OMG.....OMG......OMG.....I can't even begin to respond!!! This is WAY TOO MUCH!!!! I think I could respond in a foreign language and I swear you all would understand!!! Let me go gather my thoughts a bit.....or maybe not ;)
(putting on oxygen mask)
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Dont worry, the purple passion wagon now comes with 'accessories'!!
Firstly, we have 'sat nav', then theres the flashy drinks holder, the neat 'underseat' storage and ofcourse, not forgetting the 'go faster' fluorescant stripes!!
Like the proverbial Brownie and Miss Greenwinter would be delighted......I'm prepared!!
Love Jennifer XXX
Oh no Jennifer....you mean there is a place for Wee One to keep her ouzo cup in? Please don't be an enabler Jennifer!!!! LOL The "go faster" stripes are exactly what we need....heaven only knows what we will leave behind. Our first stop after vacationing in Jamaica is the Oprah Show!!! I hope you have written in Jennifer!!! I can't remember if you did :/ I think you should tape over the cup holder now that I think about it!!
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Hya Kathy,
I definatley have indeed written into Oprah, several times with several different but equally valid reasons why Michael and Orrin should be on her last show.
I was perplexed howver, and thought she might have been generous enough to afford us all a personal note of thanks by return? How odd that she didnt? Cant think what else she might be doing in between recordings?Ha Ha!!
Love Jennifer XX
Hey Jennifer.....can you imagine when I or someone here gets wind that there will be a show with Michael on??!!!!! Oh girl...it will be like the world starting anew!!! And we all will have done it!!!! OMG!!!! I am still keeping my fingers crossed. Like I said....she will be on the air until Sept. 2011 and that is a lot of shows :) So glad that you did write in. I simply can't remember and didn't go back and read the beginning of the thread. If I hear ANYTHING about the show this forum will be the FIRST to know!!! I am certain Oprah likes your last name....lol!!
drive slowly and safely ;).....
Hi Everyone,
Sylvie, you know that ouzo is strong but I do still keep putting it in my mouth - I haven't started using it as eye drops, YET !!!!!!!!! lol. Oh boy, Sylvie - I didn't half laugh when I read that one - knocking over the pieces - I need oxygen like Kathy!
But I tell you something - hey TEAM - that Jamaica sounds good - and Helena - definitely - ORRIN and the MAGNIFICENT SEVEN - oh, I wish we we could tell him that one - I'm sure that would kill him - not literally but with laughter !!!! Mind you, heaven alone knows what would happen when we all got there (my font has changed - somebody tell me how I managed that - oh, no, it was that ouzo again - going always blame it on that from now on - maybe I had better not - folks will think I have a drink problem !!!!! - don't want to start a rumouir !!!!!)
Now Kathy, start at the very top - you will catch up - you have just been away for a wee while - you see the Magnificient Seven are made up of : Jennifer : Sylvie : me : Robin : Juliet : Helena : and YOU, and Orrin is taking us all to Jamaica for a wee holiday - there is only ONE snag - nobody has told him yet !!!!!!!!!!! I think it is a brilliant idea, I really do !!!!!!!!! - and that Jamaican rum - WOW - that knocks your socks off let alone your eyes !!!!!!!!!! lol.
I am away for my wee cup of tea and then I'm going to get another message off to Oprah - here, just thought - why don't we suggest she gets the BROTHERS on her show - that would be quite a coup for her - wouldn't it - especially them singing together - away to put that in right now !!!!!!!!!
See you later TEAM - DARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hi Everyone,
OMG Jennifer, you are going to look FANTASTIC in Jamaica - WOW - can you just see all that colour - and hey, if you have sat nav - no problem getting round the island - right - when are we all going - after Oprah as Sylvie suggested - Orrin will need a holiday after that because I have submitted my "WEE" note to Oprah - took it down in shorthand so here goes - it's underneath -
"You know I want, and so do millions of others, Michael Bolton on your show - but, to put the icing on the cake - why do you not also invite, at the same time, his brother Orrin - what a COUP ! The two of them singing together - WOW ! Orrin has just released a new album entitled "Liv'n Like A Man" - you've got to hear it - it is great !!!! They have sung together before so I am pretty certain they would do it for YOU - you can't resist that - surely Oprah - two Bolton's singing to you at the same time - oh come on - that is a dream for ANY GIRL!!!!!! Sylvia. Your EVER HOPEFUL wee Scottish friend."
Does anyone think there is anything else I should have said - I'll be sending in another request - WHY DON'T ALL OF YOU !!!!!! Kathy has already submitted about 600 - I've got a long way to go !!!!!!!!!!! lol.
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
My dear beautifully crazy Sylvia, why didn’t I think it was the ouzo you were using as eye-drops? ROTFL You are too much! Lol Nah Sylvia, we don’t think you have a drinking problem: it’s just that the side effects from your homemade brew can be a little lingering… :D Oh Sylvia, I always need a box of tissues when I read your messages, but this time for another reason… Sweetie, thank you so much for including Orrin in your request to Oprah, you have no idea how much it would mean to me to hear the brothers perform together… I’ll get another message off to Oprah to support your request. I loved your message and mentioning OB’s CD was a nice touch: wish I’d thought of it before you posted it! :D That would be so perfect! Again, thank you so much! Take good care of yourself nutty girl and let’s go Team-Dare! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Team-Dare, I needed to share that I am extremely proud of myself: without delay, I’ve sent another message off to Oprah, supported Sylvia’s request about OB and did it in one try! Oh and I did throw in I was friends with Kathy and Sylvia for good measure! Lol Thanks for indulging me guys, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Honestly Miss Solver I think Wee One does put wee drops of ouzo in her eyes!! LOL LOL LOL
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Oh my Sylvie...you have done it now. All point bulletins will be out in Chicago declaring a must report message stating that if one sees the 3 Miketeers please call the police immediately!! They are not armed but can be dangerous....especially if they are trying to think!! LOL LOL
Kathy and LAFD Bob
OMG Kathy, you’ve got that right: Sylvia is certainly dangerous when she’s trying to think and I can’t guarantee anything when you and I are trying to make sense of what she’s saying! J Glad you’re enjoying catching up Kathy, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
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