I got the following information from MBC today and wanted to pass it on.  Also there will not be an event in CT.  If you have any questions, please email Andrena at andrena@michaelboltoncharities.com. 


The First Annual Michael Bolton and Dave Mason

Benefit Concert & Celebrity Golf Classic


Sunday, September 26th, 2010


Ojai Valley Inn & Spa

Ojai, California


Event Information & Sponsorship Opportunities


The 1st Annual Michael Bolton and Dave Mason Benefit Concert and Celebrity Golf Classic will take place on Sunday, September 26th at the Ojai Valley Inn & Spa, an historic resort featuring luxury accommodations, a championship golf course and Spa Ojai.

We will tee off at 9:00 a.m. at the world-class Ojai Country Club, one of the first great golf courses in California. Later that evening Michael and Dave will perform with their great bands and surprise musical guests. The evening will include a cocktail/dinner reception, silent and live auctions.

Your support will make it possible for The Michael Bolton Charities, established in 1993 to assist children and women at risk, to continue our funding to numerous agencies.

A portion of the proceeds from our event will benefit two local organizations:

Yoga Blue, Inc., a non-profit organization established in 2009 in Ojai by Winifred Wilson, whose mission is dedicated to teaching yoga to people in recovery from substance abuse, other self-destructive behaviors and domestic violence.

The Bogart Pediatric Cancer Research Program at Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. The hospital has been treating the most seriously ill and injured in Los Angeles for more than a century and is known throughout the United States and around the world for its leadership in pediatric and adolescent health.







Sponsorship Opportunities




Three (3) foursomes in the golf tournament paired with a celebrity

Twelve (12) tickets to the awards reception following golf

Six (6) overnight hotel accommodations on Sunday, September 26, 2010

Twelve (12) Tickets to the VIP Reception and Benefit Concert on Sunday evening

VIP seating at the Benefit Concert

Twelve (12) VIP Gifts

Private group photo with Michael Bolton and Dave Mason

Twelve (12) tickets to private VIP After Party Reception

Sponsor Name Identification:

Sponsor’s Name will appear prominently in all advertising and promotional materials produced in connection with the event

Preferred name placement on golf banner hung at tournament and on signage at awards reception

Recognition in Commemorative Event Program

Back Cover Color Ad in Event Program

Recognition by Host at Benefit Concert

A banner and tee sign with company name and logo with primary placement on course

GOLD SPONSOR - $25,000


Two (2) foursomes in the golf tournament paired with a celebrity

Eight (8) tickets to the awards reception immediately following golf

Four (4) overnight hotel accommodations on Sunday, September 26, 2010

Eight (8) Tickets to the VIP Reception and Benefit Concert on Sunday evening

Premiere seating at the Benefit Concert

Eight (8) premiere gifts

Private group photo with Michael Bolton and Dave Mason

Eight (8) tickets to private VIP After Party Reception

Sponsor Name Identification:

Sponsor’s Name will appear prominently in all advertising and promotional materials produced in connection with the event

Preferred name placement on golf banner hung at tournament and on signage at awards reception

Recognition in Commemorative Event Program

Full Page Black & White Ad in Event Program

Recognition by the MC at the golf awards reception

Recognition by Michael Bolton at Benefit Concert

Tee Sign on Course



One (1) foursomes in the golf tournament paired with a celebrity

Four (4) tickets to the awards reception following golf

Four (4) Tickets to the VIP Reception and Benefit Concert on Sunday evening

Preferred seating at the Benefit Concert

Four (4) Preferred Gifts

Four (4) tickets to a private VIP After Party Reception


Sponsor Name Identification:

Placement on golf banner hung at tournament and on signage at awards reception

Recognition in Commemorative Event Program

Half-Page ad in Event Program



Six (6) Tickets to the VIP Reception and Benefit Concert on Sunday evening

Six (6) commemorative gifts

Premier seating at the Benefit Concert

Half-Page ad in Commemorative Event Program




One (1) foursome in the golf tournament paired with a celebrity

Four (4) tickets to the awards reception following golf

Half-Page Ad in Commemorative Event Program




· One ticket to the VIP reception and Benefit Concert



· One individual golf playing spot and awards reception following golf




We've gotta find a way to trust
The very best in all of us
Let there be love, let there be love

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It absolutely counts!!!!  ;)

Oh good Gail :)  Being there in spirit is the precursor for being there....next year....hmmmmm...lol As Michael says....you never know where or when someone will appear!! lol Can't wait to hear your reviews ladies :)))))))

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Here is a link to an article about the event and a chance to win tickets.  Also there is a 1998 interview there if you want to take a listen:



Thanks Gail!

