I think I posted this in the wrong place and I hope I am in the right area now.Thank you so much Michael

Last Thursday evening was just wonderful. We spent it listening to Michael sing and then we were lucky enough to go back stage and see and talk with him. He and his whole cast made us feel like we were the celebrities. Then after the show we drove home the next morning and we were lucky enough to prepare to see Michael sing again on Saturday night in Grand Rhonde OR  and I know this will be hard to believe but we just happened to get seats right next to where Michael sings When a Man loves a Woman out in the audience. Michael not only sang to Ashley but she also gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead, hard to believe huh or do you think maybe we had some heavenly help? Thank you Michael. Ashley & Dad

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Anywhere on here is the RIGHT place for you Ashley !!! :)   

Thanks so much Tom and Ashley for coming in and sharing your wonderful "Bolton Adventures" with us, thank you and it sounds, for sure, as though you had a wonderful, wonderful time and so pleased for you !!! :)  Having Michael singing to you, oh that will take some beating, for sure and every woman on the planet will be envious of you Ashley ....having Michael sing to you, woooooohoooooooo !!! :)

Thanks for sharing pics as well and one with Michael and Ashley is absolutely super but have to say others are appearing too large for me.  Don't know if because I am looking at on laptop or not but they are too  large to take in the whole picture, if you know what I mean ??? LOL

Thanks again for coming and sharing and love, hugs and kisses to you both !!! :)  Take care !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Thanks for posting Ashley and Tom. Its ok it didn't make it to the Tour Review Thread! LOL I was wondering if you two got to see MB at the two shows out there. Congrats on getting to visit with MB and also him singing right by your seats in the audience.  That's awesome.. 

Thanks for posting your pics here on the forum. Love them..

I'm thrilled for you

Robin in MD :)

Thanks Robin we went backstage both nights and he was awesome to the both of us. We felt like the celebrities both nights. 

That's awesome Ashley. Did you get photos both nights with Michael?

I'm happy for you young lady!

Robin in MD :)

Hi Ashley and Superdad, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful evenings with us. I’m so glad to hear you got the royal treatment and Ashley, I hope you know that you’re a very fortunate young lady and you are special to Michael. :D I hope you’ve both enjoyed the new songs! Thanks again for sharing, take good care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Thanks Sylvie you are so special and thats why we LOVE YOU!


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