I was having trouble with the MB Dates Added thread going to the last page so I'm thinking it is at it's limit so starting this new thread.

5/14/13 Updated*


You are going to find a number of things on the web and on band member's websites before I announce, or they end up in the Tour section here, or MB's official Facebook and I want to explain why.  Michael's management and tour people start setting things up and working with promoters and venues most times a long time before we hear about them. There are logistics that have to be worked out as well as schedules, deposits, agreements, etc that are all signed and ok'd before Michael's people consider them confirmed.  The band member's may put them on their websites also before we do because they are given the dates while they are being worked on, so they will hold those dates in their busy schedules as well. A lot of the band do other gigs when they aren't with Michael so they are asking them to hold those dates.  Promoters and venues sometimes post before all is confirmed on Michael's end as well because they want to get the word out and tickets sold but sometimes that works against them and most of us have seen that happen when a concert doesn't work out and tickets have to be refunded or taken down with no explanation. Most of the times the ones you find on websites of the venues or band member's sites do work out but because there is the chance they might not until all i's are dotted we don't post on the main page until it is!!

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Hi Gail  - on Michael's website it states November 10th for Liverpool Empire not November 11th - but I am unsure which one is correct?

Pauline x

Where on Michael's website does it state 10th Pauline for I cannot see.  Gail has it on previous page and it is 11th and in the Tour Section it says 11th.  Also checked his FB page, just in case, and it says 11th so lost on where you are seeing 10th, sorry !!!

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Hi Sylvia

It is listed at the top of the page on Michael's website from Kong - it says 10th on there.

I copied the exact text - here you go:

Two new venues have been added to the November tour, and the complete current schedule is as follows:
Liverpool Empire Theatre - Nov 10
Woking New Victoria Theatre - Nov 12
New Theatre Oxford Nov 14
Aylesbury Waterside Theatre - Nov 16
New Wimbledon Theatre - Nov 18

Have found what you are talking about Pauline but that is the OLD 1st rescheduled list and Gail has posted above that the new revised tour list which states the 11th for Liverpool.  

Sylvia   YWSF   27

The Liverpool concert is now November 11th.  The November 10th date was in the first release and I added the corrected and Updated dates at the top.  The Tour section has the correct date...the 11th.

This seems to get worse by the minute,major mess-up. Now no Woking?  Still no official email? Looking forward now to seeing the cost of my ticket back in my bank account, when it's there I'll make decisions about whether I want to rebook somewhere else, or wait for the tour dates to be announced.  November is a long way off and last week I was told I will be made redundant in April, so l have no idea what I may be able to afford in the autumn.  

On the plus side, it's snowing here in the south this morning so now I won't have to head out on the train in the freezing cold.

Margaret in Kent

I'm seeing where some fans are getting a note from the New Theatre, Oxford  venue telling them that the show has transferred to the Aylesbury venue and your tickets are good there but if you can't go there they will refund your tickets.  You should get something from them shortly I'd think.

I still haven't received an email re our Manchester tickets and now have to make a decision as to whether we get a refund and wait to see where Michael is doing his concert tour or go to both - if we can make it to Manchester on a Friday night after finishing work in Leeds.  I will ring the Opera House again tomorrow and hope for the best. 

Hi Wendy,

i haven’t had a word re Manchester either, and like you need to decide on refund or not! Hotel already paid for Sunday! So going dOwn for day/night anyhow!!! I tweeted MB and Kong, got an reply off MB earlier, asking how could he help??!! I replied Just let us know what happening in Manchester, On or not as had no official email, but haven’t had a response! So frustrating!!!

Julie x

Hi Julie, I've had the text and email now and just going to hold onto the tickets until I find out about the concert tour. As we had tickets to have our photos taken with Michael (only waited 30 years!) I think we will still go but I know we won't be able to resist going to the concert tour as well!  Fingers crossed all will be ok and Michael comes to somewhere in Yorkshire/Lancashire so we can go see him. Hope you've had some contact from the Opera House or ATG.

Well this is where I think I'm up to so far:-   got a text this morning telling me of the 'postponement and to send my ticket to ATG if I wanted a refund.   No mention of it being moved to November, a straight swap, etc.   I've got an email saying virtually the same thing but then they're quoting Kong's announcement.  I rang ATG because although I don't want to send my ticket back - and shouldn't have to - I wanted to know what was happening in Manchester in November, whether it would be transferred.   As it turns out I knew more than the poor man I spoke to.   At first I was told it would be best to send the ticket back then at least I'd have my money.   I queried about using the tickets in November and was told that as yet no new dates had been released for Michael Bolton.   Told him they'd given dates out for November to which he said "oh well, wait and see.  We don't know anything about that".

It seems that depending on who you speak to/email you get a different response.    I don't understand why there's no mention of a straight swap anywhere.   Oh and on the Opera House. M/c., website it's still advertising Michael on the 11th February.   I do hope other people are having better luck.

di xx

Just putting this in here and putting in no more. What you are getting is a text message from ATG TICKETS.  You should also get TWO e-mails.  One comes from ATG TICKETS telling you of the cancellation, Kong Events notice with mention about refunds.  Other one comes from ATG VENUE where you  have bought your ticket for. THAT IS THE MAIN ONE AND MOST IMPORTANT ONE as far as I could make out between them all. They give you, if show has been rescheduled, option of a straight swap or a refund where they ask you to send your ticket back to and give you an address where to send it.  If you wish a refund you HAVE to send your ticket back because if you didn't you could try and use it in November when they are not issuing new tickets for rescheduled shows.  Also, if you were so inclined, you could attempt to sell it later on especially if the show it relates to has been rescheduled if you still possessed it.

Maybe there is a slight mix up with Manchester as they were not included in the first rescheduling although neither were Sunderland although they have definitely got themselves well sorted out.  Totally clear with them exactly what is happening but on Liverpool I have received nothing so far but will tell you something girls I'm not wasting money on phone calls to try and find out at this early stage what is happening. 

It is reported on the Kong Events site from comments that they are terrible in notifying people when events cancelled and seemingly only do so, on average, day before so I will not start panicking until original date for Liverpool arrives, i.e. 12th, and I've heard nothing.  Also too I fail to understand why everyone wants and needs their refunds yesterday.  If the shows had been going ahead you wouldn't have got anything back so, as I say, what is the panic ????   

Just my tuppence worth and don't shoot me down in flames for having an opinion.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend



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