This interview is one which Olga has discovered and as it is of quite a length and as not too sure where to put as nowhere really suitable decided to start a new thread for I thought it was the best way to bring the translation over from where Olga has placed photo thread..... for you all to see and I do hope you all agree !! :)    I have also placed link on here so that if any have a far better translation set up than I have hope you will maybe consider placing your transcript on this thread ....thanks !! :)   Not exactly certain when interview was done but Olga thought 2003/2004 and I thought 2002 because of reference made to charity being on the go for 10 years and Sylvie the Solver, who I contacted in trying to gain more information about, thought possibly 2001/2002 BUT when I went in to translate interview I noticed link does have on it "2002/11/0600"  .....coincidence in reference numbers, or could it be relevant to date ......?????  Once again it is not of utmost importance, more the fact that you all enjoy reading interview is, for there definitely are some very funny parts which I am sure you will all agree are only told the "Bolton Way" .....hope they at least make you smile if not laugh !! :)


"Bolton, Michael

in all spheres of life, music

interviews with returning triumphantly to the stage by Michael Bolton (he
really was absent for a long time) - the global and everything - people, Michael
is a diverse and functional in almost all possible areas.
First question: "Everyone
says you're awfully funny, is not it?"
- Bolton's glee, he chuckled and said, "No more

- When you were working on
the last studio album, for you are very influenced by Pavarotti, and the last
you've worked with Babyface ...
At this time you have worked with Richard Marx - not
yet recovered from co-operation with the \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 'N SYNC on the
"This I Promise You".
How did he influence your work?

