Michael´s concerts in Germany are approaching quickly. Whom can I meet there?



As Michael´s concerts in the "continental Europe" (Germany, Belgium) are approaching quickly, I would like to know who is going to attend his concerts and whom can I meet there ?!?!


I am attending following concerts:

Dresden 24th June - 1st row

Stuttgart 04th July - 1st row


I am looking forward to seeing all of you soon !!! and do not forget, Michael´s arm are open wide just for us !!!!


Your Ivana from Prague





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Hi Ivana,


I will be in Dresden and in Berlin. Can't wait no longer. I hope, the time will run very fast.


Manu from Germany

Ob DAS eine gute Nachricht ist ? :-(((

Deine Ivana

Das sehe ich genauso, Gott sei Dank nicht auch noch in Dreden!!!

Liebe Grüße


Hallo Tina, super Antwort, die mich heute früh zum lauten Lachen gebracht hat !! Isch lieb disch !!!

Deine Ivana


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