I was having trouble with the MB Dates Added thread going to the last page so I'm thinking it is at it's limit so starting this new thread.

5/14/13 Updated*


You are going to find a number of things on the web and on band member's websites before I announce, or they end up in the Tour section here, or MB's official Facebook and I want to explain why.  Michael's management and tour people start setting things up and working with promoters and venues most times a long time before we hear about them. There are logistics that have to be worked out as well as schedules, deposits, agreements, etc that are all signed and ok'd before Michael's people consider them confirmed.  The band member's may put them on their websites also before we do because they are given the dates while they are being worked on, so they will hold those dates in their busy schedules as well. A lot of the band do other gigs when they aren't with Michael so they are asking them to hold those dates.  Promoters and venues sometimes post before all is confirmed on Michael's end as well because they want to get the word out and tickets sold but sometimes that works against them and most of us have seen that happen when a concert doesn't work out and tickets have to be refunded or taken down with no explanation. Most of the times the ones you find on websites of the venues or band member's sites do work out but because there is the chance they might not until all i's are dotted we don't post on the main page until it is!!

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I saw this listed on Tmaster. I'm sure it's going to be a great event. I think MB has done events like this for David Foster in the past.

Robin in MD :)

Hi ladies, thanks Sylvia for the info and yes Robin, Michael mentioned doing the David Foster event for organ transplants on "This is Michael Bolton". Take care ladies. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Thank you so much Sylvia for this bit of news about the David Foster Foundation Gala.  How is it that such a great event the tables are sold out already without being sold to the public. Doesn't seem fair. Oh well - even to get a few tickets to take friends along to see Michael and the lineup of great entertainers should be an outstanding evening. Its not too far for me to travel to, so will keep you posted about the event. Thank you again for sharing this news with us.  Your Irish Friend in Welland, Ontario, Canada.  Love Liz & Preston


Glad you can go Liz and hope you have a great time !!! :)  I imagine the tables are gone because they will have been bought buy sponsors of David's Foundation for members of their staff.  Possibly a couple could have been kept back for others but again they might only create the tables to suit the numbers that they know about.  Also too if more space was given to more tables could possibly mean having to cut down on single seating.  In many ways got to remember although a "show" it is primarily an event to raise as much money as is possible for the Foundation and big sponsors will pay big bucks and in the end that is what counts at an event such as this.

Have a super time and please let us know all about !! :)

Thanks for share of super photo Liz and Preston sure is photogenic !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia,

I had booked a flight home to Ireland this summer and perhaps my last trip home and was going to give you a shout to see if we could connect as I was going over to Scotland to judge at a dog show as well as speak as a women's symposium on the role of women in the health care profession in third world countries. But due to failing health, I've had to cancel. My last flying was to Montreal when I treated my friend Debbie McCracken who joined the fans of Michael here who wanted to see him so much and I went into total heart failure during the flight home. But going there was also a nightmare. So when I heard that the David Foster Foundation were putting on a Gala in Toronto, I was so delighted as it is only an hour and half drive by car. So for certain I will try and take some decent pictures as well as keep you updated as to how the show went. I am truly looking forward to the entire evening.

What you said makes a lot of sense.  It is all about making some decent money for the foundation and it for a very noble cause for children this time.  So in any small way we can contribute by even getting single seats, will also help.

I have been a bit negiligent in my involvement here but somedays I can barely get out of bed and other days you wouldn't think there was anything wrong, like that photo of Preston and myself. He is my life line. I trained him as my service dog and he is the youngest dog registered here in Canada as a service dog. I was totally amazed at that but I have bred some wonderful dogs over the years but none come close to this wonderful boy who teaches me so much about love and giving without counting the cost. He too loves Michael' music. In fact when I put on a cd or dvd, he knows its his cue to dance with me. Man he can dance up a storm for a golden retriever but what a hoot he is. I have nurses who come in daily who - some are not dog lovers who just adore him and give him about half the time they spend in my home with him. He knows how to play them like a fine fiddle. It is so funny to watch. Who'd ever think life's enjoyment would come from such simple joys of watching and being loved by a golden retriever. When he sees I am getting down he nudges me to put on some music as he knows it lifts my spirits. If you ever come to Canada, the door is always open and the kettle and tea pot on all the time. Love Liz & big slappy kiss from Preston xxx