In fact, Babyface and Pavarotti - this is one and the same person.
Have you ever seen them
And do not ever
Babyface very clever type of - when he had to do something global and opera, he
calls himself a Pavarotti.
I loved working with Babyface, so when he called me
- already a Pavarotti - and asked for more time to sing along, I had to agree.
- No, but
seriously is - what about Richard Marx?
And, of course, its
counterpart, if it also has ...
how did you like working with him? - (with deadly seriousness)
Who is Richard Marx?
- Very funny. - No! (Laughs.) Well, Richard Marx
- a good composer, producer, he is funny and serious at the same time ...
little crazy
very, very
mad, in short, all patients ...
So we had a lot of fun together, we even laughed too
much at work.
was glad he was able to readjust to me once, because he also wrote a bunch of
other musicians.
He wrote this song for a massive \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 'N SYNC, and
then we met and talked about the direction of my new album and started writing
I had to
fly to Chicago - we sort of made a deal: he spends time in Chicago with his
family, but this time I worked in his studio, and then we go to Connecticut, so
I, too, stayed at home with his family while he worked in my studio.
Working with
Richard was very nice.
- And how it affected the sound of the album - you
can describe how it sounds?
- (again, a very serious tone) Oh, we did not
record anything ...
(Silence, then laughter.) How can I describe how this has affected the album?
You can
distinguish the influence of Marx, because he is very melodic, very thematic,
and for me personally, is associated with the very essence of music.
And in the
vocal sense, he lets me be myself ...
In general, we did a few songs stunned, and it was
very fun to work on them.
- What were you thinking when recording the album -
what inspired you?
- It's funny - to think about the songs, we have worked, because they
there is a certain kind of genuine romance ...
when one is around you do
not, you're constantly thinking about what you need ...
If you once experienced a
feeling of love and tasted his power, your mind will demand it again and again -
even if you're afraid of it or you do not have time for it, because once you hit
hard or burned, you're still going to want this again and again.
I really do not know one
person who would not want to try this binder, intense and powerful experience of
It's like
a drug.
Worth a
try just once.
- You recorded music for films. What do you
- I did
symphonic tour, where we went with a full orchestra.
We played in symphony halls
and art centers - where the sound is phenomenal regardless of where you sit.
I also took my
group - we were literally very close to each other, because behind us was a
whole orchestra of fifty people.
And it was fine. It was magnificent.
Worked with us,
Larry Bird - the man who did the work for an identical MOODY BLUES - he knows
how to mix classical music with pop music ...
we could do what we want -
and the rock stuff, and rhythm & blues hits and pop hits, and even the
classic hits, some arias - and the shows were produced startling.
We have been doing this for
two months.
There was another film I did last year - I have a small production company here
in Los Angeles.
This was the film "Good Advice", it starred Charlie Sheen, Angie Harmon,
Denise Richards ...
But then I started thinking that I wanted more. I would like to play myself
- this was the role in which I was interested in the first place, but my company
just made a movie without some of my participation as an actor.
So now I'm shooting a film,
which is kind of like a comedy, and clearly wants to make Michael Bolton show as
the most abominable type in the world.
My name in the movie - Michael V - and I was sort of
Jim Morrison, who gradually turned into Frank Sinatra - sort of, like a rock
star into a pop icon and I do not think that this character corresponding to at
least a modicum of their own feelings.
They continue to describe my darker and darker every
day I read another page of the script and yell: "Yes, I can not even be able to
say that the camera!" And they look at me that way and say, "Do-gu!" ...
And at the end
of each take just a film crew in hysterics because it all - full clinic.
The darkness
and madness.
- Do you have other talents. You have written a children's book several years
There are plans to write another? - I wrote this book about seven years ago when I
lived in a castle not far from Birmingham.
I woke up around six in the morning - all of my
friends will prove to you that at this time, I usually do not wake up ever.
I woke up and I
had a head full of ideas - and I do not know, perhaps it is because I slept in
this castle - I went to my laptop and just started typing the story of a fairy
kingdom, the mythical small Prince, who travels and learns something about life,
and it turned into a children's book, which Disney bought the company "Hyperion"
on it and made a good movie.
I have had is promoting it before Christmas, it was
necessary to ever sign a book and movie discs.
Fortunately, instead of
crazy types that are thrown at you in all the signatures gathered quite a
But the place still had a huge, because in addition to books, and many
would like to sign my CDs, which are clearly purchased as gifts for Christmas.
And I thought,
"Heck it's a great idea," because people went away from me lucky - some had
signed me up to eight books and five or six disks, and disk which has got - my
drives, disks, not mine, Ozzie drives Osborn ...
very strange. However, I signed them all
Tell us about your European tour planner.
- I think I can arrange a
European tour in late summer and early fall.
Everyone always says to me:
"You need to come in early autumn."
I do not know why. Perhaps they did not want me
to miss the most beautiful time of year.
I'll be in Europe all of March, doing promotion for
the new album, and the whole process will take two to three months - and in
Europe, and in the States, and even in Southeast Asia, because now it is the
time to go to Southeast Asia: they collect all the terrorists in the same area,
so I can hang out among them.
I also plan to organize a world tour. And spend more time in the
UK - again I repeat that my grandmother was born in Leeds, and I'm from
- What do you think of the British music scene - a Craig David, for
I like Craig David.
I put some of his records when I was in Miami - it was good. In general, it is nice that
someone writes good music.
- Are there any artists that you would like to work
now or in the future?
- I do not know with whom I work in the future,
because working together - a very funny thing.
This combination of music -
when everything goes as expected, but then someone yells, "Wow, well let's do
this right!" And begins nonsense.
Or vice versa: if I like to work with a specific
person, the song appears on its own.
Or the song itself brings to you the right person.
There is a lot
of talent.
Music has always requires cooperation. But you know - when you try
to artificially connect things together, just because of so and so would be
great to do something together, it is felt that this was wrong, that it is not
working as it should.
But when things start to connect with themselves from the very beginning,
from the inside, conceptual - it is a great thing, you never know what will
happen - but it will turn what was a foregone conclusion (laughs).
Can you repeat what I just
I have no clue what I'm talking about.
I behave strangely enough, I guess I just play.
But I'm
learning to be persuasive, you know
- your "brand" - songs of love. Perhaps you bombard people
with their own stories about how you saved them to an unhappy marriage, or
helped them get through the gap ...
Which of these stories you remember
- My
mother said it - she was going through a divorce and I do not know what had
happened there, but she said: "You saved our marriage, my son. But I forgive
you" ...
No, I
did not have to do it, exactly.
However, I do get a lot of letters with stories ...
but in fact
people do not understand what's going on behind the scenes.
People do not realize how
powerful music really.
They do not realize that people live their lives and
connect their own destiny ...
as if they connect the dots the moments and the most
powerful moments are connected with this or that song, and they just twist the
song again and again, to somehow survive this time.
I can not say exactly how
many times I heard the phrase: "This song is now saved our relationship, she
made us all try to adjust again, and we've got, and now we have been together
for a thousand years ..."
Of course, it's nice to know that you once you touch
people's lives.
I also get letters from people who helped my music just to get out of
difficult situations, when the music speaks to them.
I had to communicate with
terminally ill people who supported my music.
Just one phone call to them
means so much when they're my fans, they have all my drives and the like ...
And then I get
letters from their relatives, who say as much for this man's phone conversation
with me.
I accept as the supreme good.
But you have no right to enjoy his success and
influence, to deliberately intervene in someone's life, even positive, because
otherwise you lose the original meaning of it all ...
- Regarding the theme of
love in your songs.
How do you fight with the cynicism of the age?
you clearly have to do it - otherwise you would not be able to write about
This is one of the most difficult issues, because this issue ...
here is not so much in love
it ...
it is
rather a topic of emotional perception.
I do not know anybody who did not take some time to
love is very cynical.
It is difficult to find a relationship that will truly inspire you.
Most couples
that I met are still working on the quality of their relationship.
But those who stand up,
get a great history and great past and present.
It is hard not to be
cynical when you see how to develop relationships with others.
I now have no close
relationship with anyone.
No need to go with the soul wide open, do not want
something forced you to, you want some protection.
Cynicism - the most
effective way to protect yourself, protect from something.
It's not even true to a
sense of humor, this is not related to a bad joke on the intimate and romantic
themes, it is more concerned with emotional closeness and a psychic security.
There's no
getting around it - if you want to be safe?
- Stab the window, place
the camera anywhere, this is the price for what you are - a man, and every one
of us decides what to choose: to be vulnerable and constantly burned,
potentially feeling more pain, but have feelings or emotions did not feel .
But then the
depth and richness of the experience of our perception is limited.
I do not blame those who
rose from the world of the senses, and sometimes the only way to go through some
the reality is that we can not be closed forever and still be human beings,
because the relationship - a part of human experience.
If you want depth in their
lives, of a rich spiritual experience, you need to feel that it's price - the
opportunity to experience severe pain, but to learn about life more, to see the
whole picture from the side and feel everything.
- Perhaps you have trouble
with this on public - to show their relationship with anyone, because you have
met with very famous women.
Have you had any problems due to interference of
the press in your personal life and how many have you read any nonsense about
your personal life?
- I read a lot of nonsense about my personal life.
I think this
should be ready for any more or less well-known artist.
First, you get angry, then
there is an internal dialogue: "You want to succeed?"
- "Yes, but I just wanted
to sing songs and make music to life" - "Well, in the music business can not do
it and not be constantly in sight of cameras and the press, which climbs to not
have to ..."
Especially when you meet with the same famous women. At some point, you get
used to the fact that after you are constantly being watched.
Of course, one feels that
it is unlawful invasion and violation of your human rights, but this is the
price of success is simply the price that you have to pay.
This is the business that
we choose.
- You have three daughters. How do they relate to your "half"?
often do they give you advice about women you meet?
- My daughter returned to
me in reality.
If I want to lose their self-esteem, or return to the ground, I'm going
daughters are very good at it.
In my house there is no "star" of the spirit does
not happen ...
We are with them - close friends, and they can tell me what they think.
When I'm
home, it appears that I am constantly surrounded by women, they kept talking at
the table - how women can do it and still hear each other - a mystery to me.
They say that
they do, but to me it does something incredible, it's driving me crazy, I tell
In any
case, when women talk about anything, they have more on this concept than boys.
I'm always on
the side of women, because I have three daughters, and I somehow subconsciously
seek to protect them.
I've had problems with her daughters when they were in this terrible
age between fifteen and nineteen years.
If you watched the movie "Exorcist", both parts,
you are more or less aware of what to expect from your kids at this age satanic.
But if you're
not ready - it is a complete madhouse!
Fortunately, when my kids came out of that age, I
have established with them just a great relationship.
- You've worked with a
truly iconic musicians.
Can you recall with whom you enjoyed working the
Do you remember any funny incidents related to your work

