I've been asked to find out what you would like to see on the site from Michael to help you feel more connected as a fan.  He is going to try to blog more often from all the places he is going and I believe he is going to try to post some pictures but anything else (please keep it to things really workable and attainable).  Post in this thread so I know where to find your responses and can pass them on.  Thanks!  Gail

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Hey Anna, a treat you say? It would be perpetual Christmas for me! lol Well, the suggestion is out into the universe, that's all I can do... :) Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Sylvie ! Anna, your both right it would be a really treat Christmas everyday!!LOL!! Take care !!

Love Eileen xoxo
I know this is an old thread, and there many great ideas, but I was thinking, since so many members here on the site have become good friend, we all enjoying chatting about MB and other topics, I thought it would be great if this site had its own chat room for members. It could be a chat room where we could all chat together whether about MB or any topic, and of course the man him self could surprise us and make unexpected appearances in the chat room too! So many of us seem to digress from the thread topics, so I thought a chat room would be a great addition to this site!
Definately video blogs.

Maybe more competitions.

Give us a special fact about himself weekly that not everyone will already know.

More pictures.
How sweet is he for caring about us like this. Thanks Gail and of course Michael. Michael could also tell us maybe at the end of a week tell us about the best thing he has done in that week and why he enjoyed it so much.
If he doesn't already what about when it's someones birthday off here. He could send them an inbox message or something x
Hey Chelsea, birthday messages would be nice, however, if he did that for the 2000 plus members, he might have to hire someone else to sing for him, what do you think? :D Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Remember when we used to get a birthday card?

Aww, those were the days eh?

Love Jennifer XX
The fan club always use to miss mine, even when I was in the gold club :(
Me Too Catherine!!!!And I was in the Gold Club too!

Love Eileen xoxo
Hey Shannon, good to see you're participating more, hope you're enjoying it! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Yes Shannon, That is what I want too! exclusive live chat for us members would be great and because we are all located in different parts on the world there is bound to be some one online to chat to at any time in the day! and the added surprise of MB popping in to say "hi" would be great!


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