If you didn't catch Michael on Jimmy Kimmel last night you can watch the full episode or just Michael's parts here:




Sorry if this is repeated anywhere else but MIchael did a great job singing but they also had him do a little comedy bit about the Michael Bolton School of Michael Bolton...really cute.

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Yep ,We are going to search for Michael bolton street and hopefully find the school too ,I want to learn to sing like Michael Bolton ,lol
Hi Gail, the Youtube videos are posted on the "promos begin" thread but it's a good idea to post this here, that way the other thread isn't just over-flooded with comments about it. lol Wasn't that the funniest but also most beautiful display of soul singing you ever heard? Love it to bits and thank you for posting it sweetie! Wish Michael would do more of this: it was adorable! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Like I said in the other thread, he did a great job, the skit was too cute and he seemed to enjoy it. I love the performance of Murder My Heart also and the cute little commercial with the girls and playing pool!!
Great Job Michael!
Sorry I don't have any of it on, here I used the DVR. I think Gail has the entire show on the main page or the Admin staff put it up, so you can catch all of it now I think on the main page of the site.
Thank you Gail..loved the Michael Bolton School Of Michael Bolton part..
The School of Michael Bolton is one of the best things I've ever seen him do on Television. There's more than one way to defend yourself from critics lol.
Deb, YES, Laughing at yourself first, what is left for the critics to make fun of!!RIGHT!!LOL He did a great job, I was cracking up when I saw it..
According to You Tube, the last little boy in this skit's name is ZEDAKIAH KOTERBA. He can REALLY sing. I wonder how the kids were chosen? (yes Gail, that's a hint lol)
;) No idea! I do think it is the best acting job I've seen Michael do...I loved it. Gail
It was hilarious the way he would start singing over the kids..an absolute classic!!!
Absolutely brilliant! Soooooo funny! lol xxx
Both Bill and I thought it was great
Loved it just goes to show Michael in a different area and he was comfortable with the kids and looked like he was having a great time.
It was so funny I watched it 3 times in a row.
Might I add that boy at the end had a beautiful voice!
The other 2 were good too.
Anyway we enjoyed it
Love Dianna xxx


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