- ... In those days I lived in Los Angeles.
It seemed that everything
happens at once - I just received the first "Grammy", recorded a hit album - and
then called me a man who works with Bob Dylan.
I was told that Bob will
be in town a couple of days and that he would like me to write something.
It seemed to
me that it was a joke.
Nevertheless, I asked, "Where and when?" And I
replied: "Right now, cancel everything."
I canceled, went straight to Dylan. And while we sat and
talked, I thought: My God, it's Bob Dylan!
There's nothing you can do, when you're a fan of
far, so - when you meet with someone from whom you have admired all my life, you
do nothing, than to be just a fan and somehow express it in the process of
Bob and I wrote "Steel Bars", it was also a hit. Also, it was one of the
most painless of creative experiences in my life, though I thought all the time:
"Here we are done, so Bob will leave the room - and did you never see!"
When I got
home, my daughter said to me: "Do you realize what an honor - to write a song
with Bob Dylan?" And I said to her voice, Dylan's "Nuuuuu. Yes. I know."
I just flew
from it.
the song that we wrote, I still turn to each show.
- you are doing charity
Tell us about your fund, why do you have it set up and how are you
The reason I started this foundation - this is what I was constantly invited to
speak at some kind of charity concerts.
I have not understood very well how it all works.
Then I
realized that they collect a lot of groups, invite a couple of celebrities such
as Luther Vandross - and the ball starts to roll.
And they get millions and
millions of dollars for some kind of diabetes, but where the money goes really -
Fig knows.
I decided to organize something, that I myself could follow where the money
I will
help the organization "Women and children at risk," which deals with the
problems of single mothers who need help because of domestic violence or
applies to the new generation - if children get the emotional trauma, it must
somehow be stopped.
If you do it at least minimally, can affect someone's fate. Of course, you can not
help everyone, but we can somehow bring people together, teach them something
that they can fight for their rights.
I've been doing this for ten years - probably quite
These are people who are doing similar work, the workers so-called
"social" is the real heroes, and they need help in every way possible.
- And yet,
despite all that you have done, in spite of musical success, the only thing
which compulsively ask you all-all-all journalists, and that you zadolbali to
death, it is ...
- Why I am a haircut! That's ridiculous - I recently traveled to England,
and everybody was asking me only about this.
It's like with me and the
world nothing else happens.
When people ask me: "Do you grow your hair back?",
I reply: "Yes, I otraschu them on your ass!"
You know, now I realized
that when I cut, it was a very good decision!"


