I've been asked to find out what you would like to see on the site from Michael to help you feel more connected as a fan.  He is going to try to blog more often from all the places he is going and I believe he is going to try to post some pictures but anything else (please keep it to things really workable and attainable).  Post in this thread so I know where to find your responses and can pass them on.  Thanks!  Gail

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Hi William and welcome to the forum! Have you checked the “events” section of this site? There you’ll find all of Michael’s confirmed tour dates. I hate to be the one to tell you that Michael was in Tacoma WA recently, but I don’t know how close that is to Seattle. I’m very sorry to hear about your younger brother and sincerely wish that you’re able to attend a concert soon. Sending lots of positive energy for you and your brother Steve to find your inner peace again, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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