Hi fans....I just got a great idea which sprang from Michael's beautiful rendition of Sweet Home Chicago. Let's petition to get Michael on the Oprah Show for her final season. I am sure most of you remember him appearing on her show and singing her all time favorite...White Christmas. Well.....let's do it again! What a hoot it would be to FILL Oprah's studio with all of Michael's die hard fans from this forum and beyond! Of course we love Oprah also :) What a great time would be had by all. All you have to do is go to Oprah.com and scroll down to where it says...who do you want to see on the shows final year. I have already written to her and warned her that loads of Michael Bolton fans will be writing in requests. So let's go everyone...fill out a request and keep our fingers crossed!!

Kathy and LAFd Bob 

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Very true Sylvie. I wrote Oprah that most of us are around the same age as she is (no offense to the younger fans ;)) and we could ALL rock out with Michael...so please give us that chance!!! Everyone's personal stories will be perfect!! Crossing everything...sure makes it hard to type!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob
Perfect Amber!!! I encourage everyone to continue to write at Oprah's site and inundate her with the most loving stories that we dedicated fans have experienced all at the generosity of our man Michael!!! I will continue to write because I could NOT fit my admiration and personal stories about Michael in one email!! Impossible!!! SO thanks Amber...we can do it!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob
Ok Kathy, I filled one in for Oprah and my wish to see him on there.and a small story..now if he does, hopefully she will give us a chance to fill the audience..I am willing to drive up there!!!! Thanks for the idea..and Sharon thanks for sharing the link to it...
Ditto, Same here, put in my request and briefly shared my story too. See what happens.. I would fall off my chair if we got to be there, but never know!!! It's a great idea to just HAVE HIM on the show..would love to see that!!
Robin :)
Hey Robin...I have had more fall off the chair stories with Michael than I ever thought possible. One comes to my mind because i just wrote about it to Oprah. And that was when I serenaded Michael on the Howie Mandel show with HAISTLWY!!! Now girl...lets do Oprah...I know we can do it!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob
I remember that Kathy...what a great show that was!!!LOL
OMG Gail....I don't know how I stood on my 2 feet through that show. That was unbelievable!!! Too much fun and tons of memories!!!! I sooooo hope this Oprah adventure works out!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob
Thanks Kerie....oh yes all us fans will hit the highway at the same time!!! Move out of our way!!! LOL I am soooooo hoping this happens. Let's all think positive and send more stories and spread the word!! I am definitely hoping she will do a show where she fills the audience with ONLY fans of the given guest. That is why I am asking everyone to share their heart felt stories and make it very special and personable so Oprah will want to do such a moving show. Positive vibes out there!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob
I don't watch Oprah since I work, but it's a great idea!!

Can we get Michael on Rachael Ray while we're at it? Don't see her morning show either, but did see Barry Manilow on her show via his web site. Watch her sometimes on Food Network and QVC.....

Helena where do you live? I am in California but I definitely will travel to Chicago to see Michael on Oprah if she manages to fill the audience with all of us!!! Since Oprah asked who we wanted to see I thought it would be a perfect campaign to get him om the show. Especially if we get loads of requests from all his fans!!! Thanks for helping!

Kathy and LAFD Bob
I live in New York. I wrote to Oprah and asked to get Michael on her show. Don't know if I'll go to the show, but placed my request to help Michael out!

I went to the site and sent the email. Hope it works but with his schedule, this will not be easy to pull off. Nevertheless, its not impossible.


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