I was having trouble with the MB Dates Added thread going to the last page so I'm thinking it is at it's limit so starting this new thread.

5/14/13 Updated*


You are going to find a number of things on the web and on band member's websites before I announce, or they end up in the Tour section here, or MB's official Facebook and I want to explain why.  Michael's management and tour people start setting things up and working with promoters and venues most times a long time before we hear about them. There are logistics that have to be worked out as well as schedules, deposits, agreements, etc that are all signed and ok'd before Michael's people consider them confirmed.  The band member's may put them on their websites also before we do because they are given the dates while they are being worked on, so they will hold those dates in their busy schedules as well. A lot of the band do other gigs when they aren't with Michael so they are asking them to hold those dates.  Promoters and venues sometimes post before all is confirmed on Michael's end as well because they want to get the word out and tickets sold but sometimes that works against them and most of us have seen that happen when a concert doesn't work out and tickets have to be refunded or taken down with no explanation. Most of the times the ones you find on websites of the venues or band member's sites do work out but because there is the chance they might not until all i's are dotted we don't post on the main page until it is!!

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So absolutely delighted for you girls and hope to meet both of you because I am going to those 2 shows as well as another 4 and I have a VIP Package for Glasgow, front row and have a guess what the darn seat number is .........?????????.........not 27 BUT ......7 !!!!! LOL   Couldn't not take !!!!! LOL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



I am really delighted for you Sylvia - you got what you wanted and I am thrilled for you.  Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you were able to get great seats too Clare and everyone else!!

Robin in MD:)

Hi Robin
Yes ive never had the chance for pre-sale tickets before and didnt know what to expect.  Yes i got the tickets i wanted and am over the moon!  X

Congratulations Clare!! I know that over the moon feeling!!!!!!!!! so glad for you!

Robin in MD:)

Thanks Clare and equally delighted for you.....fantastic getting just what you wanted !!! :)    Don't know about you but my jaws are damn sore for I've been smiling since got confirmation of first one I booked because first time I have ever done anything like it on internet  and watching that clock tick down as you make sure you put in all the details right.....that is nerve racking and I know, just know, no one will be surprised on here to hear I made a mistake or at least forgot something and could I work it out why it wasn't going through.....hadn't put in security number for my card.....just a minor thing, really !!!!!! LOL.


Well done everyone to all the lurkers on here and everyone on Twitter that have got the tickets they wanted.....let's all party at every venue and make this tour one of the best and most successful Michael has ever had.....roll on MAY 2014 !!!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


So thrilled for you getting your tickets and making all your plans! This is really gonna happen! And a meet & greet with MB! Oh girl, how will you stand it?  (How will he??) You will be in shock and ready to faint. 6 concerts? Wow!!  Can't wait to read your reviews that will be coming up on here.............I better take a few days off work to have the time to read them all. LOL!
Hugs from NJ
Sylvia, I'm giving you a cloud now as I know
you are already on it, just making plans!
(Photo of a woman on a laptop buying all
her tickets to MB shows! She is laying on
a big white fluffy cloud!)

Hi Joy, it’s a good thing Sylvia will have a few concerts to get ready mentally, before the concert with the M&G. Lol I agree: I’m sure this set of reviews is going to be epic! Thanks for the description and the smile Joy. :D Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D


This is so true, she can go to a few concerts to deal with actually seeing the man in the flesh. Come down off the cloud a little each time before the M&G show. I remember I hadn't seen him in years, then when I started going to concerts again a few years ago it hit me too. I was in the front row, Soul Provider started, he walked out singing and when I first saw him I was saying out loud in a squealing voice, "Oh there he is, it's really him!!!" Then I felt like I was sort of floating above my seat!!

Joy ;)


Hi again Joy, well, it’s hard to tell with Sylvia, lol but I know that if it were my first concert and I were to meet him, I’d be shaking in my boots... Actually, at my first concert, my husband had bought special tickets which included a pre-concert meal which I was told Michael was supposed to attend, but he didn’t... Maybe he was on Bolton Standard Time... :D  I do remember shaking in my shoes though... :D Oh Joy, thanks for sharing girl: I can picture it! You know, I’m sure Sylvia has plans for the M&G, but let’s see what happens when she gets there... :D One of my friends told me she’d always wanted to say this or that to Michael, but she said one look at him and your jaw just drops! Lol I guess we’ll see. Thanks again for sharing Joy, take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

INDEED girls.....we will see for, of course, Sylvia has got things up her sleeve !!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks a million for MY cloud Joy....I eventually get one to myself....WOW !!!!! LOL    Next year sure is going to be fun and I agree entirely with you....God help Michael; the poor boy doesn't know what he is in for !!!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



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