Michael Bolton Items Available on ebay
Hi everyone!  I have been finding things on ebay to complete my Michael Bolton collection or finding items I just never had over the years.  I found out on this website about the books written about Michael that are out of print, I just had to have them!  So I started searching on ebay and eventually I found them.  So I was thinking some of you might be interested also.  These are not items I or anyone I know is selling.  Since I am always looking for out of print items or unusual MB items, I wanted to share them with you. 
Please note: you will have to go directly to ebay and bid or buy the item and I have nothing to do with that.  If you are not familiar with ebay you will have to learn about it and open up an account. I am only "finding" items you may be interested in. 
Good luck and let us know if you get something!
from the Jersey Shore

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Oh that's great, good for her!  Now I know it is worth me posting these items I find.



Hi ladies...I am an old ebay purchaser but I never saw this thread...lol I wouldn't trust autographs online either. See ya ladies elsewhere on the forum :) BTW...do any of you know how one can be alerted when a new thread starts??? If I don't hunt the forum or someone doesn't tell me about a new thread I have no idea a new one exists?? And I hope it isn't too complicated for me...LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Kathy when a new thread starts you should get an e-mail notification about it and then it is up to you what you do.....did you get an e-mail when I started the Humana Challenge thread ?????     The next step is when you go into that thread to look at description you then have to decide if you want to follow it for if you just come back out you will hear nothing more about the thread.    That is how I call it an "opt in" system whereas it should be an "opt out" one.   If you want to receive e-mails about the thread, i.e when anybody puts in a new comment or replies to an existing one you either have to add a comment yourself OR, if at the time you come in and look at thread you have no comment to add but want to follow, you must indicate that and how you do that is under the reply box at top of page there is the word "follow" but unfortunately that does not mean you are following thread for what you have to do is click on that and when it changes to "not following" then you are following because you have notified the system that you want to follow.    The verb and adjective are correct but I still think if you don't think like that especially where, in many countries, verbs and adjectives are not used as in the English language then it can be ambiguous.  It does have before the word follow a little e-mail symbol and then when you stop following the e-mail symbol creates a little cross above it but in many ways that is so small that unless you are given a synopsis, which you are not, do you even spot it ????   I feel it should only contain something like; "Click on ???????? to stop following" and until you do that you should get e-mail notifications about everything.


I know Kathy; you are sorry you asked the question, or more than sorry it was me who replied, but hey, you have got to give it to me that that is only a monologue not a tomb !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia & Kathy,

Thank you Sylvia for your instructions, but I am going to try a "short-hand" version in 100 words or less!!

1) If you find a thread and make a comment, you automatically will start "following" it. You will get emails every time someone posts something.

2) If you find a thread and don't make a comment, but you want to "follow" it-go to the top of the thread.  Under the section where you would post your comment to the left it says" Follow-Email me when people reply". Click on Follow-now you are following that thread.

3) When you decide you don't want to follow a thread, go in and click on "Stop Following-Don't email me when people reply" and you will stop getting emails.



LOL Joy !!!! :)     Funnily enough my dad always used to say to me that I made life difficult for myself and as I don't like to be selfish I just make sure, in everything I do, I pass that on especially with my monologues  !!!!! LOL

Thanks Joy for that beautifully succinct set of instructions.....absolutely perfect and couldn't have said it better myself.........hahahahahahhahahahahehehehehehehehe !!!!!!!! ROFL.

To be perfectly honest Joy don't you think that should maybe be taken over to "hints on how to use this website" thread for it is perfect ?????


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Joy, I am taking the liberty to copy your instructions to the "hints and tips" thread. Thanks a lot for the short-hand version! XD Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Sylvia & Sylvie,

Thanks, glad I helped and I never thought about putting them in the hints & tips thread.




Thanks Joy and Sylvia. I actually did know the tips you have both offered. But I do NOT get emails about new threads????? That is my problem. Is there somewhere to start that going for me??? DO I need to "click" somewhere??? I usually have to browse through all the threads that sound interesting to me and then comment or follow :) Thanks for the info ladies :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Mademoiselle Rosario, I've sent you an  E-mail with the detailed instructions you need and have left a comment on your  profile page to let you know I did... :D Solver to the rescue, but grab that life-saver girl! lol Take care Kathy. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvie..I am catching up on messages and so far I don't see an email for the new thread alert????? I saw your short message about sending me an email...but so far no email. I was going to write to you after I read all my messages in case I finally caught up to your email. Still catching up while watching the Armstrong interview. He is an idiot!!!!! What a waste!!! Anyway...lol...I will write back to you tonight. Not ignoring a lifesaver at all Sylvie!!! I still need it!!!! lol

Kathy and LAFD Bob

I certainly wasn't aware that anyone had to do anything to get notification about new threads being started......that doesn't sound very good for new members coming onto the site !!!


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Sylvia & Kathy,

Oh yes, it's always been that way as far as I know.  See my post on previous page.  You have to sign up to follow a thread or comment on it. I never have time to look at all the threads and mentioned this once to Sylvie B. She has been a doll and sends me things she knows I wouldn't want to miss out on. (Thanks again Sylvie!) I have nearly missed out on finding out about events in NJ & NY and other things this way.  I try to come in an look over the thread titles, but I just don't have that much time for it. So yes, I never thought about it but for a new member who doesn't know how the site works they may never come on the forum section at all!




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