Is there anyone who can explain me why Michael's songs are rarely broadcast by Italian radio channels? That's really a SHAME!!!

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Hi Alba and welcome to the Forum although I believe you have put comments in the blogs before - if memory serves me right ?? :)

I believe Michael isn't played on radio nearly enough throughout the world and certainly here in Scotland, where I am, I have listened to various shows especially since Gems was released and have never heard once.....I have sent in requests to local radio stations to have songs played but without success but where some of us have had success has been in Germany and in particular a radio station in Bremen which has been kind enough to play a few requests even one sent by me from Scotland so all I can suggest Alba is that you keep plugging away at local radio stations in Italy and "pester" them so much they will eventually play one of Michael's songs !! lol.   Should add that some of the girls in the States have heard MB songs being played on the radio in recent months. 

Good luck !!! :) 


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Hello, Sylvia.I'm really happy for your kind reply and particularly because you're Scottish! I love Scotland and Scottish people since I had the opportunity to visit your beautiful country, three times, I think, and I could meet very special persons there.Could you tell me which city are you from?I adore Michael as a man, as a songwriter and as a singer! He's certainly a complete artist, but I think in Italy people and mass media don't appreciate him very much,but you wrote that radio stations don't broadcast his songs, that's very strange, so I accept your suggestion about sending some requests and pester local radio stations to get recent hits played at last!I I'm very happy to be in this forum, so we can discuss about  Michael's music and news about him. Keep in touch. Have a nice weekend.Alba, your Italian friend

Ciao again Alba and thank you so much for your kind words about the Scots......the majority of us can be a friendly bunch and where we may be made fun of in our meanness at opening our purses it is well known that we open our arms wide in our hospitality and I am so glad that you have had the opportunity to enjoy holidays in Scotland........I myself originally come from Glasgow, born and bred, but I now live in a seaside town on the Clyde Estuary called Largs.

I am glad too to hear that you are going to start "annoying" your radio stations and I believe it is the only way we can do is such a shame but it is a fact of our times that air play plays so little a part now in songs and singers achieving the recognition they deserve, i.e. their true place on the single/album charts instead it is largely taken over by what the young dictate in their "whimsical flights of fancy" which we have all experienced when young and I believe it won't be until the generation that have grown up with iTunes etc, unlike my generation, where once again they may find that the great singers will remain a part of life and get the recognition they deserve as is even now slowly starting to happen with people like Lady Gaga etc.   Possibly what we should set our endeavours on is to "educate" the young and bombard them with "Michael Bolton"......when on holiday recently with my family I impressed upon my great nephews the importance of MB and I must say too that the youngest one, who is nearly 10, knew of Michael because of Jack Sparrow and whilst not understanding what he was singing knew most of the words too but also had not heard Jack Sparrow on the radio but on the computer and with that that is also why Facebook is such a good medium and I attempt to use that more in promoting Michael because I am aware of the number of young people I can connect with and also because of young relatives who are my friends on FB.  I also believe a way for Michael to go is to go back to filming videos of his songs and putting them on youtube so that, in turn, apart from them being played there they can be put onto FB by  those who wish to play a part in promoting him and I believe Jack Sparrow has more than proved that that is an essential way to go forward.

Can I finish by saying that obviously I do not know if you are aware or not but Alba is the Gaelic word for Scotland and also, as Sylvie has said, please come onto the other threads on the Forum and join with us in our discussions....the more the merrier !!! :)


Sylvia.   La tua amica wee Scottish.


Hello,Sylvia, I'm very surprised to learn that the gaelic word for Scotland is Alba, so that's very nice for me! I'll try to make requests to local radio channels hoping to obtain our goal!As I can see, you use FB, so we can be friends also on that site. I often posted Michael Bolton videos there  to let other people know his music,now I think I should keep on posting other videos You are right when you say that we should try to educate the young and bombard them with Michael Bolton, so fb is a good way to do it! Besides, as you told me, I agree with you on the fact that Michael should produce other videos of his songs,putting them on youtube, also because there aren't so many, considering the number of  albums he made in his career; I know that producing videos could be very expensive , but he's a rich man and he' got a good staff who works for him.I'm really glad to  communicate with you and have the opportunity of joining with you and other friends in future discussions.Love, Alba. 




