-  Painting in the orchard - Singing to the trees

Michael Bolton follows up his Optimum campaign with a cameo in the Starburst ads  part of a new campaign from DDB Chicago that offers theories on why the candy is so "Unexplainably juicy." In "Orchard," it's because Bolton serenades trees whose fruit then becomes extra luscious, obviously. Another spot says it has something to do with Keyboard Cat and dragon tears. The spots were directed by Andy McLeod of Rattling Stick.

Sylvia    Your wee Scottish friend


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This is cute!!ROFL  Where did you see this Sylvia?? Twitter?

Robin in MD:) just got home and cracked up at this one!! Thanks again!

They are good aren't they and wonder what MB will get up to next !!! LOL.  I did see it on Twitter and wondered what I was going to see when I went in but they only had the one commercial with their tweet and I picked up the other when I had look through on youtube and then added it here.....from going to pottery to the self portrait artist and singing to trees....well I never but at least he is getting plenty of publicity and no amount of that is a bad thing !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I think it's great!!!! MB is everywhere!!LOL  He's finally letting his funny side come out after all these years and the book release!! I love it!! LOL

Robin in MD:)

This is to cool. Whenever does he have time to do all that he does. I love it. Thanks a lot.
This is great!!! I am anxious to see what is next on MBs agenda, he is full of surprises these days. Thanks Wee One!! Hugs,

Kathy T. :-)

You guys are quick!!!  They just emailed me the link and asked me to look at them.  I wrote back and said I loved them but the fans have already posted them to the forum...told them they had to be quick to get anything passed you guys!!!LOL 

Thanks Gail! Too cute all of it!!! Yeah seems as Twitter is a source for many things being posted first these days...

Robin in MD:)

Thanks for the article Gail, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Oh Sylvia, ROTFL that's just too funny! lmao I love it! Singing to the trees? Seriously, lol that's one of the silliest things I've ever heard but that would make me buy the candy! lol Does anyone know what song Michael is singing? I haven't heard "Somethin' outta nothin'" yet so don't know if this is it or something else... Anyway, way to promote the Motown sound and his funny side! Something tells me this is part of a clever set up for the beginning of his budding career in comedy, God bless him. :D Thank you ever so much for posting these Sylvia, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada  :D

Hi guys,
Isn't this funny?  Actually I just posted it in Tours, Gigs, and Announcements, as it is sort of an announcement.  Wasn't sure where to post it.  Should I just also leave it there or not? 
Sylvia B. I agree, I think he is trying to show everyone else (We already know) how funny he is before his TV show starts.  He just never it!
Joy :)

Glad you all enjoyed them but of course how couldn't you ??? LOL  

As just finished breakfast and a little more time than last night going for a description for you Sylvie and Robin CA and please, please if I get this all wrong someone come in and correct for the videos and sequences are pretty quick and I have watched over and over (OMG what a task that was) and jotted down little notes so here goes and I will describe the first one of Michael painting in the orchard and you first of all go to two girls standing at a bus stop and there are other people about, some sitting on a seat at stop and obviously they are on a road and that is how you can hear the sound of the traffic and BTW it is a beautiful summers day and one of the girls is holding a packet of Starbursts and  when you hear the girl say "Michael Bolton" that is when they switch to the orchard and you see Michael sing that one note and when you hear the POP the shot of Michael in the orchard has disappeared but you are still in the orchard and with the second POP he appears again standing at an easel with paint brush in hand and what looks like a self portrait on the easel and then within a couple of seconds it has swtiched back to the girls talking again.

In the second video you see the same girls, standing at the same bus stop and the same girl has the packet of Starbursts in her hand but this time and you probably can hear it in her voice, she is eating a Starburst, whilst talking.   Again when the girl says "Michael Bolton" that is when you go to the shot of the orchard and Michael is standing singing with his arms outstretched and part way through song you go up a little closer to him and he has sort of cupped his hands just off of his face and then it goes back out to the full shot of the orchard with just at the end it goes nearer to the guy who is collecting the fruit from the trees  and the basket/tub he is holding ready to catch the fruit as it engorges itself and ripens because of Michael's singing;  the fruit then falls into the basket and you go back to the girls talking BUT now for a description of the orchard because THAT is without doubt makes the whole thing hilarious for it is cartoon/yellow brick road time and if Judy Garland popped up singing you would not be surprised....I kept looking for the Tin Man to start walking over the grass !!! LOL   The shots with Michael are all really done at a distance as he is standing in this huge orchard and they have it with a few trees, or at least the "canopy" of the tree at front and then the picture goes on into the horizon of the orchard and also there are like winnery buildings that you can see but the scenery is a picture and Michael is added into the orchard and when he is singing in the second one there are three backing singers, plus you see the guy collecting the fruit and they are dressed in all-in-one yellow outfits with red boots which match the colours of the Starburst packet and Michael is dressed in his black suit with white shirt and jacket/dress coat (?) is buttoned up....he is as smart as can be.   The orchard consists of the greenest grass you will ever see and the trees are different shades of red/pink, to match Starbursts, but the trees don't have branches and leaves for they are made out of, what to me resembles, feather boas all laid and intertwined tightly together and they almost resemble an ostriches huge plume of a tail that it has but his is white whereas these are all, as I say, pink and red and the fruits that are hanging on all the tress are all little Starbursts in all the colours that they come in and each one has a capital "S" on it and when you go to the one that is going to drop they make it grow huge in this peardrop shape and then it eventually goes plop and falls into the basket.  Hope that gives some idea of what is going on and why it is so funny and I don't think anything that Michael does next could surprise me but I am pretty certain that will not be the end of the commercials and all I can say is that he has found himself a pretty good publicity agent.....yeah, rock on Michael !!! :)

I guess Sylvie I can safely say my next assignment is to find a copy of "Somethin' outta nothin'" ??????? LOL


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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