I was having trouble with the MB Dates Added thread going to the last page so I'm thinking it is at it's limit so starting this new thread.

5/14/13 Updated*


You are going to find a number of things on the web and on band member's websites before I announce, or they end up in the Tour section here, or MB's official Facebook and I want to explain why.  Michael's management and tour people start setting things up and working with promoters and venues most times a long time before we hear about them. There are logistics that have to be worked out as well as schedules, deposits, agreements, etc that are all signed and ok'd before Michael's people consider them confirmed.  The band member's may put them on their websites also before we do because they are given the dates while they are being worked on, so they will hold those dates in their busy schedules as well. A lot of the band do other gigs when they aren't with Michael so they are asking them to hold those dates.  Promoters and venues sometimes post before all is confirmed on Michael's end as well because they want to get the word out and tickets sold but sometimes that works against them and most of us have seen that happen when a concert doesn't work out and tickets have to be refunded or taken down with no explanation. Most of the times the ones you find on websites of the venues or band member's sites do work out but because there is the chance they might not until all i's are dotted we don't post on the main page until it is!!

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Hey Sylvia,

what e-mail and where is the mention of the sequel? LOL


It is in the email sent out by the site here Kellie. It came out yesterday, check your spam folder..Maybe it went there..

Robin in MD:)

Thanks Robin,

I'll go have a look.


Very exciting events coming up with MB!! Thanks Pilar for your message ;) Whatever the date Sylvia it will most likely be postponed....lol

Kathy and LAFD

Hi Kelly and hope you did find the e-mail from MB but if not here below is the little bit where he says about the sequel and if you can't find your copy I will be happy to copy and paste and put on your wall for you ?? :)


"Hey everyone! I'm really excited for 2013 and can't wait to share with you all
the new things I've been working on for the past year! First off, I have my book
coming out on Jan 29 — The Soul of it All. Writing this memoir was the
most daunting and also rewarding process and looking at it now just makes me
feel so blessed for all the amazing people and experiences that have come into
my life! I'm also definitely going to have to keep adding lots more chapters, so
stay tuned for the sequel!"


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Saw this in an annoucncement from HSN. Please keep in mind, I haven't seen/heard if any of these dates have been verified, but it might be worth checking out.


The Today Show...Jan. 30th

Katie...Jan 30th

Late Night With Jimmy Fallon...Jan. 30th

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno...Feb. 4th.


Anna (in MO)

Thanks Anna, The DVR is going to be working overtime here soon!!LOL

Robin in MD:)

Wow...thanks Anna!!! MB is on the move!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

... slowing working his way towards Australia i hope :)

I hope everyone was able to see Michael on CBS Sunday morning today. It was a great interview AND how cute to see his granddaughter sitting/playing at the piano with him!


Anna (in MO)

I did Anna, that was too sweet.. Maybe she will take up music like her GPa.. That was a perfect ending, showing him witih the little ones playing..I cannot wait to read the book..

That was a great segment.

Robin in MD:)

Hi ladies....OMG....that interview was BEAUTIFUL!!! A true Michael Bolton Classic!!! By far his BEST interview yet!! WOW is all I can say and I am sooooo glad I got up soooo early to see Michael. So many great times and Bolton Adventures on the horizon....oh my....WOW!!! Thank you Michael and that interview  was breath taking!!! Taryn must be soooo proud of her adorable babies and the joy they bring to your family :))) Bless the Bolotins!!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob 


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