinced that a true soulful singer could never be a white man! I still remember me mocking Whoopi for her appreciative words – but then the camera focused his face and especially his eyes. He looked like a lion a moment before attacking his prey. And I felt my body energizing and I thought – no, I was talking to myself - well, give him a chance … and then he leaned forward and screamed, embodied and … sorry, I lack of words … “When a man loves a woman”. And then … I still have a little blackout because it was an “out of body experience” to me (lol)! When my mind started working and collecting data again I found myself running back and forth in front of the TV. I was watching, observing, or something else - being scared, I might lose a moment of his performance or a further appearance. I do not remember how I survived this night, but I remember knocking at the doors of my local record shop a few hours later hoping, they might let me in before regular opening times (lol) They did not (( :-( ). So I ran the street up and down until they opened. When I asked the young salesman for Michaels’ record I thought to be in 7th heaven in a moment again, but he put me down to earth – no: to hell – with one simple question: Michael who ????
I could not believe it – Michael had won his 2nd Grammy and he was not known in my beloved record shop and I thought this young man to be an expert in music! I was so disappointed!!! But then he regained my respect because he pulled “Everybody’s crazy” out of a hidden corner and an article about Blackjack (he kept this article, just mentioned the band). Unfortunately he only had these new CDs to offer – the medium of future – and no old fashioned Vinyl’s. I did not own a CD-Player then, so I asked him to search for records. After I listened to his advice to buy a CD-Player as soon as possible because of necessary, unavoidable technical improvement and after I committed full compliance he proposed to look in his lists if there was a current vinyl album available until I could afford to buy what I promised. (wow that is a long sentence, but that is the way it was LOL) I was so happy when he ordered the “Time, love and tenderness”-album for me!!! Three very long days later I received my record and noticed that there were more records for sale on the shelves. Needless to say that I loved it from first to last note – although the studio version of WAMLAW could not give me that “kick” again … But a few months later I discovered a live album – Soul driver – so I finally could “get satisfaction” (lol).
Also I discovered, that I have heard him singing “Sitting on the dock of the bay” on the radio before that magic night, but was not successful to find him in my record shop, because I had no name and so I was looking for a black/colored artist … (Sorry, I am still confused which term is politically correct).
That is how I got addicted to Michael Bolton (lol) … Of course, I started searching for further material in different record shops in various cities, but I was not too successful the next year. Luckily he started to work with Luciano Pavarotti this year, yet it took some time until Michael became known in most record shops and various CDs – yes, I was obedient to my shop assistant – were available. So when I first was annoyed at myself for not knowing him earlier I realized that I was just part of a common ignorant audience. Unfortunately I missed a few opportunities to see him at concerts, because of an incredible lack of promotion!! I still can not understand reasons for this. So I am glad to be able to benefit from internet today.
Michael touches me so deeply most of all because of his incredible voice and the immense variety of genres that he offers – and his endless search for new horizons …
His way of singing reminds me of van Gogh’s way of painting. So powerful, unique, distinctive, vivid and intense, with the full deployment of a passionate personality, yet well thought out and prepared.
I was 10 when Elvis opened the gates of music for me and he was my first musical love. When he died I was only 12 and something deep inside of me died too. That magic night when Michael performed WAMLAW was like an unexpected wake-up call and invitation to come back to life again. Elvis was - and still is - my first musical love- but he was not my last … lol That is all I can say and want to say.
Although I do not know if this photo has been taken that very night: Here is a glimpse of his "lion's face". Not amusing at all.
(For those who can not see: Michael is seen dressed like he was on stage that night. He looks to his right side with a very serious face - half hurt, half agressive/self defending)
Thank God, there was time and place to celebrate too!
(Here is Michael holding his Grammy, looking friendly, probably a little bit shy)
Hi all, Last spring I had a similar thread going called 16 years ago today....talking about our first concerts and such. I was a fan when I heard his voice on the radio community the fall of 1991 to a neighboring county to my job at that time.. I heard him on the radio in the car, TLT, How Can We Be Lovers etc...the building I worked in piped in a pop station on their radio and I heard him more.. Over time I bought all the music up to that point, finally in April 1994 I went to my first concert, and the rest is history..This April I've been traveling to see MB for 17 years...about 100 shows later....and many softball games, golf events, instore appearances, charity events later..LOL
That "voice" was so unique that I heard on the radio, he had me with How Can We Be Lovers and TLT!!!
Robin in Maryland :)
Hi Robin, your thread was more about first concert experiences, but it was indeed a fabulous thread! In fact, good enough to reference other people to it again:
I keep a document of special threads links like yours Robin so I don’t lose them and this one is in it! Thanks for sharing sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Sylvie, also another great thread was 'Introduction to Michael' which is the same as this thread, where we share our stories about how we became a fan! Here it is again:
* ooops just saw on page1 you mention this Sylvie,! I am a bit odd, I like to read the threads in reverse, starting at the end working back!! lol
Sylvie I said it was about first concerts and such above you here... so it's not exactly the same but kinda bout the begining of being a fan too....Thanks for the link, I don't know how far down the section its fallen by now..LOL
Robin in Maryland :)
Hi Robin, Ozlem and Sylvie,
These threads are fantastic. I loved to read of your (and everybody else's) experiences and felt invited to share mine. To have just one thread really would make it easier, especially for "newcomers" :- ).
I posted here to bring them up again ...
Hi Astrid, wow, what a description! Lol Oh sweetheart, don’t worry about exposing the fact that you thought only black singers could be soulful: I’m guilty of having been a purist and not accepting cover versions of songs, before I knew Michael so don’t feel bad! :D Oh sweetie, what a beautiful, vivid depiction of your experience: I could picture it! Lol I have to admit you made me both laugh and cry… Astrid, may I ask where you found “Soul driver”? Just curious. About being PC, Michael himself even says “black” so I follow his lead… :D What a brilliant way of describing Michael’s voice Astrid… And speaking of which, thanks for the visual description too! Thank you so very much for sharing sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Sylvie,
I am glad that you enjoyed my story.
I feel somehow insecure about the terms black/colored. Years ago I had a boyfriend from Ghana (as far as I remember lol) and he used to say: I am black, just black and you are my snowwhite! Together we may be colored - lol. When I learned, that "black" might be regarded as an offence I felt sad about it and could not understand. Yet, words are so important ... I love to hear, that you and Michael still use this word.
"Soul driver" - I bought this CD on a kind of street market, but I do not remember the city - in any case I did not buy it in my beloved record shop!
Big hugs
Hi Astrid,
Oh Astrid, what can I say - what an absolutely beautiful story and so beautifully told.......it is in "my favourites" .....and it will be read many times !
A very, very little part of your story which I believe to be gorgeous is your description :- "He looked liked a lion a moment before attacking his prey" and below is a picture I have in my home as my most favourite animal of the animal kingdom is the lion - we have "our male" with his truly magnificent "mane" so here is "mum/mom" with her little cub (sorry for the quality but I had a fight with goldfish tank and plant beneath to get as close as I did !) -
Thank you Astrid for sharing such a delightful, beautiful story with us and, as always, the quality of your pictures deserves nothing more than a standing ovation which, should be given to Michael, on every occasion !!! :)) THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! :)))
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hi, wee Scottish friend,
I love your lions - I hope the goldfish tank and your plant are still doing fine :-).
Standing ovation - I would love Michael to receive standing ovation for a further Grammy!
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