Robin in MD :)

Hi Gail, I can't say I've found an actual article and I'll need help with the 1998 interview but thanks a lot for posting it here sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thanks Gail for always keeping us updated!!! 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Sylvie, wish I could help.  It is just a few lines about MB being there and below that is the interview and you have to click to play. I tried to embed it here but wouldn't work.  Here is the poster they have there as well.

Hi Gail, I tried a few things and nothing worked but don't worry about it, my son will have a long list tonight, poor child! lol I'm just glad you found it and shared it. Take care sweetie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada




Gloria THANK YOU!!! I couldn't get the interview off the original post so I really enjoyed your link. Michael as Bosley and the Charlie's Angels???? Too funny :))) Enjoyable going way back to the softball days!

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Gloria, you're an angel, it worked perfectly, thank you so much! BTW, I don't think this interview was done in '98, I think it was done in '97. Michael said his next album would be released in 47 days and this was before the gala weekend in September back then. I remember Michael promoting "All that matters" everywhere in November '97 because I was in the hospital with my youngest at the time. The album he released in '98 was "My secret passion" released on January 20. Now, if he would have been talking about "Timeless 2", which I'm not sure what month it was released in '99, it would have had to be way after the gala weekend... I'm sorry, amateur detective here! lol Sorry guys, I'm too technical for my own good... :D Take care Gloria and thanks again. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Here is an interview with Michael the day before his Live By Request Appearance on March 17, 1998 and he is saying the album he is releasing in January is My Secret Passion. I do know he sang opera during the show but All That Matters was the album he was promoting the most at that time. Not sure if this helps with your timeline, Sylvie...but a bit of backup for what you are saying.


Singer Michael Bolton warming up for A&E's live request show Tuesday

JEAN PRESCOTT Knight Ridder Newspapers

MON 03/16/1998 Houston Chronicle, Section Houston, Page 4, 2 STAR Edition

The haircut's an improvement, to be sure. But Michael Bolton wants to talk about something more substantial than his tonsorial makeover, and despite the fact that he's having "a business day from hell," he grants 20 minutes to talk up his appearance on A&E's popular live-music series Live by Request (8 p.m. Tuesday).

"What you could write on a piece of paper is not what's valuable about classical music," the pop icon begins a bit defensively. He undoubtedly anticipates questions about his January release, My Secret Passion: The Arias, a collection inspired by Bolton's concert turns with Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti. Critics have savaged Secret Passion, though that hasn't kept it from topping Billboard's classical charts.

"The dots on paper are the form, like a computer," he says with unexpected passion. "The masters created an incredible wellspring for people who love the way the music makes them feel."

We confess an ignorance of opera, which seems to help Bolton relax.

"When it comes down to it, I fell in love with these arias because I was invited to sing with Pavarotti, and I had only a few days to prepare.

"So I started listening, and I couldn't tell you - I basically learned like an infant - touching, feeling, observing.

"I was totally blown away."

Apparently the pressure's been building for decades.

"What I did was I fell in love with music when I was 6 or 7," Bolton says. "I was the kid people would ask, `How does this song go?' I listened to radio, to records, my brother's collection. My mother was very much into music, and we all sang when we were kids."

He's been writing songs for years, he says, but by ear - it's been "on feel. That's what makes people come and sit for two or three hours. It's about what moves you."

Unfortunately, he says, many people miss out on powerful, beautiful music because they're intimidated. "And the composers didn't want that," he says. "These people dreamt it, thought it, lived it."

To make the masterpieces on Secret Passion more accessible, he insisted a booklet be included. "I decided if Sony didn't want to pay for it, I'd pay, but I thought it was important for people to have the moment set up."

He says he hopes to be able to talk with some callers on the air Tuesday, "even by e-mail, to find out more background, find out what moves them about the music they're requesting."


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