Hi everyone, I was browsing through loads of threads this week and I thought it would be a good idea to regroup some of those together. Today, I want to put together a list of threads and blogs about commercials Michael was featured in, whether appearing and/or singing in.

The first link I have is actually a blog admin posted, when Michael was featured in the Optimum commercials:


A few fans have added more links to older commercials, so it’s lots of fun to read and especially listen/watch, because there are serious oldies in there!

Next is a thread Jackie started when the Optimum commercials came out and might have different contents:

Optimum Cablevision Commercial - Michael Bolton


Next is a thread about Michael in Starburst commercials:


Here is the blog admin posted about Michael in the fun Honda holiday commercials:


...and here’s the thread Robin started about it:


Next, here’s the Michael in Fiber One commercial blog:


Now last, Michael in the recent holiday Pizza Hut commercial:


So, this is an invitation: if you find any more blogs, threads or links to old or new commercials, please feel free to add. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

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Wouldn't be surprised Mary he will pop up somewhere, sometime on some commercial fairly soon.  Suppose in some ways the new Eyebobs campaign in support of SU2C because special photograph that was taken is going to be used in the advertising campaign to buy the special edition glasses from Eyebobs and going to be shown in their stores, could be classed as his latest "commercial" .... what do you think, or, is that stretching the boundary too far ??? lol

Sylvia    Your wee Scottish friend


Hi Sylvia, well, maybe someone could let us know whether they've seen Eye-Bob commercials in the past. The article you shared didn't mention TV campaigns though. Maybe we'll be lucky and Michael will surprise us again. :D Thanks for your 2 cents Sylvia, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D 

Hey Mary, good to read you on here! The Honda commercials were a big success and frankly, any excuse is good to have Michael on TV! :D Take good care sweetie and keep cool. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Here is a link into an advert shown on TV in 1993 by Woolworths for Michael's "The One Thing" album.


Sylvia  Your wee Scottish friend


Hey Sylvia, I didn't get an alert for your post and just came across it, thanks for sharing! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D


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