Hi fans....I just got a great idea which sprang from Michael's beautiful rendition of Sweet Home Chicago. Let's petition to get Michael on the Oprah Show for her final season. I am sure most of you remember him appearing on her show and singing her all time favorite...White Christmas. Well.....let's do it again! What a hoot it would be to FILL Oprah's studio with all of Michael's die hard fans from this forum and beyond! Of course we love Oprah also :) What a great time would be had by all. All you have to do is go to Oprah.com and scroll down to where it says...who do you want to see on the shows final year. I have already written to her and warned her that loads of Michael Bolton fans will be writing in requests. So let's go everyone...fill out a request and keep our fingers crossed!!

Kathy and LAFd Bob 

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Great idea! I was lucky enough to be at the concert in Austin, Texas back in the 90's where she showed up in the middle of his show, center floor, and he sang to her. They used that footage on her ABC special, so I will definetly write that in on her page. Thanks, fingers crossed in Texas- Sylvia
Hi Kathy,
I'm back, didn't find the link, I went to Oprah.com was is where they asked Who is your ALL TIME FAVORITE Oprah GUEST? I went to that page but it was asking for non-celebrity guest.
If you can let me know where to go I will certaintly send in by bid for Michael. Thanks Sylvia
Hi Sylvia....thanks for the response and making me be more specific. When you go to Oprah's home page there is a column on the right listing... Be on The Show. Read down that list and the last choice is Who do you want to see on the 25th year final show or something to those words. Click on that choice and then a form appears that you have to fill out with your name etc. and at the end you have an opportunity to suggest who and why you want that person. I know soooo many fans that have great stories and if they
tell them to Oprah...how can she refuse us? it is worth a try at least :) It is the third article on the right side. I used the home page for The Oprah Show. Above it is no phone zone header. Hope this helps. Please let me know if it doesn't. Now if I was sharp like Sylvie and a slew of other fans...I could just paste the address in here....but alas...I lack the skills!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob
Thank you Sharon!! I knew I could count on you fans to help me out!! It has been a challenge for this "old" fan to learn new tricks!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob
Thank you Kathy and Sharon too, submitted my request, keeping my fingers crossed in Texas- Sylvia ; - )
Oophs Thank You

Oh...I see an new name here!! Hi Cheryl...I hope this means you put in your request also to see Michael on the Oprah Show!!! If so...thanks for the support and we will all hope together :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Kathy, been on this site just started talking.I'm not good at typing but anything to do for Michael !!! He is a very gifted man in many ways.It would be a honor to see him again on the O show again and to be there ! I would walk there from Tennessee ! Can u enter more than once?I've asked all my friends to help us!

lol Cheryl, if you start from the top and make your way into this thread, you'll find out that some of us have greatly participated in this campaign. :D The idea is not to pester Oprah, but to give her all the good reasons why she should have Michael on. Personally, I've mentionned all the great times even Oprah had had when Michael was there and how much fun it was just to watch. We do our best. Oh please do get your friends to write in, the more the merrier! That's what this campaign is all about! Thank you so much for writing in! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada 

P.S.: Oh and please disregard the nuttiness if you do read through... :D

YES Cheryl...you can write more than once! In fact I write in every time after I attend when of Michael's concerts and share my experience with her. Or if you remember something later on that was a special memory for you..please write in and let Oprah know!!! As the saying goes....the squeaky wheel gets the oil!! Thank you for your "Michael support" Cheryl and definitely tell your friends :) 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

It's probably not accessible to a screen reader user. Oh! well! That's par for the course. Just let me know when he's on her show.


Boltonnut from L. A. CA


I reember when she used to be a news reporter&had this talk show in Baltimore, Maryland


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