Here is the link to the interview...............

Sylvia.    Your wee Scottish friend.




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Hi, Astrid!!

I very badly know English, so I can write some nonsense:))))Be gracious to me...

I like Nicollette Sheridan. I wrote about her role in TV series "Desperate Housewives". She played the role of a femme fatale. Nicolette perfectly played the role. I loved her character. Nicolette was a very convincing :)))
Marriage....I told Sylvia. In Russia, a male is always the head of the family. If a woman will demand equal rights, she will be lonely, because in Russia there are more women than men. Russian male are spoiled, because they are always around a lot of beautiful and young women.

Of course there are the normal and the modern family, where husband and wife are equal partners..:))
However, Russian men do not tolerate strong and independent women. In this regard,in runet (Russian Internet) going war between feminists and patriarchal men.

But we will not discuss it. This is the site of Michael Bolton. :)))))
I apologize for my English.   LOL!

Hi again Olga,

there is no need for an apology at all. Since I am a non-native speaker too I have contributed to confusion and misunderstandings too. But mostly it turned into laughter - and learning!

As far as I know MB wanted this forum to be a place for his fans to meet and talk about (almost) everything we would like to, so it is up to us what we bring in here. Concerning the topic of men's and women's equal worthiness I think it comes very near to his support to prevent women from domestic violence, so we are right on track LOL.

I wasn't aware that there are more Russian men than women, might explain a lot. Thanks for that information.

