Hi All,
Here's a couple of links that I hope you'll check them out. The videos were taken during Michael's performance at the Howard Theatre in WDC - June 12, 2012.
Enjoy it :))
Hi Nic and whilst I have already welcomed you onto the website I'll say again WELCOME and this time onto the forum and so glad to see you on here joining in with us all and sharing your Bolton Adventures and what a lovely way to start sharing by those two videos......they are really lovely and thanks so much for uploading and for sharing with us !! :)
Hope you will have a good look round the forum and join in with us on any thread you want to add your own tuppence halfpenny worth to.....well seen where I come from with good old Sterling and shows how old I am too for I am going pre decimal with that currency; kind of, WAY back !!! LOL
Thanks again Nic and welcome !!! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Sylvia - thanks for your warm welcome !
Btw, everything seems to have lost its value somehow in our days ... esp currencies :)) Have a wonderful night! - Nic
Hi Nic, Welcome and thanks for posting these videos..You got two great ones here!!!
Robin in MD :)
Robin, were you at this concert? My instinct tells me "yes" :) Best - Nic
Hi Nic and welcome to the forum. Thanks a lot for sharing your videos: Michael sounds fantastic as usual! :D Now if you have a bit more time and feel like sharing about your concert experience, we have a discussion thread set up just for that and we’d love to hear how you’ve enjoyed the concert:
Fans post their reviews, pics and video links there, for those of us who aren’t fortunate enough to go as often. Also, since you’re new here and might need forum directions, feel free to ask any question: we’re a friendly bunch and would help any way we can. :D Take care Nic and thanks again. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
P.S.: Sylvia, thanks for the link to this page.
Hello Sylvie - thanks much for your nice welcome and the link to the forum. I apologize for replying to your message kind of late but I took some days off and didn't want to be in the vicinity of my laptop too often :)
Concerning the concert, what can I say ?! :) It was awesome, literally! It was my first MB concert even though I've been listening to his music for some 20 years now and I would have never dreamed that I would listen to him live in the intimacy of a nice little theater in WDC ! He's a wonderful musician and soul, it can't be one without the other! :) The band was great too! Michael Lington and Kelly Levesque were definitely a stellar presence during the show. The only regret I have is that I didn't get to say at least a "Hello" to Mr. Bolton ... we waited outside the theater for "ages" but ultimately he managed to leave the theater with anybody in that group noticing it! I guess he's got the ability to become invisible :)) I truly hope that I'll be attending one of his future shows and definitely, we'll have better pictures and videos to post here! Have a nice week-end et a bientot, j'espere :) - Nic
Hey Nic, don’t worry about late replies: we all have lives away from this forum... :D OMG, your first concert after 20 years,I can imagine how awesome it felt! 2 years ago, we had an entire thread dedicated to one of our Australian friends who was seeing Michael after 20 years too and it was just magical for her too. She couldn’t even think of pictures! :D Nic, let me tell you something: everything happens for a reason and I’m sure you will get your special moment with Michael, you have to believe it. You know girl, no matter what your pics and/or videos look like, you have the memories of a lifetime burned in your brain and that’s what’s important. Ah bon, tu parles français? May I ask where you’re from Nic? There aren’t that many fans who speak or should I say write in French here so it’s kind of fun to read a few here and there... :D Well anyway, asI’ve said before, if you have questions, feel free to ask and if you’d like to check out what other fans have to say, check out the link I’ve given you. We have a 2010 and 2011 tour threads too. Take care Nic and thanks for sharing. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
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