I will post new concerts in this thread. Hopefully I have set it correctly to be at the top.




We've gotta find a way to trust

The very best in all of us

Let there be love, let there be love


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New date:

April 28 - Santa Ynez, CA - Chumash Casino - tickets are on sale now at http://www.chumashcasino.com/entertainment/m_bolton.aspx
Wow....exciting Gail...that is a couple of hours away. Dang I didn't get a chance to see this earlier!!!! Busy decorating for out LAFD holiday party for this Saturday!! Bought tickets but aren't great seats....aisle but far :/ I will go to the venue and see if they can help me out.
Thanks again Gail....
Kathy and LAFD Bob
See Kathy-there ya go, another show out your way. Congrats on tix...I hope you can get closer later on!
Robin in MD :)
Hi Doc....ooops....Robin MD ;)....I couldn't pass up the lousy seats because the venue is close. Just a little over 2 hours. Isn't that funny that 2 hours is "close"....lol Definitely one of my shorter trips! We also have an aisle seat so I am free to "roam" to the stage at the right time!! Something will work out I hope :) I will try my best and see what happens.
Kathy and LAFD Bob
If anyone is trying to get tickets for the concert at Harrah's in Cherokee, NC there is a presale going on until Friday ...there is a password involved and if you don't have that password let me know. Gail
Thank you so much Gail! Got my tickets for Cherokee and got front row, almost center!!! Now it is about a 7-8 hour drive, in the Great Smokey Mountains, in March!!, need I say more! I WILL need some prayers for NO SNOW!!!!!
Anyway I am excited now only to have to wait 3 months LOL!!!
Way to go Kerie, glad you got great seats. Now you and I both need to do NO SNOW dances!!!!!:)

Robin we really do need to pray for no snow !! I have tickets for AC!

I'll be praying for you and Kerri that it doesnt snow for you


Love Eileen

Terrific Kerie!!!! Now I feel even WORSE about my lousy seats!!!! LOL But I am thrilled for your great seats after a 7-8 hour drive...makes it well worth the travel time. I will help you pray for NO snow...and for Robin also!!! Please console me now....2 hour drive with row P seats (one aisle)....pass the kleenex...boo hoo :( Boo...hoooooooooo!!!
In mourning.....
Kathy and LAFD Bob
I understand KAthy in CA....crap.. I feel your disappointment but if it's an aisle seat, that's the good part...Crossing fingers you get a closer one later on..

Robin in MD :)
Hey, Kathy, it could be alot worse!! Just do what I did in Atlanta, look for an open seat closer down ended up with 2nd row!! LOL!! (I flew to atlanta and had bad seats to start with, I was out of my mind) At least 2 hours isn't too bad of a drive..the closest I have had so far this year is 1 hour, the rest are either flying or driving 3-8 hrs, put it this way, I have spent my budget on concerts from the tickets to travel and hotels!!!! But this has been a great year....Hope next year will be good...Did I console ya any!!!

You did Kerie :).....thanks!!! I am definitely going to be on seat patrol...lol I only bought the seats because of the freedom of the aisle seat. I plan on being as devious as possible to get as close as possible!!!! I will implement my Bold Bolton moves...LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob


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