Have decided to start this thread to give Marie somewhere to place the collages that she designs and produces of Michael and generally only displays over in FB so that all those on here have opportunity to see her absolutely beautiful work as well as giving her a place where she can come into and place her collages herself without having to wonder if she is putting them in the right place.

From 12th June, 2014, combined a thread called "Bolton Art" with this one in order that forms of artistic licence with photos of Michael could be displayed in one place so people know where to come to to see the pictures and also where they can feel free to put their own and please, everyone, do feel free to post your very own "works of art".  



Sylvia on behalf of Marie.    Your wee Scottish friend and your, No.1 fan of Michael's, Czech friend.


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To kick the thread off here are some more collages that Marie has designed based solely on "The Soul Of It All" and in my opinion, they are beautiful and deserving of being used in advertisements for Michael's book.




Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Good idea Sylvia!!!! Thank you Marie for all of your artistic and creative photos!! I LOVE the one above with the "antique computer"!!! GORGEOUS :)))) AND all the coffee collages.....mmmmmm....they make me drool for a couple of reasons...LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Here is the latest collage that Marie has put out on FB tonight and another terrific one it is too !! :)

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Another collage from Marie and a beautiful one too !!! :)



Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend on behalf of Marie Rusova


Fabulous also!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

26th February ....happy day for all

Michael's BIRTHDAY .... but gift for us

G R E A T   T H A N K S   Michael

Hermosos Marie!! Sabés no había visto estos foros, aún...muy lindo!! Besosss, desde Argentina, Mar

greatest DATE ....alarm clock for fans

Both of those are beautiful Marie but I must say the second one I adore......thanks a lot Marie !!!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



thanks for Your words ...it makes me great happy

Your friend Marie

is something to look to forward to ... magical date of 26th February .... so many of beauty

Hi Marie,

Just wanted to thank you personally Marie for all your hard work and lovely talent.

They are all truley works of art and you should be so proud, thank you for sharing them with us.

Have a Great Day!



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