I was having trouble with the MB Dates Added thread going to the last page so I'm thinking it is at it's limit so starting this new thread.

5/14/13 Updated*


You are going to find a number of things on the web and on band member's websites before I announce, or they end up in the Tour section here, or MB's official Facebook and I want to explain why.  Michael's management and tour people start setting things up and working with promoters and venues most times a long time before we hear about them. There are logistics that have to be worked out as well as schedules, deposits, agreements, etc that are all signed and ok'd before Michael's people consider them confirmed.  The band member's may put them on their websites also before we do because they are given the dates while they are being worked on, so they will hold those dates in their busy schedules as well. A lot of the band do other gigs when they aren't with Michael so they are asking them to hold those dates.  Promoters and venues sometimes post before all is confirmed on Michael's end as well because they want to get the word out and tickets sold but sometimes that works against them and most of us have seen that happen when a concert doesn't work out and tickets have to be refunded or taken down with no explanation. Most of the times the ones you find on websites of the venues or band member's sites do work out but because there is the chance they might not until all i's are dotted we don't post on the main page until it is!!

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LOL!! He won't know what to make of you I bet! No really, I am sure you will be fine. He must be use to his fans being nervous around him. As long as you don't attack him Sylvia, keep your distance as hard as that will be!!

Joy ;)


Congrats Sylvia..I don't know how you did six shows all at one time!! Glad you got the package for the show near you! That's fantastic!!!

Robin in MD :)

Gail ,any sign of an irish date .We are afraid to book for Liverpool just in case (although 2 shows would be fab)

Enjoyed reading your schedule this morning, Sylvia, and happy for you about the VIP seat and M&G too....that is wonderful. A very exciting tour you have planned :)). Good luck to everyone making their plans in the UK. Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Thanks Kathy and it certainly does feel like "fun" times ahead.....I still can't stop smiling and one thing did want to say about tickets and in particular VIP Packages for they cannot be totally for the first 4 rows at each venue but must only be a certain number of seats in the first 4 rows that qualify because I have two venues where in one I have a 3rd row seat and another a 4th row seat and I did not buy VIP Packages for them and when you think about logically how could Michael possibly meet and greet everyone from some venues from first 4 rows because in Concert Hall in Glasgow alone you would talking about 140 people let alone looking at the RAH.  Hadn't really thought like that until I got the 3rd row and 4th row and wondered what was happening having those seats coming up and then penny dropped and think it has dropped the right way !!!! LOL   That too is possibly how the RAH ones went so quickly because there was only so many in the first 4 rows, not the first 4 rows !!!


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


That's true Sylvia. They must have a limit of the packages to limit the number of people to do the meet/greets at the venues.  I was wondering that too.. I've seen him see large groups of people tho go backstage and it's in groups and quick meet/greets.  We were behind a lot of people for MPT a few years ago in PA.  Maybe 75 plus people waiting in a very long hallway..They moved along much faster than we thought as we were last..The casinos here do that alot for their high rollers and groups go backstage.  Saw about 25 or so at Tioga doing that after the show there.   Hopefully they have this worked out so it will go well for all the meet/greets and for folks to get tix up in the front areas w/o having to buy those meet/greet packages like you did! Good to know..Great seats! Congrats! 

Robin in MD:)

Sharon. Gail is away on a cruise this week and unable to come on to.see your post. I just want you to know. She cannot answer questions right now.

Robin in MD :)

Yes Sharon we like to know also more like the rest of Europe..but I don't think Gail would know this..........

It would have been nice lol

lots of love Jacqueline xxx

Thanks Robin,sounds fab .We have booked Liverpool .It will be my 40th the day before so itll be a birthday gift to myself lol .I bet we will get an irish date now too .

Me and you both 40 next year Shar.  what a year its going to be!  I absolutely loved the venue at Liverpool on the last tour, it is so intimate.  Glad you got some tickets.....xXx


Oh yes twin I forgot ,Will be fab.Where did you get ?

Wolverhampton, Liverpool and Manchester..... all so close to our birthdays xXx


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