My daughter surprised me with tickets...I drove over 800 miles, half of those in tsunami type rain and wind....and I can very firmly say I would do it all over again....and more.  Michael's voice is better than ever...effortless in it's depth and range.  His band was by far the best I've seen accompany a solo performer, kudos to the drummer who not only played like a man possessed (like all good drummers do), but also managed to "conduct" the other members...quite a feat, done to perfection.  Michael has always seemed like a down to earth gentleman, unassuming and genuinely caring about his fans....this concert made that perception a fact.  He was gracious and humble and performed in this small venue with the passion "stars" usually reserve for large venues, if they do it at all.  The grace and dignity he showed during "Dancing with the Stars" is actually how he really is, you could feel it eminating from the stage. So I would like to thank my daughter for a great surprise and Michael and crew for making it so very worth all she went through to get us tickets and the driving adventure...800 miles, no problem, not for such an amazing performer. 

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Hi Christine and welcome to the forum. Uhm pardon my ignorance, but Long Island, you mean you went to the Brookeville show sweetie? Wow, that’s so very nice of your daughter, what a nice present! Was this the first time you saw him? It sounds like it was absolutely wonderful! And may I ask how long you’ve been a fan? Just curious. I’ve heard that quite a few people  gained a new respect for Michael thanks to DWTS. BTW, in case you don’t know, Michael, due to the overwhelming positive response to his performance of “Hallelujah” on the show, has decided to record it on his next album, scheduled to be released in May, isn’t that great? So does that mean you attended the concert with your daughter? If so, well lucky you! Okay Christine, I understand you’re new on the forum and may not know your way around yet, so I thought I’d let you know that we have a discussion thread set up, just for concert reviews right here:

People post their reviews, pictures and sometimes videos from the concerts they attend. If you’d like to join us and share more about your concert experience, we’d love to hear from you so the invitation is open. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Yes, i went with my daughter...I drove from NJ to Maryland to pick her up....then out to the Tilles Center in Hicksville, Long Island, back to Marlyland to bring her home, then back to NJ...according to the mileage charge on my rental car it was actually a total of 1011 miles...and so very well worth it.  My daughter bought the tickets because I have been a fan forever and she began her love of him when she was around 10...she is 28 now.  I watched Dancing with the Stars only because he was on it last year.   Thank you for the link to the concert thread. 

Hi Christine, wow, the things we do to see Michael huh? We rearrange our lives around his concerts and love it! You’re very fortunate to be able to go with your daughter. On the tour review thread, we have another mother and daughter pair you might want to talk to, Mary and Meggy. They’re going to their first concert in 15 years tomorrow. A lot of us watched DWTS only for Michael and haven’t watched it since. Which reminds me, there is talk about Michael going back to perform in May, to coincide with the release of his next album, in case you didn’t know. You’re welcome for the link, hope you enjoy the thread as much as we do! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Christine

welcome to the forum and thanks for your message!


greetings from Switzerland




Hi Christine, thanks so much for sharing your review. As Sylvie said we have a thread just for concert reviews, please if you don't mind moving your report over to that thread, it would be great. Everyone looks there for the concert reviews from fans!!


WELCOME! and thanks!

Robin in Maryland :)

Aww, what an amazing surprise for you Christine and whta a beasutiful daughter you have to present you with this wonderful gift.


I'm so glad that you enjoyed the concert. As a long term fan of over 20 years, I have too have witnessed the passion, grace and dignity that you saw.


I have been lucky enough to meet with Michael on several ocasions now and believe me when I say, he is a kind compassionate, considerate and genuinly delighted to meet with his fans. A true gentleman in every sense of the word.


Welcome to the forum Christine. Enjoy having a look around.


Love Jennifer XX




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