"Michael's News" y su nuevo boletín electrónico - "Michael's News" and its new e-newsletter

Mensaje importante para los fans de habla hispana de Michael Bolton

Después del lanzamiento del último número en papel de nuestro boletín, ha llegado la hora de anunciar la salida del número cero del nuevo boletín electrónico de Michael's News, el boletín oficial de Michael Bolton para fans de habla hispana.

Ese primer número está ya en el horno, y llegará a vuestras bandejas de correo electrónico antes de finales de este mes de febrero. Después, en abril, retomaremos nuestra periodicidad habitual, cada tres meses. La suscripción antigua, la que era necesaria para el boletín en papel, y por la que había que abonar una pequeña cuota en concepto de copias y envíos, ya es historia.

La suscripción al nuevo boletín electrónico es completamente GRATIS. Para suscribirte, sólo tienes que visitar nuestra web o enviarnos un email (mnspain@yahoo.com) con tu nombre, país y dirección de email en la que quieres recibir el boletín.

Muchas gracias a todos por vuestra paciencia en el proceso de renovación de "Michael's news".

Para cualquier consulta, no dudéis en poneros en contacto con nosotros. Un saludo,



Michael's News





After the release of latest issue of our newsletter on paper, it's time to announce the release of the number zero of the new electronic newsletter from Michael's News, the official newsletter for MB Spanish speakers’ fans all over the world. That first number is already in the oven, and will come to your mail inboxes by the end of this February. Then, in April, we will go out with our normal periodicity, every three months. The old subscription, necessary for the newsletter on paper, when was neccesary to pay a small fee in concept of copying and mailing, is history. The new e-newsletter subscription is FREE.

To make the subscription, visit our website or send an email with your name, country and email to mnspain@yahoo.com

Thank you very much everyone for your patience. For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. Warm regards,



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Very, Very well done to you Pilar.

I might just sign up myself as I often pop over to your page for a quick look around.


Have you seen the post about the first ever MB UK fan receptiion in off topic?

It would be amazing if you and Rocio could come.


It would be great if you could advertise it on your site and in your newsletter for us Pilar.

Love Jennifer XX

Thanks, Jenn!!!

Of course, I saw it and it will be announced there!!!! Coun on that!!!!


Not sure about September now, will let you know ASAP!!!




Hi, Pilar

At last, I can wait to see the boletin with this

new presentation, ah!!!!!!!!! without $........LOL!

Thanks a lot !!!

Take care





Pilar, thank you so much for doing this.  Your newsletter has been fantastic over the years and now even more Spanish speaking fans can enjoy it.  I appreciate so much that you do this for Michael's fans and I know directly how much he appreciates it as well. Gail



Thanks so much!!!!! It's a pleasure, and in fact, it's an obligation, to make something to spread what MB is and to give back to him only a small part of what he gives us!!!


Pilar ,this is georgeous!It must have been so much work  to get this advanced cube and every link you click on working.This is really,really helpful.Angelica
Thanks Angelica!!!

Thank you so much Pilar.


I am praying that you will be able to come to London in september. I would love to see both you and Rocio again.


Love Jennifer XX

Muchas gracias a todos los que ya os estáis suscribiendo... no hay fecha límite, animad a otros fans que conozcais.


Aunque lo anunciaremos en todos los números, si tenéis alguna foto especial de Michael que queréis que sea publicada en el boletín, o alguna historia bonita relacionada con Michael Bolton y su música, podéis enviarnoslas también para que salgan en los próximos números de "Michael's News", como hemos hecho con otras fotos e historias en el pasado. Enviadlas a mnspain@yahoo.com. Gracias.



Thank you very much for the emails that are coming for the subscriptions  ... There is no deadline, encourage other fans to do it too!!

Although we will announce it in every issue, if you have any special picture of Michael that you want to be published in the newsletter, or a nice story connected with Michael Bolton and his music, you can send them also to be published in "Michael's News", as we have always done with photos and  stories in the past. Send them to mnspain@yahoo.com. Thanks.

PS: They can be written in English, we will translate them.





Ya salió el primer número. First issue out!

Hi, Pilar

Thank you so much !!! Very good magazine

as always....

Take care



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