Ciao Alba and as you have found me on FB please put in a request for "friendship" for on there you obviously don't go under just the name "Alba" as I couldn't find you as I wanted to put in a request to you;  so please come back onto my profile and put in a request !! :)

Wanted to mention too that in the UK there are signs as you cross over the border between England and Scotland where there are signs that say; "Failte gu Alba" - Welcome to Scotland.....wanted to say in case maybe there are people who have made that journey, such as Michael, and have seen the signs and wondered what they said and should add that on the reverse there is; "Haste Ye Back".....we may all run about with our haggis under our arms and our kilts and sporrans on and our claymores at the ready but we really are a friendly bunch !!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Alba and welcome to the forum! What a pretty name, it means "dawn" in English, doesn't it? I'm afraid Sylvia is right: it's not just in Italy that Michael doesn't play enough on the radio. I do hear him occasionally on digital cable here in Canada, but they mostly play his early 90's hits. Usually, they play him more on requests shows, but it's been a very long time since I've heard anything new from Michael on the radio. As Sylvia said, keep requesting sweetie and good luck! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hello, Sylvie, thank you for your kind reply! I couldn't imagine Michael's songs aren't played enough in Canada, so not only in Italy but also in Scotland, as Sylvia wrote, and in other countries.That's really absurd!!! Radio channels usually broadcast stupid, horrible songs and not quality songs as the ones by Michael Bolton! I must protest against them one of these days!!! It's really a pity we  can hear Michael's songs or see him on tv only occasionally! So, I'm very happy to join in this forum and to know that there are persons like you, who appreciate this artist and write about their opinions and news about him.Nice weekend to you and hugs from Italy. Alba 

Hi again Alba, I agree that there’s too much mindless, trendy noise on the radio and as Gail says,quality artists with meaningful songs don’t get enough airplay. Alba, you came to the right place to express your opinions and share about Michael. Look around the forum in the various discussions like “general chat”, “the music” etc and join in the conversation. It sounds like you have a lot to say! :D Take care sweetie and thanks for sharing. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

ciao alba mi chiamo cristina e vivo a pavia.felice di conoscerti .sai io scrivo poco sul forum perchè non parlo inglese ma tutti i giorni controllo se ci sono novità di michael.anch'io dico sempre che le canzoni di michael si sentono pochissimo alla radio . è davvero un peccato  .io devo ammettere che ascolto propio poco la radio perchè in macchina o in casa si sentono sempre i cd di michael.pochi giorni fa  nei supermercati ho visto l'ultimo cd gems sd è stata una bella emozione.ti mando un abbraccio nella speranza di sentirti presto.ciao cristina

 Ciao, Cristina.Ti ringrazio per la sollecita risposta.Sono felice di poter scambiare opinioni su questo forum dedicato al nostro amato Michael.Rimane davvero un mistero il fatto che le emittenti radiofoniche raramente mandino in onda le sue canzoni.Radiomontecarlo talvolta trasmette qualche hit ma del passato e poi c'è Radiodimensione 2,che si ascolta soltanto a Roma e Lazio, credo.Ammiro e adoro Michael da quando l'ho visto cantare al"Pavarotti and friends". Fui immediatamente attratta da questo giovane biondo con i capelli lunghi con un volto affascinante ed una voce potente e sensuale. Da allora ho collezionato tutti i suoi album  ascoltandoli rapita nei pomeriggi liberi.Felice weekend ed un abbraccio boltoniano. Alba


Alba, I'm afraid the way radio works today Michael's newer songs..along with Richard Marx, Kenny G, Barry Manilow, etc. are not picked up very often for air play.  I can't explain it either but Michael knows this and is why he concertrates on other ways of advertising his music.  Wish they would play them!!!
Dear Gail, The radio works too bad nowadays, if we hear stupid songs and not quality ones such as Michael's songs or other good singers.But we don't surrender and I'm sure every member in this forum will do something to change in positive this behaviour!!! Have a nice week. Alba