How Michael has impacted my life........(Contest for Signed CD)

Hello Everyone,

        If your reading this its because we all share the same love for this man. I've asked myself several times what it is about Michael that seperates himself from all other artist. Well my experience is this. His voice and messages are mesmorizing. He seen me through the good and the bad, the ups and the downs throughout my life. Music takes me to another place and allows me to heal like no other. He has seen me through my divorce, lost jobs, and my new found peace. I would like to share an intresting story that recently happened to me. I've always wanted to see Michael live but never had the opportunity to due to finances being a single mother timing was always an issue. Well I recently got divorced and lost my job and like normal I would always look at his tour dates and as always thought as I would never be able to attend especially with the ecomony. I had just lost my job and had to take a much lower postion and new I really could not afford to go. Its funny how god works though about 3 weeks ago I had recieved a unexpected check in the mail around the same time I was looking at his tour dates. A light bulb went off. Not only was I able to purchase my first ticket but I also got the front row. I thought I would cry it was meant for me to go "FINALLY". I wouldn't be the girl watching his live performances on youtube or dvds but I would actually be there and in the best seats. I see him Jan 23rd in Daytona Floriday. Like Mike saids its time, love and tenderness. There is no words that can really explaine the profound impact this man has made in my life, so I would love to hear how he has impacted yours ? I always heard god works in mysterious ways and he does.


Thank you Michael for all you do...for me and many others.







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I am totally with you Sylvia,
whats the vma's without michael anyway. I would rather hear stories like this anyday.

Even thou I don't know you, reading your story brings me back to my days working as a social worker at a women's shelter. One thing I know is that You can go on but YOU have to be the one to make that change. You know what you want, a life not in fear or abuse. I am truly concerned for you, please if your husband is abusing you mentally or physically, you need to get help now in some way.
I know it's easy for me to say that, but i've worked with women who've told me the same story you share here. We had young and old at our shelter, rich and poor, even some men came to our sessions who were abused by their wives. I hate hearing stories like yours and feeling helpless. I hope if anything you think about getting information about domestic violence.
I'm no longer a social worker or in anyway experience to dispense advice, but I am a human being who has compassion for others and I will pray for you and your children.
I'm sorry you had such a hard life.You have to be a strong person to survive what you have experienced with your first husband and your grandfather.
Think of what makes you happy, your children and Michael's music. You are blessed if you have one person who cares for you. I'm sure your family, children, and others do care for you.
I'm glad Michael was their for you, I'm sure he would not be involved in such great charities if he didn't think it was important to stop the violence that so many women and children go through. Please think about getting help, it's never too late!!!
Please know you have a friend who cares for you, a stranger, but none the less a fellow "sister". One who will pray for you tonight and every night until you are safe.
Take care, Love from Texas- Sylvia
Dear Eileen,
I am praying for you. Keep Michael close to you in your heart and mind. He will take you to a peace you've never seen. Please get some help. All of us here are praying for you.. I can imagine its very hard and scary step. Re listen to those songs. You can do this. Ive never had the opportunity to see him live like I said but I would give you my ticket if I could. Please friend request me as I will you. Thanks for sharing and know we are all here for you....Truly, Tina
Dear Eileen,
your story has really got my tears flowing as I read it. I just cannot imagine the life you were forced to live and indeed, the life that you continue to live.

I feel I must advise you though incase you arent aware, anybody can read the posts on this forum and so the information you have posted is available for anyone who opens up this site. I fear that if the wrong person read your post, serious harm could come to you.
I would hate to think that because you have poured your heart out to us, serious repercussions could occur to you.

Please muster the courage from somewhere and leave behind this person who is causing you such serious harm to your mental health.

Nobody, has the right to treat you with such contempt in this way and you must escape to a place of safety.

Do you have anyone you can speak to who can help you? Family friend, Priest, Doctor? anyone who will treat your conversation with confidance and who can advise you? Do you have a womens refuge or shelter as I belive that you call them nearby who could advise you on your rights?

I will pray for you that you can get the courage to make the decision that is right for you and your family.

In the meantime, please think about whether you want to remove your post so that nobody can read it if they arent meant to.

Sending you hugs and prayers full of strength and courage,

love Jennifer XXX
oh my god Jennifer,
You make my heart smile. You are an angel. You are why these songs exist. Sometimes others need to hear how hard others have it and that we can live and rise above it, to put there own lives in perspective. Thank you for sharing that story and there is a special reason you are here and a purpose. You were one of my first friends and your warmth, compassion and ability to love others is amazing. The help you give us is one I truly appreciate. I love that you conquered and rose above it all. That inspires me and I am sure others. I would love for all our friends to hear your amazing story. You are one of the strongest women I know and feel blessd to know. I love this site and your are right. I hope Michael knows how much he means to all of us. I am sure your the reason why he sings with and makes songs with such compassion. When things are pick yourself up, fight with all you have and you are here for a reason and it's you that I have been very blessed to get to know.