Unfortunately, the "war" between feminists and patriarchs/androcentric orientend people is still alive in our society too, but it is rather fought hidden, yet it is - nonetheless - daily experience for us too. So one reason more to reach out for mutual respect for all of us. And I am very happy and greatful to see couples around me already living this dream - it is possible - LOL. Or as MB loves to sing: How can we be lovers if we can't be friends?

With best wishes for a great new week 



"It takes two to tango" , nothing more that can be added to this saying, it's pretty self-explanatory! Concerning "wars" of any type ... we've had plenty but at what cost? For godness sake, we live in the 21-st century ! We should elevate ourselves at highest levels esp women because, believe it or not, we still live in a man's world! There's nothing wrong with that as long as women make themselves respected and that comes thru education, financial independence and self reliability ! ... other than that, "one world, one love" ! All the best - Nic

Hey Astrid believe further up page Olga actually says more women than men and that is, I believe, the situation in a lot of countries throughout the world and one we definitely want to keep and hopefully avert another big one.....who would have thought that might be the key to it all......basic instinct  !!

My anthem for the world and it is not one of MB's so don't tell him, is John Lennon's, Imagine, and they played that last night and showed John singing it at the Closing Ceremony of the Olympics and it was beautiful....yeah.....IMAGINE !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi, Astrid !!

I like this quote:"How can we be lovers if we can't be friends?" :))) Beautiful song and nice clip of Michael Bolton...Unfortunately, many Russian men do not need a woman-friend. They are looking for a woman-mother, a woman-cook, a woman for sex. It is difficult to find a man who would respect a female personality. Therefore, I always admire European men, they differ from Russian men:)  This is neither good nor bad ..This is a statement of fact.

Generally, this is a big topic...And my English is too bad that a lot of talk about it..LOL :-)

Hi everyone and I am delighted to be able to put below link on these pages for indeed I now feel we are definitely getting "back to the good part" on this forum and the link is to Michael's performance at the White Nights Festival on 6th July and it is FANTASTIC !!! :))))   If you do not want to watch whole of video but only Michael's segment then go to the 20 minute mark on the video.    I have to add that ALL our THANKS have to go to our friend NIC for finding and sharing this video and I personally feel I can't thank you enough Nic for, although I admitted over in the tour thread that I had in fact stopped looking for anything further from the Russian visit this year, I have always felt this thread was incomplete without being able to show MB's performance BUT now, I can finally say, with complete satisfaction, it is DONE !! :))))))))

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Ура!!! hooray! :)

Thanks,Sylvia! Finally, we saw what was going on behind closed doors :)) By the way, yes ..I looked only performance of Michael, other artists do not want to see. 

By the way, after a speech by Michael, show-man Andrei Malakhov (which, in white trousers:)))), said : "Finally, we learned that the public is present in the hall". As I understand, the audience applauded Michael more than other artists.

This is understandable. Michael is a wonderful singer...

Hey Olga, thanks for letting us know sweetie: you just put a big smile on my face! I can't wait to hear it. Have a great day Olga, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D

Thanks for that information Olga about what the presenter said and I am so pleased that we have finally got that video on this thread thanks to Nic and glad you enjoyed !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Sylvia et All,

I'm very glad you guys enjoyed seeing him performing at the WN festival  ... As far as I'm concerned, I adore his "You don't know me" .... that's my super-favorite "Vintage" song :))) Take care and all the best - Nic

Thank you  Sylvia for posted this about MB in Russia, i like to read about him ,and help me  learn English as well :D !

You are wonderful :)  take care , a hug from thida,xx

Glad you have enjoyed Thida and did you see that the South Korean date for Seoul has been confirmed.....I have still got fingers crossed that he will head south west into Thailand after that.....jump across little bit of southern China and then keep going problem for MB !!  LOL.   If we keep on and on and on and on and on about it ....maybe Michael might just hear us....I will try anything Thida to get him to Thailand for you for you deserve a concert !! :)

Take care Thida and keep fingers crossed !!! lol.


Sylvia.    เพื่อนของคุณสก็อตจิ๊ด



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