I will post new concerts in this thread. Hopefully I have set it correctly to be at the top.




We've gotta find a way to trust

The very best in all of us

Let there be love, let there be love


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Just found this... Korea, Oct.17... not confirmed, I guess.


Thanks for that link Pilar and I hope he remembers Thailand for Thida while he is out there !! :)   


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Oh Yes....Michael please remember...Thida is still waiting for You to come to Thailand! Hopefully Mihael can make her dream to come true this Autumn.

But, but....Sylvia...!! It also seems that there will not be any concert's in Europa this autumn, if MB is performing in USA and Korea, in October - December :(


Wow, Thanks Pilar for finding this! He's headed back overseas!!
Robin in MD:)

New date:

October 6

Paragon Casino

Marksville, LA


Wow...thanks Pilar!! I wonder how many passports Michael has gone through this year?? lol And then to Louisiana!! Safe travels Michael! Thanks for the update Gail :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

My old ticker got a blast again but here is hoping a whole lot in LA can take advantage of that date !!! :)  Thanks Gail !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend still wishing.

27, 27, 27. 

Thanks Pilar :) The face looks familiar...but not the words....lol Safe travels once again to Mr. Bolton!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thanks Pilar for that link and it is looking more and more definite !! :)   Translation of part of the advertisement is :  "2012 Hyundai Department Store Michael Bolton concert in Korea      :     The promotion period 31/7/2012 - 10/17/2012"

Further down on Michael's picture it says he is appearing on 17th October, 2012 at 8.00 p.m. and there is given the prices for tickets and also at foot is the facility for you to go in and purchase tickets and it also shows you which credit cards are acceptable.

Thanks again Pilar !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


New Date:


December 12

Honeywell Center

Wabash, IN


Thanks Gail.. Anyone attending, good luck with seats!!
Robin in MD:)


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