Thank you for sharing a personal yet touching and beautiful outcome!
Tina, USA
Jenn ,You are one of the strongest women i have ever met .Your courage and strenght inspire me daily.You are truly an angel on earth.Love you xx

Eileen ,I never knew the pain you were going through on a daily basis.You are truly inspiring for your strenght also but i agree maybe you might want to ask Gail to remove your post as you dont want anyone who shouldnt see this.If you need to talk we are here for you .I really cannot wait to meet you in Oct and give you a big hug,I hope it wont cause you trouble by meeting us.I agree that if at all possible please try to get away from the situation .Could you move in with one of your children or a family member.You do not deserve to be treated like this ,You are strong enough to make this move ,Do it for yourself ,You need to get away from this .We will all support you (not in person obviously ),I know it will be extremly difficult.Trust in yourself that you have the strenght and courage to do this,Please .XX
Hi my beautiful Shannon, first of all, I applaud you for the courage you’ve had to live through this and second, for choosing to share this with all of us, when you could have simply spoken to Eileen in a personal message. Your story is perfectly fitting for this thread and I do hope it inspires others who have lived or are living through the same thing. Sweetie, no one would blame you for not keeping your composure because I was shaking myself when I sent Eileen a PM last night and I’m sure you’ll have everybody balling over here! :D God bless you sweetie and thank you so very much for sharing again. Big bear hugs to you, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada xxx
Thats why I love this topic, I love that we help one another, that we learn and that michael know what he has done for all of us. I truly believe it brings us all together even if your story is one of victory, sadness, joy. Lets keep this up so Michael continues to rise above all the rest. Take care everyone......

And Shannon god bless that you made it through and became a stronger person for this. We can all learn from one another.

Tina, USA
Hi Everyone I am a single parent dad of a quadriplegic 19 year old daughter and I am 67 years old and starting to get tired. It really is hard trying to do everything for my daughter and also making sure that she enjoys her life as much as possible, which is hard because she really is not included by most young folks her age at all. I am now retired and on social security and we have just enough income that we will not starve. A couple of years ago I asked her what she wanted to do more than anything else that was within our income and she told me that she wanted to see Michael Bolton in person so I told her as soon as he came out our way that we would go see him. Well then I ran across that very nice lady, Gail and told her that I was going to take my daughter to see Michael and she was able to get a meet and greet for my daughter. He was sooooo nice to both her and I at our meeting and he actually told Gail that I am an awesome dad and that really made me feel like a special person and made me feel like all the care I have given my daughter for the last 19 years was well rewarded with Michaels kind words. Now both Ashley and I have a real purpose in life and that is to cherish her special friendship that she has with Michael and for that she is finally not sad and depressed about not being normal like other young people. We now center our lives around trying to go to as many Michael Bolton concerts that we can drive to and be able to afford the admission. We have really been blessed so far and it really has made my life easier and better just having connected with Michael Bolton. Michael is a superstar because of his kindness and compassion. We will be seeing him 3 times within the next 10 days and we are so excited. Thank you group for letting us share our love for Michael.
Dad & Ashley
Hi Tom,
Wow what a remarkable story, I love hearing how Michael has impacted so many people in so many different ways. An act of kindness goes a long way. She looks very happy in the photo.
I know as parents we want to do everything for our children's happiness, but sometimes we forget is our children who make us the people we are today. What a blessing your daughter has with an "awesome" dad like you.
I wish you and Ashley many blessings on your Michael Bolton crusade.
Thank for letting us enter your life by sharing your story here,
Best Wishes, Sylvia fromTexas
Hi Tom, thank you so much for sharing your story! I’ve read bits and pieces of it on the blogs and on my friend Robin from California’s page. I’m really happy for you and Ashley that you’ve been fortunate enough to attend several concerts and meeting Michael. Hey, if Michael says you’re an awesome dad, well, it takes one to know one! :D But seriously, it takes a very special person to work so hard to make another person feel as close to normal as possible. You haven’t told your whole story here Tom, but doing all the things you do every day for Ashley I’m sure will help her become a very sweet, content and caring young woman. I’m really glad you both had such a gratifying meeting with Michael and I’m sure he enjoyed it as much as you both did. Take care Tom and God bless you! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hello Tina, my name is Erika, the first time I heard Michael was eleven years old. I was in New Haven home of my favorite aunt named Lynette.
My aunt is crazy about Michael Bolton and not lost one of his concerts since he was still was with the Blackjack.
I loved it from the first moment that I heard. I cultivated a true passion for him. I tried to involve my best friend in this passion.
She unfortunately suffered from anorexia.
Sadly she died at fifteen years for a heart attack.
I was depressed and blamed me for not being able to help my best friend. I had stopped eating and sleeping. My parents were worried for me.
Then one day I was at my aunt's house in New Haven. I was sitting on the terrace, wrapped in a blanket and suddenly my aunt has turned on the stereo and I heard these words:

Gonna break these chains around me, Gonna learn to fly again
may be hard, But I'll do it
When I'm back on my feet again
Soon these tears will all be dryin'
Soon these eyes will see the sun
Might take time, But I'll see it
When I'm back on my feet again

And I'm not gonna crawl again
I will learn to stand tall again
No I'm not gonna fall again
Cause I'll learn to be strong

You certainly have understood that the words "Back On My Feet Again." This song was the soundtrack of my rebirth.

Tina Believe me, I rose to my feet and started crying. The words of Michael I have awakened from the torpor of depression and made me stronger. I realized that my best friend was gone, but I was not alone. God is always with me. And my best friend is in God's memory
I also learned that God uses people and especially to help us.  Michael helped me to come out from depression and guilt. The message of his songs is hope. The hope that even when everything goes wrong, when we touch the bottom, the bottom of the darkest tunnel, there is always a light. Maybe you see it right away, but there is.
My light was Michael.
Growing up, I also learned that Michael is not only a great artist, but also a generous and compassionate man. A man who cares about women, children and defenseless. A man full of heart that has chosen to give rather than receive.
Then I thought it was a good example for me.
Today at 27 I offer psychological support to girls and victims of violence and girls with eating disorders.
Michael's music is always the best cure. Care of the soul of people.
Thank you Michael!
And thank you Tina for your experience. You are a brave and strong mother.
Take care of yourself always.


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