Hellooo girls and boys


a short message to inform you that on 31.12 - at 13:45 -  3SAT is going to telecast Michael Bolton's concert.

I think we have seen it many many times, but it doesn't matter!


ciao baci

Silvy from CH



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Thank you Silvy, I dont think (I may be wrong here) that we in the UK can recieve this channell. :(   <---- This is my sad face.


Do we know which concert it is that is being broadcast? It doesnt really matter if you dont know because I wont be able to see it.   :(   <--- another sad face.


Thanks you again Silvy.


love Jenifer XX

Hello Silvy,

what a good message. I think only fans from German speaking countries will be able to receive this channel. I belong to them !!!
Congratulation, Michael !!! It is the first time a German TV-station is going to give a chance to you to perform your songs on TV and introduce yourself to the German TV-audience.  Do not forget, you are not so well-known in Germany like you are in UK!!! This will be your "German re-start". You need it !!

Jennifer, don´t be sad, it is just the concert at RAH from last year (recorded on the DVD), nothing else.

Best, Ivana

Hi Jennifer

Jennifer, don´t be sad, you know  this concert very well! you were there, lucky girl!

I like the channel  3SAT, because every 31 Dic. of every year they broadcast different concerts all day.

Ivana, to be honest, this channel, 2 or 3 yeras ago, has broadcasted another concert of Mr. M. B., because I've recorded it but it's true that he is more well-known in U.K. and in Italy than here.



Hello Silvy,

that may be that 3SAT broadcasted his another concert 2-3 years ago but believe me, as I have lived in Germany for 20 years, I can swear

you have not been given many chances to listen to his songs on German radio stations, never by day, extremely rare at nights and when, so only "When a man loves a woman". None of my German friends knows him !!

But it has not anything to do with his qualities !!! He is an excellent singer, but he just needs a better promotion in Germany. It is not his fault !! It is a fault of his promoter/manager rather than Michael´s one.

You are absolutely right, he is much more well-known in Italy. What about Switzerland?

Best regards,


Hi Ivana

the same here in Switzerland, the radios don't play M.B.'s songs! leider!

And the TVs don't invitate him for a show as well!!! leider!

None of my Swiss friends knows him! but my best friend from Mexico and another my best friend from Chile (who live both here) know him and love him! life is strange!


Silvy XX

p.s. M.B. need a contact here and in Germany, for example Thomas Gottschalk!

Hi Christine

einen guten Rutsch!

I didn't see Michael performing in Wetten das.., leider, but I know for example that Thomas Gottschalk is a closed friend of Lionel Richie (I'm his fan as well) and he has invited Lionel every year in his show!

 let's wait for the concerts in Germany!


Silvy from Switzerland


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