I will post new concerts in this thread. Hopefully I have set it correctly to be at the top.




We've gotta find a way to trust

The very best in all of us

Let there be love, let there be love


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Hi Holly, good thing you have a few months to save up for that concert! Oh please, if I were bothered by the fact that someone mentions going to a concert and I’m not, I’d have no business being on this forum. Michael is coming to Canada but nowhere near me so far, so I have to live the concert experience vicariously through everyone here! Lol I’ll tell ya girl: I’d take a short one anytime! Oh I’ve been telling Michael through my messages that I miss him but if I tell all my friends who see him to put in a good word for me, maybe that’ll help! :D Thanks for your kind thought Holly, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
I wish you an early Happy Birthday Holly and enjoy it knowing you will be seeing Michael real soon!!!
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Thanks Kathy
Hi Gail,
Any chance of a concert in Cyprus, North or South of the Island?
Hi Gail, I found this site that say MB will be in Cyprus in 2011 'IN CONCERT IN LOVE' but it does not give a date or venue, is this correct?
also found this... http://www.kulone.com/CY/Event/553848-MICHAEL-BOLTON-is-coming-to-C...!
Gail please confirm this for me!!!
hey Sylvie what are your fav songs I will try and send it to you after the show if h sings it.
Uhm holly, what do you mean "send"?
Not techniacal enough Sylvie??????!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL No...it wasn't me asking!!!!!!! At least not this time!!!!LOL
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Well Pussy-Kat, unless Holly posts a video on Youtube and puts the link on my page, since I only know her from the forum, that might be sketchy… I’m sure Holly doesn’t mean recording songs on audio and asking for my E-mail address to E-mail them to me since we’re not allowed recording concerts on audio, are we? ?) Robin was actually asking this on the 2010 review thread… She asked that since pics and vids were allowed, why not audio recording? One of those unanswered questions sent in the cosmos… Actually, poor Holly would have trouble sending my favorite song, because it’s “When I’m back on my feet again”. :D Take care Pussy-Kat. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi there Silvie from Canada.

Enjoy this most stunning & emotionally powerful performance of "When I'm Back On My Feet Again"


It's one of my favourite songs too.

Hi Kay, oh girl, that is my favorite performance ever of this song, from the "This is Michael Bolton" VHS, I'd know it anywhere! I used to put it on my Walkman years ago and after a rough day, I'd listen to it twice: once for the comfort and once for the sheer bliss of listening to that performance... I wish he'd sing it again in concert so I could experience it truly live... I know of another version you might enjoy, here:
Scroll down to where it says "with piano accompanyment" and feast your ears... Well, thank you for sharing Kay! Hope more people discover that precious gem with your link. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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