Hi fans....I just got a great idea which sprang from Michael's beautiful rendition of Sweet Home Chicago. Let's petition to get Michael on the Oprah Show for her final season. I am sure most of you remember him appearing on her show and singing her all time favorite...White Christmas. Well.....let's do it again! What a hoot it would be to FILL Oprah's studio with all of Michael's die hard fans from this forum and beyond! Of course we love Oprah also :) What a great time would be had by all. All you have to do is go to Oprah.com and scroll down to where it says...who do you want to see on the shows final year. I have already written to her and warned her that loads of Michael Bolton fans will be writing in requests. So let's go everyone...fill out a request and keep our fingers crossed!!

Kathy and LAFd Bob 

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Ok my dearest Wee-est friend....PLEASE stop typing for 5 seconds!!! I hope you are in bed ...I think I can see some ouzo dribbling from your chin while you are half on your bed and one leg on your computer seat and your head slightly on your pillow while one hand is trying to find a BUTTON...oh no....not that one!!! You bad bad girl!!! LOL LOL You could go blind pushing that button....oh never mind...OMG....that explains everything!! LOL LOL Are you following me? Now that you are sleeping I will try to ANSWER all the above comments!! 

I love your Oprah letter and I hope you continue writing. I hope she enjoys her ride with the Confusion Illusion or else she will report you as a cyber stalker!! LOL 

If you push any buttons on Jennifer's chair....oh I don't even want to consider the scenario!!! LOL

Please everyone send in more requests to Oprah also. Let's make a scene ;) Wee One I have sent 632.....catch me if you can!!

Off to more replies....

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Have many empty kleenex boxes Juliet???? The Wee One has struck again!!! Stay tuned :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Wee One I am sending you to Ouzo Anonymous!!!! What rumor? Only the truth here and the whole truth!! lol Your pillow case is stained with dribblings of ouzo!!! Duck...I just threw you my oxygen mask!!! Your font changed because you pushed a button...again...some button!!! Maybe Button Anonymous also!! LOL I got the Mag 7 down....love it!!!! I think we need a caboose...MICHAEL!!!!

Thanks again for the extra writings to Oprah even though i am certain you have thoroughly confused her your illusive illusions and Scottish Speak!!! She will undoubtedly offer to pay for your therapy!!! LOL

sweet dreams Wee One :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Hi Miss Solver :) The puzzle example sounds like our BRAINS at this point!! Let's see....we can make it to Jamaica and be back in time for the Oprah Show!!! I honestly can't go with the Mag 7 though unless we bring the caboose...Michael :) Don't you all agree?  Nothing like saving the best for last!!! 

Everyone raise your right hand and repeat after me....I solemnly swear to write requests to Oprah pleading to have Michael on her show until she relents!!! Well done all!!

On a serious note...thanks for the RP explanation Sylvie. Education is the only way for enlightenment!!! 

goodnight mahn!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Wee One....my eyes REALLY do look like swiss cheese after reading your commentary!!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Disneyland? Coming out? Oh no Helena...sounds like the Confusion Illusion of the Wee one has struck upon you!!! Ask her to help you out here!!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

LOL!!!!  :)

Well that's great Sylvie....I'm proud of you too!!  Now let me run off and watch some video's on You tube.....


Later Alligator's!


Hi all! Jennifer I too have written Oprah 5 or 6 times and I wonder why has she. Not at least let one of us know what her thoughts were on having Michael on the show. How great it would it would be to have him on now. I've given her so many different reasons! She has had him on so many times through the years. And Orrin was on once with Michael! I really had hoped we would have heard something! I would have absolutely loved seeing on her show again!! I would have been ther with everyone! Love Eileen. Xoxoxoxo

Hi Eileen,


Thanks for letting us know you have supported the CAUSE - Oprah probably hasn't responded yet as she wants to see what depths we will go to to encourage her to say YES - I'm just going back on to put in some more and that vow that Kathy made us all make - I'm telling her that is going before Congress to become part of the Constitution - yeh, Kathy, I'm back on that darn Constitution again  !  Now Eileen, Kathy has put in 632 requests - we've got some catching up to do - she is probably up at 650 by now because she'll have been up for about four hours or so  - puts in 20 at least whilst having her breakfast !!!!!! lol.

I'm away to start thinking - and that can be dangerous - they call out the cops in Chicago when I start to think !!!!!!!!    lol.


Sylvia.     Wee Scottish friend.



Hi Eileen and Sylvia......well my co-horts have been hard at work!!! Very appreciated my dear team members!! What depths eh??? Don't get me started. i just thought of ANOTHER Bolton story and need to return to Miss Oprah and kindly inform her :) I now go out in disguise....mind you...you all might consider doing the same. Oprah security might have infiltrated this site!!!!  LOL Fortunately for me...I only look like a silhouette on this forum..LOL I always try to look ahead...get it Sylvia?...a head!!! Oh forget it Wee One!!!

Keep writing...

Kathy and LAFd Bob 

My Wee Scottish Friend! We will do whatever it takes to get Lady O ! Am on the team and will keep on writing to her! I better get going cause it will take a lot to get caught up to Karhy! But I will. Work on it I promise you all!! Our. Michael on the Oprah shown it our goal. And I'm determined!! Just as all of you! Sylvia you keep on thinking drastic measures sometimes called for!LOL ! Be in touch soon! Love Eileen xoxoxo


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