Hi all, 

I just found out that Michael Bolton is playing a gig in Jersey (Channel Islands), UK. It's advertised for Saturday 17th March 2012, however I haven't confirmed this yet. This is a big deal for Jersey as it never gets massive stars like this performing there. Also great for fans from the mainland (like me - a Londoner) as he would probably only play to a massive concert hall of thousands, but its to be held in Hotel de France (so only a few hundred)! Tickets are a bit expensive, but I think well worth it for drinks, a posh dinner and chance to see the man in action (never seen him live before)! I got my ticket by emailing through this website www.justjersey.je

Who's with me?

Chloe x

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Hi Chloe and WELCOME to the forum and we have had word about the news of Michael appearing in Jersey and below is link giving more details BUT the date has not been added to our thread for tour dates as it cannot yet have been verified for Gail our moderator cannot post news about such events until all t's have been crossed and i's dotted in contracts and because tickets are on sale is not confirmation that an event will take place !!  Obviously I do hope the concert does take place and that you have a wonderful time and can I be "cheeky" and ask you if would consider coming into our 2012 Tour Thread and giving us a review once show has taken place as we just love to hear about everyone's Bolton Adventures !!! :)



Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



Many thanks for your warm welcome to the forum! I've got all fingers and toes crossed for the event to go ahead! I've been to another event that this company has produced and it was great! Will of course give you a run down afterwards in the Tour Thread! Will try and figure out how to attach some photos...

Take care, 


Hi Chloe and welcome to the forum. I wish you a great time attending your concert! In case you need help finding the tour thread:


and since you’re new here, you might want to check out the “hints and tips” thread that includes instructions on how to upload pictures:


Take care and hope you enjoy the forum as much as we do. :D Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Welcome to the forum and have a great time Chloe!!  As she said come on over to the Tour Review thread afterwards and share your fun night with everyone!!

Again Welcome..

Robin in MD USA :)

Ah thanks Robin! Hope all is well in the States...I still find it amazing that we can all connect over the internet with such ease! I will be sure to add my experiences on the Tour Thread after the gig...counting down the days :)

Kind regards, 


Yes please do Chloe! All ok here, I just saw MB in concert as well as a few others from here a week and a half ago. He did two shows on the East Coast of the USA, Atlantic City, NJ and also Chester, PA, go check out the tour review thread..Also in the gallery, click on All Albums there are some great pics of MB from the fans, my album from Chester is there as well as other pics..


Enjoy checking out the site and feel free to join in..YES this site is great as it brings Michael's fans together from around the world. That's the purpose of  it..it's great!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

Thanks for your message Chloe and glad to hear you will consider coming into Robin's 2012 Tour Thread to leave a review once concert is over....hope you have managed to get in there and read some of the recent reviews from the two concerts Michael has just done in the States because I believe they would be a rather nice little "warm up" to your own concert and on the adding of photos just shout if you need any help but putting them in the Gallery really isn't too hard because let's just say, I've managed it and if I can do it,  it is definitely the old saying: "anyone can !!".......hope you have managed to get into the Gallery and see some of the photos that Robin, Gail and Diane have added from the two concerts as well !! :)

Have you read also the good news about the new CD release in the UK on 12th March of "Gems - The Best Of - MB".....that may just point to a little promotional tour....maybe, who knows  and I for one will keep on dreaming and hoping !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


This event is taking place but I was told not to include it in the main site because this is some type of a private event but looking at this page Chloe has posted it looks to be tickets purchased by the public. I will check again...let you know what I find out.  Gail

Hi Gail, 100% not a private event! It's advertised as 'exclusive' but anyone can attend...only 400 ticketsl I'm told!

Kind regards, 


Have found the below message posted on JT's page on FB concerning the concert that MB was going to do in Jersey on Saturday, 17th March.....hope you are not too disappointed Chloe and can get to Jersey in the summer, when he obviously now intends going, and I have seen it said that it is thought he will do a show in Guernsey at that time too !! 

"JTsocial Hi Charlotte, the date has been moved to the summer. Once we have confirmation we will update details on this page. We'll be talking about his album launch in the next fortnight too :-)"
Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Sylvia, pardon my ignorance but who's JT? And this JT person will be talking to Michael about the launch of his album, I'm supposing this means the new U.K. compilation? Just making sure, because I got a jolt reading this earlier this morning... :D Thanks sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Sylvie the JT stands for "Join Together" which is what the Jersey Telecommunications company call themselves and full title is "JT Social Telecommunications" but on the their page on FB they call themselves just JT that is what stands out and the Social as well as the word Telecommunications is written much smaller below.....I always refer to them as Jersey Telecommunications so that people outwith Jersey know that they are a company on the Island of Jersey and yes I am pretty sure it is the release of "Gems" in the UK that they are referring to because it is that that they are using for their promotion to do with their mobile tariffs !!   I will keep an eye on their page and check each day to see if anything pops up and possibly what they mean too is with their radio ads they will make specific mention of the album as that is maybe part of the deal that they have with Michael.....he advertises for them and they advertise for him....you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours; I sure wouldn't mind scratching Michael's back !!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



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