Hello everyone,


many of us love this song. Why does Michael never sing this song live at his concerts? Can anybody tell me?

Is there anybody on this forum who have heard this song singing live by him?



There are so many beautiful ballads Michael never sings. I just ask why?




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good question?



I don't know!

maybe: fear to risk!?

for example : a new song like "invisible tattoo" is  fantastic and romantic! the right one for a concert!



Hi Ivana, someone who saw Michael in '95 could verify, but I think he might have sung it during the "Greatest hits " tour. We wish he'd sing all our favorite songs, but he has to make a choice. Love that version of "A love so beautiful"! Thanks for sharing Ivana! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canadaà

Hi Silvie,

there are so many suggestions in the topic "Songs you would like to hear at concerts" but nothing happens.

I just would like to ask Michael, if HE makes the choice or his manager or who ????

Best regards,



Hello ladies!

I heard him sing "Caruso" (by Lucio Dalla an Italian singer/songwriter) during the Xmas holidays on "Domenica In ...... Onda". A very Neapolitan song and for which I would give Michael a medal attempting to sing this extremely difficult song. It was far from perfect, as I believe he had hardly any time to rehearse. BUT in his usual suave manner he gave such a great performance concentrating on his lyrics (obviously in Neapolitan which he had in front of him). I cannot think of ANY other artist who would attempt such a feat and LIVE to boot! Grande! Grande! Grande! I really do not believe he has fear to risk ANYTHING!!

Hi Roberta, in case you want to see and hear it again:


It's been on Youtube since July 2009, I think, the first time someone posted it. There's also a video of Michael singing "When a man loves a woman" from the same show "Una notte por Caruso" on Youtube. I do love his singing in Italian... Enjoy! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Juliet is correct, Michael did indeed sing this song during the greatest hits tour.


Ivana, Michael doesnt usually read the form for himself, but asks one of his team to read certain articles on his behalf. When we were at the RAH we spoke to the man who usually gets this job.


Michaels asked him to read the thread on our oppinions on the new OWOL album and to report back to Michael with our comments. I'm not sure if this guy reads any other threads unless Michael has asked him to do so.


I have just posted this on Michaels Facebook page asking him to take a look at this thread.


"Michael, can you take a look on the forum, we have a thread in the music section listing songs we'd love to hear you sing at your concerts. We would welcome your views on our choices. Love Jennifer XXX"


I wonder if he'll take a look in here? I hope so. I'd love to hear his views on the songs we've all chosen.


Love Jennifer XXX

Hello Jennifer,

you wrote: "I'd love to hear his views on the songs we've all chosen".

My answer: "I would love to hear it too! :-)))


Do you think Michael prefers reading messages on Facebook than on this forum? If he does, so why do we publish our opinions on here? Am I wrong here? I have always thought, THIS is his forum, THIS is the right address he can speak to us on !!!


Best, Ivana


Hi Juliet, thanks for your 2 cents about Facebook, since I'm completely clueless about it. What about blogging though, do Michael's blogs appear here first? I know sometimes statements appear on Twitter first and then here. Well, the important thing is that we do get the info and hopefully, Michael does get ours. Thanks Juliet, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi again Sylvie,


Believe, maybe,  people don`t appreciate that a lot of stuff we receive is not, necessarily, through admin. but, Michael himself puts in the information, some photos that have appeared he has posted himself - now - he does that through his mobile phone where a link exists between Twitter and Facebook and that is how they appear there first - but, at the same time, in this web page, there is a blue box which shows every twitter Michael enters, whether to us or not - I, for one, always look in that box to see if he has sent any more - if so, I go straight to Facebook to read.  Now, obviously, I don`t know if Michael informs admin. by some other method that he has posted something, or again, they see in blue box - go in and move stuff from Facebook over to here - can I say, that all entries also appear on My Space at the same time - it is all linked - he is doing - what he has got to do -  reach as wide an audience as possible.

Obviously, Sylvie, that is how I see it operating but, possibly, I have got it all wrong - if I have I am pretty sure we will get responses that will let us know exactly what happens!


Sylvia.    Wee Scottish friend.

Hi Sylvia, I hadn't thought of that. I don't know if it's right, but it makes sense to me. I just didn't know that tweets were automatically updated on the main page here. Thanks! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvie,


Is this the message you expected me to reply to (a month later) it can't be - or is it ????  Well, at least, you know I am still looking for that message - I'll find it......just thinking when I read that - me- giving YOU advice about information....can I be "Sylvia the Sol" - you know - half the solver - not as good as the whole solver - just a wee, wee half !!!!!!!   :)


Sylvia.    Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Ivana,


Michael did sing this on the Greatest Hits Tour. He also released it as a b-side on the European release of Soul Provider from the Greatest Hits album, to which I have a copy.





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