You never know Liz for I have relatives in and around that area so if that Lottery comes up I might just .........................!!!! lol

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Liz and welcome to the forum. It's always nice to meet another Canadian fan! About the tables being sold out,  I can only echo what Sylvia said. Sounds like a terrific event and we do hope you'll let us know how it went on the tour review thread! Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi Sylvie, I live in Canada but am from Ireland and emigrated to Canada in 1983.  I bet you were there at Michael's show in Montreal this March. I treated my friend Deb.McCracken who is also a friend of MB. She doesn't get out that much so I wanted to so something special as she is so kind to me and when I had to rehome all of my goldens she took most of them. I thought she was insane at the time but they have changed her life forever. No longer does she worry about house work or how the house looks but her home is filled with love because of these dogs.  But she is here at a drop of a hat if I need a friend or sign myself out of hospital and need someone to stay over with me.. Friends like that are rare, so this was an opportunity to do something special for her. But that trip was my last flight I will ever be able to take. I went into total heart failure and nearly died in Montreal. But Toronto is only an hour and half away, so I have something now to look forward to in September. Any word if Michael might perform anywhere else in Canada whilst here?Would have been lovely to have met you in Monteal. Who knows we our paths may cross one day.     Thank you for your kindness. Love Liz & Preston xxx

Hi again Liz, well, you live in Canada now, so it counts as you being Canadian as far as I’m concerned... :D Oh yes, I was at the Montreal show and it was quite a treat for me too. It sounds like you and your friend Deb have a very special relationship. I’m glad for you that despite your life challenges, you’re able to see the bright side of things and hope you have a blast at the charity event. Unfortunately, the last actual tour Michael did in Canada was in 2010 and he skipped Montreal that time, because he’d come a year prior. As a general rule, when Michael comes to Canada, he’ll go to Casino Rama in Orillia  Ontario, practically every year since he filmed his first live DVD there in 2004. You should definitely keep an eye on this thread though, because our moderator Gail posts all upcoming confirmed tour dates and some pending confirmation. Thanks for your message Liz, take good care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi Sylvie,

Sorry I didn't mean to offend you by my comment that I am Irish. I keep dual citizen but am proud to call myself a Canadian Citizen as this country has been good to my family and myself.

Casino Rama is not far either from Toronto. I think my brother said it is about 2 hours from Niagara.  Well Deb is a close friend and like a sister I never had, but we also fight like cats and dogs too. But she has learnt to just walk away from me rather than engage in any heated discussion as I never back down. She saw that first hand with the pilot who made an error in judgement with the way he handled my going into heart failure.  Anyway she gained a $200 credit from the airline for my grievances with him. She kept telling me to just let it go. I wouldn't because he was wrong and I was right and I had paid for the seat he wasn't perpared to let me have.  Then half way through the flight he came and apologized. But in all of this Deb is learning to stand up for herself and not let people walk all over her.  After 34 years they made her job redundent and yet said she was an exemplary employee! A contradiction in terms!!!  So now from watching me stand up for myself she is taking the university on and and many others along with her may have a class action against the university. She is scared but I said she will feel much better than she does now:  feeling like she has been discarded like a piece of garbage without any warning and for no reason except to save a few dollars.   From our friendship she became exposed to listening to Michael's music day in and day out - then one day I got in her car and low and behold a cd of Michael's was playing in her cd player. I smiled at her.  She is one amazing lady.  Adopted a little Chinese girl as a baby and is doing a fantastic job raising her as a single mom.  I have the greatest respect and love for what she does and who she is.  

Will keep you posted on the Event.  Fond regards Liz

Hi Liz, oh don’t worry, you didn’t offend me. It sounds like you’re very proud of being Irish and I wouldn’t take that away from you. I simply meant that for immediate info about concerts, TV appearances etc, Canadian contents might be more relevant to you as it is to me. :D Glad for you that everything worked out in the end and good for your friend that thanks to you, she learned to appreciate our Michael’s music.  I wish you both well in your endeavours Liz, take good care.  Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi Liz,

The location of the event is at our "Maple Leaf Gardens" which was transformed into this event centre on. Last time I was there was 1993 for Leafs game against  Detroit.  I believe the tickets start a $99 - $299, they are on sale July 4, 2015 at ticketmaster. I would also like to attend...see what happens.

Regards, Usha , Mississauga Ontario.


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